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The real him

*five months earlier* 

No one's POV: 

"Wait, you want me to what?" Tao asked as he sat across from his boss who shook his head
"Didn't you listen? I said I want you to go over to Korea and get to know Kris Wu. The real Kris Wu. There have been rumours flying around that whilst he may be a hearthrob in the spotlight he's a right behind the scenes; bossing people about, not co-operating with people and being plain rude and I want you to find out why" he explained
"But why me?" Tao asked 
"Tao out of everyone in your department your Korean skills are the best, you always get the work we set you done on time and the story you covered about that dancer guy... what was his name?" the boss asked, clicking his fingers to try and remember. 

"Yixing" Tao replied 
"Yeah him, it was brilliant so we think you're more than capable on getting us this story" he finished and Tao sighed
"But this is Kris Wu we're talking about. He's one of the most famous actors out there this minute which means he'll have the tightest and meanest security out there and getting an interview let alone getting into his private life is near enough impossible" he replied 
"Which is why we got you a job linked closely to him meaning you can go undercover" his boss said
"And that is?"
"His personal assistant... like a maid" to which Tao's eyes widened. 

"WHAT? You want me going undercover as a maid?" he shouted
"Not a maid, a personal assistant, plus you get a free apartment room which is ten minutes away from his house. A really, really good pay and he would never suspect a thing" the boss replied 
"Well then how long do I stay there?" Tao asked 
"Until you feel that it's time for you to leave or you've gotten everything to make a good article" the boss replied and Tao sat there nodding 
"Any more questions?" and Tao paused to think. 

"When do I leave?" 
"Tomorrow" the boss replied and Tao nodded before walking out of the office and down the hall
"Wait, what?" he said when he realised what the boss said and that he was now leaving in under 24 hours. 


"And cut" the director called as people came running onto the set to sort out hair and make up 
"You bit my lip" Micha said and Kris rolled his eyes 
"It said to in the scrip and I follow by it" he replied and Micha puffed out her cheeks before walking away and Kris rubbed his temples as his manager walked over 
"Tell me again how she got this roll" Kris said, pointing to Micha who sat there with a pout on her lips 
"Well she is loaded with money, men fall head over heels for her... you do the math" Sehun replied and Kris sighed as he walked of the set and to his dressing room. 

"Where's Kibum?" he asked and Sehun sighed 
"Yeah about him... he quit this morning" he replied 
"What, why?" Kris asked 
"Well he said you were to difficult to work with and some other stuff I won't repeat" Sehun replied and Kris' eyes widened 
"I am not difficult to work with" he said moodily and Sehun held his hands up in defense 
"I'm just telling you what he told me. Don't shoot the messenger" he replied and Kris sighed as he sat down and let the stylists fix anything that had to be fixed. 

"Besides we already have someone else coming in" Sehun added, making Kris frown 
"Really?" he asked 
"Yeah, coming in from China tomorrow" Sehun replied and Kris nodded. China, he hadn't been there in a while...
"Did you hear me?" Sehun asked, snapping Kris out of trance 
"No I didn't" he replied and Sehun rolled his eyes 
"I said I'll have to leave you around four tomorrow to go meet the new guy and show him around your house before you get back" he repeated and Kris nodded.

"Sure that's fine" he replied before walking back out onto the set with Sehun behind him sighing 
"Right you two I just want one more take of the previous scene" the director said and Kris inwardly groaned as Micha walked over to him 
"And try not to bite to hard this time" she said moodily 
"I'll give you bite" he muttered as they got into their positions 
"Okay ready and ACTION". 


"Are you seriously going through with this?" Tao's roommate asked as Tao sighed and continued packing 
"Luhan we've been over this a thousand times, yes I'm going through with this" he replied 
"But why? Do you know how risky this is?" Luhan asked  
"I know but I need this money Luhan. Plus this could make me" Tao replied and Luhan shook his head 
"I just don't want you getting hurt or you end up hurting someone else" he said and Tao turned to face him. 

"Trust me, I'm not going to do anything which will get me in trouble and possibly land me in jail... okay?" he replied and Luhan rolled his eyes 
"I guess so, now onto presents" he said and Tao scoffed
"Who said I was getting you a present?" he asked and Luhan's mouth dropped open 
"I'm your roommate I at least deserve one present" he replied moodily 
"So long as you promise to come visit me" Tao said and Luhan nodded
"Of course I will you numpty when you text me your adress" he replied and Tao smirked before throwing a pillow at him. 

"Well then make yourself useful and help me finish packing my stuff, I leave tomorrow morning" he said and Luhan grumbled as he got up from his space, threw the pillow back to Tao and started placing some of his clothes into an open suitcase nearby... 

Hey guys!! :D 

So I put the first chapter up to kind of set the mood and now with this chapter we're going back to the bginning and it'll be everything that happened leading up to the day where Kris left the interview and Tao was at the airport and what happened to them. So hopefully that's not confusing :S 

Also, yesterday I was looking through EXO tags on Tumblr... somebody recommended the first EVER fic I wrote on here on there I was like :O YOU BABE!! :D 

Until the next chapter!!

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Chapter 5: And then there’s me awkwardly cooing in my room at the gif of Lay lmao
Chapter 9: I love this story
aarushic_18 #4
aarushic_18 #5
aarushic_18 #6
Chapter 34: AWWW KRIIIS :(
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Chapter 24: AWW Kris :(
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Chapter 20: I rather had Xiuhan then hunhan tbh
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Chapter 13: My first Taoris story! I really like this one:-)
babyztao #10
Chapter 56: loved it !