A Glimpse One: Jongdae Kim Smooth Talker Extraordinare

Coffee, Cake, and Just a Little Lovin'

Title: Jongdae Kim Smooth Talker Extraordinare

Pairing: Jonganya (But not really because Jongdae fails)

Word count: 902

Rating: PG-15

“Welcome to Grind! Our drink of the day is our Superb Strawberry Mango Smoothie. Made with real strawberries and mangoes. How may I help you today?” Jongdae smiled that charming smile of his (the one that helped him find more than enough company on lonely nights in high school) and waited for the customer to tell him what she wanted. It was an elderly woman who looked to be having trouble reading the board (even though she had on glasses with lens that were thicker than the glass the filled the windows in the store) and her back was hunched as she leaned on her cane.


“The strawberry banana smoothie you recommended sounds delightful.” She smiled at the young man and he didn’t have the heart to correct her so he just typed the order into the register before telling the woman that her drink would be ready shortly (I’ll even bring it to your table for you!).


It was nearing closing time and the day had been fairly slow, (not including the eight to ten morning rush because it will never be slow during that time and the workers have already accepted that fate) for which Jongdae was thankful because thanks to Chanyeol he had stayed up all night playing League of Legends and he should have known better because it’s already hard enough getting up at six as is.


He walked towards the blender ready to make the sweet old woman’s drink when a voice interrupted him.


“Jongdae.” The young man had half a mind to pretend he didn’t hear his name being called but that’s kind of hard to do when the person saying it is standing so close you can smell their Marc Jacobs Daisy perfume and Jongdae really couldn’t take it.


He turned around and looked at the woman who had become the star of so many of his fantasies that if she ever found out she would probably have him arrested. “Yes?” Did his voice just crack. Come on Jongdae, get it together.


“Jessica just called and said she wouldn’t be able to come in tomorrow, I was wondering if you could cover her shift? It’ll just be you, me, and Sehun closing. I know you just worked a double today and I totally understand if you’re busy or want to relax or-”


“Of course I can come in!” Jongdae cut her off and he wanted to go die in a hole because he sounded way too excited to be working and he could have sworn he heard a snort coming from one of the other registers (ing Kyungsoo). If only he could tell her that he just wanted to spend more time with her because he really liked watching her walk around in a white button up and her laugh sounded like angels singing and all he wanted to do was maybe take her to the movies or something.


“That’s awesome. You’re the best. I totally owe you one.” She smiled at him before going through the swinging door that led to the back of the store. Finally, Jongdae could breathe again.

‘I can think of a few ways you could repay me, why don’t you let me take you out?’ In his head Jongdae is a smooth talking Casanova, too bad in real life he is kind of a bumbling idiot when it comes to the current object of his affections.

Jongdae was never the type of person to pine after a girl. In high school it was the other way around. Of, course in high school he was surrounded by teenagers who just wanted to say that they got ed by Jongdae Kim, the handsome Korean guy who could sing like R. Kelly.

But, Tanya, she was a woman. She was smart, funny, and kind of responsible but not really because she let everyone take way too many drinks and cakes home and if Hyukjae found out he would flip his . (But, he’s one to talk, Jongdae thinks, because lately he’s been taking Tasha home anything and everything.)

“That was so hard to watch.” Kyungsoo walked over right when Jongdae began preparing the ingredients to make the old woman’s smoothie and she was probably dying of thirst right now. Or just dying because she’s old enough to have been tight with a few cavemen and maybe someone should go check on her.

Jongdae would have ignored the little jab, but he’s Jongdae and he doesn’t just let stuff slide so instead he says, “How has your hand been treating you these past couple of weeks?”

“Very well, thanks.” And Jongdae smiles at the edge to Kyungsoo’s voice. “But this isn’t about me. When are you going to grow some balls and ask Tanya on a date.?” Jongdae frowns.

“When are you going to start minding your business?” Jongdae turns on the blender mixing the fruits into a frosty pink beverage hoping to drown out the voice of his co-worker.

Kyungsoo sighs, “When a person is subject to such a degree of secondhand embarrassment, they make it their business.”

And Jongdae didn’t want to admit that Kyungsoo was right so instead he pours the smoothie into a plastic cup and walks it out to the old woman because he really doesn’t feel like dealing with Kyungsoo’s right now and he really wanted to make sure the poor old woman didn’t croak.


At first I was like Kyungsoo is so OC what the am I doing. But then I remembered,



Yeah, he's probs a real Mc. Still y af, tho.

And, Chen actually has a lot of game. He's just slowly reeling Tanya in. Yeah. Because I mean really,




Perfect Kim ing Jong ing Dae.

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Chapter 4: Omg i'm getting teary eyed!! I feel u gull. And please the pics/gifs are killing me!! >___< He is ing perf.
ambw_girl3134 #2
Chapter 6: Omg please update
katsunotsubasa #3
Best fic I've read in a long time! I love how all the characters are portrayed too. Thank you for sharing this!
Chapter 3: This is so good I can't wait for Chanyeol!! I'm in total love-lust with him
Chapter 2: Those gifs. Lol. I think Kyungsoo is a little jerk every since I saw him laughing at someones singing. I fuggin love him for the shade he threw.