Rewind One: BFFs and Traitors

Coffee, Cake, and Just a Little Lovin'

Title: BFFs and Traitors

Paring: Jongelle (Danielle NOT Janelle guys, omg)

Word count: 1491

Rating: PG-15


He's not my bias, but seriously. This guy. 


“So, I got the job.” Jongin says, stuffing his face with the fries on Sehun’s tray.


Sehun rolls his eyes, “I knew you would. It’s Grind not Google.”


Jongin chuckles before glancing around the cafeteria. The chatter was full of excitement as the day of the Senior’s graduation was nearing and Jongin couldn’t help but feel proud of the fact that he actually ing did it. He was going to graduate high school, finally.


“Yeah, I work on Saturday.” He grabs another fry, “With someone named Tanya, I think.”


Sehun nods, “She’s the youngest manager. I actually don’t even know how she got that job because she does nothing but give away food.” He shrugs, “I think her and the owners are longtime friends or something.”


Jongin hums before smirking at his friend, “Are there any cuties?”


At this Sehun’s ears turn red and Jongin wonders what he isn’t telling him, “Yeah, a few.”


“Anyone I should keep away from?” Jongin eyes Sehun as he bites the inside of his lip.


Sehun sighs, “There’s this one girl-”


“I knew it! What the , Sehun! Why didn’t you tell me?” Jongin reaches across the table and punches his friend in the shoulder. “I knew something was weird when you chose work over going to Ride and Skate.” R&S was their favorite place on the planet.


Sehun rubs the spot where he was hit, “It’s nothing, dude. I just think she’s cute.”


“Have you talked to her? What’s her name?” Jongin grabs a few more of Sehun’s fries.


“Just take them,” Sehun pushes his tray towards Jongin, “and of course I’ve talked to her. We do work together. Her name is Serena.” Jongin noticed the small smile on his friend’s face when he said the name.


The dark haired male just hums in response. “I can’t wait to meet her. I’m sure we’d have a lot to talk about.”


“Jongin. Don’t be a .”


Jongin laughed, “I was just going to tell her how amazing you are,” he paused as he chewed on another fry and wow were they always this good? “and maybe mention that you cry during the Lion King.”


“He watched his dad die. That is some sad . you, dude.” Sehun glared at his best friend.


“Love you too, Sehun.”




Jongin realized that waking up at 6:00am on a Saturday is not the same as doing so on a weekday. It’s like his body was programmed to think what the as he was waking up on Saturday. He hit snooze on his alarm clock three times and by the time he finally woke up it was 6:30 and he had to be at Grind by 7:00 and how is he ing this up already.


He hopped out the bed and rushed to the bathroom. He stubbed his toe along the way and he’s pretty sure he woke up his parents as he rummaged through the medicine cabinet for his toothpaste. He opted out of a shower and instead sprayed a little more cologne than usual before throwing on the uniform shirt he received the last time he was at the shop. Jongin threw on his only pair of black pants and his beat up vans. He rushed downstairs before grabbing his keys and a banana from the kitchen.


He made it to Grind with three minutes to spare and he mentally gave himself a pat on the back for not being late and not dying or getting pulled over because he’s pretty sure he ran every stop sign on his way here. The store was still closed and when he walked in there were two other people in the front. A boy and a girl that he recognized from the day of his interview.


“Yo!” A tall guy with big ears walked through the door that led to the back of the store. His voice was loud and he had half an apple cinnamon muffin in his hand, “New guy!” He turned towards the door he just came through, “Tanya the new guy is here!”


Jongin wondered why he was yelling, but judging by the lack of reaction that the two other people had he assumed it was a normal thing.


“Be out in a sec!” Tanya yelled in response.


Jongin made his way to the counter and stood (awkwardly) as he waited for Tanya to come tell him what to do.


“Hi, I’m Janelle.” A voice sounded to his right and he turned to see the girl that he had seen when he first walked in was waving at him. She was pretty, he had to admit. He noticed the sincerity in her smile and the way her eyes sort of twinkled and he wondered if she was real. He also noticed the arm that the guy next to her had thrown around her waist and he knew that she was probably off limits.


He waved back with a small smile, “Jongin.”


The man next to Janelle stuck his hand out, “Yixing. You look young.”


“Oh, I’m a senior in high school. I graduate in two weeks with Sehun Oh. I don’t know if you know him.” Jongin liked these two. They seemed friendly and they’re normal vocal volume wasn’t screaming like the village was under attack.


“Oh! Sehun! Yeah, we know him.” Speaking of screaming, the tall guy walked over and stuck his hand out for Jongin to shake. “Chanyeol Park. You’re Korean, right?”


Jongin grabbed his hand, “Yeah, Jongin Kim.”


“That’s cool. The owner of this place is Korean. He really likes it if we use honorifics with him. We usually don’t, but if you ever want to make him happy.” Chanyeol laughed and Jongin found himself smiling as well.


The bell above the door chimed.


“Hey, guys.”


Jongin isn’t a romantic. Far from it actually. He’s more of a one night stand kind of guy. He’s had a total of two girlfriends and one of them was when he was in kindergarten and they broke up after naptime because she refused to give her cookies to him. The other girl was during his junior year in high school and he found out she cheated on him with the quarterback of the football team. He didn’t make a big deal about it because they had only been together because they’re friends hooked them up (not to mention the fact that the quarterback could have beat the out of Jongin with an arm tied behind his back).


So yeah, Jongin doesn’t believe at love at first sight or soulmates or anything of the sort, however, the teenager had to admit that the sound of the voice behind him caused his heart rate to increase and their must have been butterflies in that banana he ate this morning because they were having a soiree in his stomach.


He turned around to see a girl carrying a large Dunkin Donuts coffee and he would have laughed out loud if it wasn’t for the way her face seemed to glow and uniform top fit her kind of perfectly and was it legal for someone to look that good in black pants?


“Traitor!” Chanyeol pointed an accusing finger at the cup in her hands. “How dare you?”


She rolled her eyes, “When your sister and her husband are the owners and they constantly bring Grind cookies and coffee home, one grows tired of it.” She took a sip of the drink for emphasis before letting out a contented sigh, “I needed a change.”


“Ignore him, Danielle.” Janelle spoke up from her spot next to Yixing.


Chanyeol pouted before turning to Jongin, “Jongin, do you see how they treat me. I hope you can be a friend rather than a foe. I have enough of those.”


Jongin laughed, “I’ll try.”


“Oh, Jongin. You’re the new guy.” Danielle walked over to stand next to him, “I’m Danielle. I think we’re the same age. Thank goodness, I’m so tired of working the morning shift with these,” she paused before leaning in and Jongin sort of stopped breathing and he really should have showered this morning, “old people.” She stage whispered.


There were various offended noises coming from the other three, but Jongin kind of tuned them out and instead focused on the way Danielle leaned against the counter as she took a sips of her coffee.


“Okay, I’m here. I’m here.” The door that led to the back of the store opened and a woman with a mass of curls pulled into a bun on top of her head sauntered out.


“It’s about time,” Chanyeol scoffed, “what were you even doing?”


Tanya pulled at one of the curls on her head, “Tetris.”

Chanyeol burst out laughing and Yixing and Janelle playfully rolled their eyes. Danielle laughed softly and Jongin began to think that getting up at 6:00am on a Saturday wasn’t so bad after all.


Runs and hides because I haven't updated since August. Omg, I am so sorry guys. Turns out going to college acutally takes time out of life. No one prepared me for that and I kind of want to write a strongly worded letter. 

Luckily, I am on winter break now. So, I have all the time in the world because I literally have nothing to do. This is my life guys. 

On another note ...




These two were so adorable! Like, if they aren't true BFFs I no longer know the meaning of that acronym. 


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Chapter 4: Omg i'm getting teary eyed!! I feel u gull. And please the pics/gifs are killing me!! >___< He is ing perf.
ambw_girl3134 #2
Chapter 6: Omg please update
katsunotsubasa #3
Best fic I've read in a long time! I love how all the characters are portrayed too. Thank you for sharing this!
Chapter 3: This is so good I can't wait for Chanyeol!! I'm in total love-lust with him
Chapter 2: Those gifs. Lol. I think Kyungsoo is a little jerk every since I saw him laughing at someones singing. I fuggin love him for the shade he threw.