The Dragon and the Fairy

A trip to Neverland

A few days had passed and you were still fast asleep. The guys had came by every day to visit while that guy came every night. It wasn’t until the Fourth night that you finally woke up. You opened your eyes a bit and looked at the chair by your bedside to find someone sitting there. He smiled at you.

“Hey shortie. How are you feeling?” You smiled back at him. It was G Dragon. You remembered his name but at the moment, that was all you could remember about him or anything for that matter. He stood up and smiled.

“Wait here and I’ll tell the doctor you’re awake” You nodded and watched him leave. After a few minutes him and the doctor came back in.

“When can she leave?” He asked the doctor. He looked at him and then at you.

“We will do a few quick tests and you’ll be able to take her home tonight if you want” He announced as he started his tests.


“Good. You hear that dongsaeng? You’ll be able to go home tonight.” G Dragon said, a bit excited.

‘Dongsaeng? He’s my oppa?’  You thought as you looked at him and smiled. Nodding you agreed with him. It didn’t take long for the doctor to finish his test and you were good to go. While G Dragon signed a few papers you packed your stuff and grabbed your bear, staring at it for a few minutes when an image came to your mind. It was all blurry so you couldn’t really make anything out.

‘Your bear has a story?’
You stood there confused as that question popped in your head. It seemed so familiar. You shook your head a bit and grabbed your stuff to join G Dragon in the front. He smiled and grabbed your bags as the two of you went down to the car. He opened the door for you and the two of you were off to his house.




“She what? When did she leave? How did she leave?” Chanyeol yelled at the doctor. The guys had arrived at the hospital only to find an empty bed.

“Please calm down. Her brother came and took her home last night.” He stated calmly.

“What brother? She doesn’t have a brother! She the only child!” Chanyeol yelled as he started to clench his fists. The doctor shook his head.

“What was her brother’s name?” Sehun asked. The doctor shook his head again.

“I’m sorry but we’re not allowed to give out personal information about any of our patients.”

“But, if she left last night, tink’s not your patient anymore” Baekhyun pointed out. The doctor shook his head and walked out of the room. The guys stood there, mad, sad and confused all at the same time. Kai had sat down in the chair, with his head in between his hands.

“Who could have taken tink and why?” Suho muttered. Chanyeol had went back to the car. There was no way he could stay calm in the hospital, and he really didn’t want to get kicked out by those two gorillas from earlier. Sehun looked at the empty bed and started thinking.

‘ He didn’t...did he? Could he really have planned all this? ….The police would be useless since it seems that she went with him willingly…...he did this on purpose to keep her from remembering….I have to do something this time...I can’t just sit here again’

After standing in the abandoned room for a little while the guys made their way to the car.

“Look at him…” D.O exclaimed as he got into the car. They found Chanyeol asleep with bloody knuckles. He shook his head as he woke him up and treated his wounds. The guys kept a small first aid kit in the car in case something like this happened. The ride back home was silent. No one said anything. Once they arrived back Sehun made his way to your room and the rest of the guys sat in the living room.

“What do we do now? We have to find out who took her.. “ D.O announced as he sat down on the couch.

“And then what? She obviously went with him willingly so we can’t tell the police unless we can prove anything.” Suho pointed out.

“We can’t just sit here and do nothing!” Chanyeol yelled. Kai looked up at him and then back down on the floor.

“At least she doesn’t think you guys hate her. What if I never get the chance to tell her otherwise?” He mumbled as he squeezed your phone. He had kept it for you and now he wished he had gave it to you instead. They looked at him and saw a tear in his eyes.

“You really love her, don’t you kai?” D.O asked. He nodded as he got up and walked to his room.

“What do we do?” Baekhyun stuttered a bit. Suho shook his head.

“I don’t know...all we can do is wait…and hope she remembers ” He sighed as he walked up to his room.

“I’m going out.” Chanyeol declared as he grabbed his jacket from the couch and sprinted out the door. D.O was about to go after him but he was stopped by Baekhyun. He shook his head and both of the guys went upstairs to their rooms.




“So, this is where we live oppa?” You asked as you walked in the front door. He smiled and nodded. He took your stuff toa guest room that he fixed to make it look like yours and you followed, looking around a bit.

“I’ll cook us dinner. You can finish unpacking and I’ll call you when I’m done, okay?” You smiled and nodded. He left and you continued unpacking your stuff. You laid down on your bed for a few minutes and hugged your bear tight, playing with the keys around it’s neck. Not long after you heard someone call dinner. You smiled as you sat your bear down and walked to the kitchen. After dinner you helped him clean up. As you did the dishes you felt….weird. You knew this feeling and for some reason you imagined a kitchen full of guys.

“GD, do your friends usually come over?” You asked trying to figure out where that thought came from. He looked at you a bit confused and nodded.

“Yeah. They do. Usually the entire place is full of people.” he smiled at you. You nodded and went back to cleaning up. Maybe that’s what you were thinking of. After everything was done, you went back to your room and laid down in your bed, trying to sleep. You  rolled around in your bed a bit before deciding you couldn’t sleep. Grabbing your bear you made your way to G Dragon’s room.

“Oppa?” You knocked on the door.

“Come in shortie” You opened the door and stood there with your teddy bear in your arms. He was already laying in his bed.

“I can’t sleep.” You mumbled. He smiled as he moved over and patted a spot on the bed. You walked over to him and crawled into the bed with him.

“Better?” He asked as he wrapped his arm around your waist. You nodded.

‘You know I wouldn’t….’ Those words popped into your head. You turned a bit to look at him and found him fast asleep.

‘Who just said that and why do I know this feeling?’ You knew there was something you were forgetting but you couldn’t pinpoint what. All the images that came to mind were blurry and only about 3 seconds long. You put your head back down on your pillow and snuggled into him as you hugged your bear tight and fell asleep.

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bigbang2ne1fans #1
Chapter 27: update please
higuys808 #2
awesome so far!
midnight-writer97 #3
Chapter 21: Cool chapter! Hope you'll be updating soon again, because this Story is really, really addictive! ^^
Chapter 18: OH M GEE!!!!!!! i come back a while later to find so many newer chapters? yeeeeeeeeeesss!!!! thanks for the updates!!!! :D
axenishere55 #5
Chapter 14: This is pretty good :)It sounds like G-Dragon's the bad guy here. Looking forward for more!
midnight-writer97 #6
Chapter 10: Omo! Your story is soooo amazing!!!! Please, please update!! :)