A day out

A trip to Neverland



You woke up the next morning and found three lost boys asleep in your room. Chanyeol was asleep to your right and from what you could tell, you had fallen asleep on him. As you tried to sit up you found Baekhyun fast asleep at the foot of your bed. You smiled and slowly climbed out of your bed, trying your hardest not to wake the guys. As you walked to your door you saw Suho fast asleep in your chair in the corner. You fetched a blanket and covered him up. Turning to look at the guys you smiled and walked out of the door and downstairs. The guys suddenly woke up to the smell of your sweet waffles.

“Waffles” Chanyeol exclaimed as he hopped out of your bed and ran down the stairs. Baekhyun smiled and ran after him. Suho grinned as he joined the two of them.  

“Annyeong Tink!” Chanyeol and Baekhyun chorused. You turned and smiled at them.

“Annyeong guys. I’m almost done. By the way, where’s Sehun?” You questioned. The guys shrugged. As if on cue Sehun walked through the front door. You looked at him and notice his lip was busted and he had a few bruises. You and the guys dropped everything and ran toward him.

“Sehun! What happened!” you exclaimed as you grabbed his face and looked at the busted lip. The guys were all in shock.

“Who did this to you?” Chanyeol snapped, angry. The younger boy shook his head.

“No one did anything. I....fell on the street and it busted.” He mumbled as he snatched his face out of your hand. Neither you nor the guys believed him but you could tell by the look on his face that he wasn’t telling the truth. Kai stood at the top of the stairs watching all of you.

‘Why are you lying?’ He thought with a worried look on his face as he looked at Sehun and walked back into his room.

“Sehun...” You mumbled with a concerned look on your face. He looked at you and smiled a bit. Grabbing your arm he pulled you in tight.

“Don’t worry tink. I’m fine.” He assured. You shook your head and pushed him back. He looked at you, confused. You walked into the kitchen, grabbed an ice pack, wrapped it in a towel and brought it to him. Stopping inches in front of him, you put it on his lip. His face filled with pain as he grabbed it from you and winced a bit.

“Hold that on your lip to help the swelling go away.” You pointed out as you led him to the couch. He sat down as the guys and you joined him. He looked at you and knew you were worried. You looked exhausted from yesterday and wore out and he knew he wasn’t making it any better coming home all beat up. He sighed and gave you a slight smile. You looked at him and tilted your head.

“What’s so funny?” you asked. He looked at you and shook his head.

“You need a day out Tink.” He stated looking at the guys with a grin on his face. They looked at him and then at you.

“Yeah, let’s go down to the arcade and for ice cream tink.” Baekhyun pointed out. You looked at the guys and then back at Sehun, shaking your head.

“I’m not going anywhere! You’re hurt! I can’t leave you like that!” You yelled a bit. He smiled and grabbed your hands making you look at him. You could tell by the look in his eyes that he was more worried about you than he was about himself.

“Don’t worry about me tink. I’ll be fine. I’ll go upstairs, take a shower and go to bed.” He pointed out with a smile on his face. You shook your head. You refused to leave him the way he was.

“Tink...please. Go have some fun. You deserve it.” He finished. You looked at him and knew he wouldn’t be satisfied unless you went out with the guys for a day. You finally gave in and agreed.

“But I will be back in a few hours!” You snapped as you pointed at him. You glared at the guys as you got up and went upstairs to get ready.

“Well, she seems happy.” Baekhyun stated.

“I’ll fix her coffee” Chanyeol pointed out as he ran to the kitchen and the coffee machine. Suho sat down on the couch next to Sehun and grabbed his face. He closely examined his lip and the bruises.

“You didn’t fall, did you?” He whispered only loud enough for Sehun to hear him. He looked at Suho and shook his head slightly. By the look on his face Suho knew he wouldn’t tell him the complete story.

“Go to your room, take a shower and go to bed like you promised.” Suho pointed out. He nodded as he got up and just as he was about to walk up the stairs, you walked down. The guys looked at you, wide eyed.

“This okay?” You asked. You were wearing a pair of shorts, a t shirt that said ‘Let’s play’ on the front, a snapback with your hair down and curled up, and a pair of sneakers.

“Uh huh” Chanyeol nodded. Sehun and the rest of the guys were speechless.

“Let’s go then. Sehun, go.” You commanded as you walked towards him. He looked you up and down and blushed a little as he looked down trying to hide it.

“Tink! I didn’t know you could look that good!” Chanyeol teased, handing you your coffee. You walked over to him and playfully punched him in the shoulder.

“Hey!” You shot back at him and snatched it out of his hand. He smiled and walked toward the door.

“So, to the arcade then?” He asked as he opened the door. The rest of you nodded and walked toward the door. You ran toward Sehun and hugged him tight.

“I’ll be back in a few. Make sure to keep that ice on your lip, araso?” You smiled as you took off after the guys.

‘You deserve a day off tink....’ Sehun had a slight smile as he watched you guys leave. After you were gone he went upstairs and did as he was told. You and the guys arrived at the arcade a few minutes later and the first game you ran too was Dance Dance Revolution. You looked back and waved at Chanyeol.

“Come on! Play with me!” you whined a bit. He smiled and ran toward you, stepping on the other side. Suho and Baekhyun walked over and watched.

“You really think you can beat me?” he asked a bit cocky.

“Nope. I know I can!” You assured as the game started.You knew Chanyeol couldn’t dance, which is why you picked him to play with you. Looking at the screen you only got perfects with an occasional good every now and then.Chanyeol struggled to keep up and ultimately lost to you.

“Tink...you’re good!” he said, trying to catch his breath. You grinned and stuck out your tongue at him.

“Told ya I’d win” You boasted a bit. He looked at you and laughed. The guys were surprised at how well you could dance.

“Where did you learn how to dance like that?” Suho asked. You shrugged.

“Guess I just sorta know.” You grinned. You grabbed Baekhyun’s hand and drug him off to a racing game. Baekhyun won and you pouted in defeat. Suho came over and you immediately walked over to a shooting game with him. You won that one. Two out of three was good enough for you so you took off and played a few games on your own. The guys had their own little competitions and after a few hours of wins and losses the four of you decided it was time to go. You stopped at the ice cream shop and went inside. You looked at the table across the room and remembered when you ran into G Dragon.

‘Don’t worry about it....yami’  Those words ran through your head as you stared at that table for a few minutes. You still had no clue how he knew your name.

‘Tink! You coming?” Baekhyun yelled from the table they were sitting on. You snapped out of it and looked at them and nodded as you joined them. They four of you sat down and joked around for a bit before making your way back home. As you arrived back at the house you found Sehun asleep on the couch. He was wearing a new set of clothes so you assumed that he had at least taken a shower.

“I’ll wake him up” Suho suggested but you shook your head and smiled. Grabbing a blanket you sat down beside him and leaned against him. Half asleep he put his arm around you and smiled. The guys grinned and Baekhyun ran upstairs to get your bear and a few blankets. He came back downstairs and handing each of them a blanket. Baekhyun grabbed his blanket and claimed the seat next to you as he handed you your bear. Chanyeol laid down on the other couch and Suho ended up in the recliner, again. You looked up and around the room as each of the guys started to drift off and you couldn’t help but smile at them. You cuddled up into Sehun and looked up at him a bit worried.

‘Well, at least his lip is swelling down’  You though as you examined his face for a minute.

‘I’m really stuck with this bunch huh? My lost boys...what am I going to do with them?’ You asked yourself as you giggled, looking back at them. Each of them, even Sehun had fallen fast asleep with a huge smile on their face. You hugged your bear tight and smiled, drifting off into your own little dream world.

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bigbang2ne1fans #1
Chapter 27: update please
higuys808 #2
awesome so far!
midnight-writer97 #3
Chapter 21: Cool chapter! Hope you'll be updating soon again, because this Story is really, really addictive! ^^
Chapter 18: OH M GEE!!!!!!! i come back a while later to find so many newer chapters? yeeeeeeeeeesss!!!! thanks for the updates!!!! :D
axenishere55 #5
Chapter 14: This is pretty good :)It sounds like G-Dragon's the bad guy here. Looking forward for more!
midnight-writer97 #6
Chapter 10: Omo! Your story is soooo amazing!!!! Please, please update!! :)