
The real him

Am I the only one who is surprised over the fact that neither One Direction, Justin Beiber nor EXO won (shoot I may have just spoilt it for people... I'M SO SORRY)... we got Busker Buskered again... Ah well! Well done Chris Lee!!
Also, guys, this is the last chapter 

Yep, sorry guys but it's time to close this story and move onto the next! But don't worry I'll try to make this extra special for you! 

No one's POV: 

"Now Kris it's been over five months since you came out to the public and... everyone was so shocked when they heard it they never thought that you of all people would be homoual" the reporter began and Kris smiled 
"Well I was hoping that by coming out, people would stop being judgmental over homoual people. It shows that there is no one stereotype as to who a homoual is or how they look. Plus by doing this, I'm hoping that others who are afraid to come out will take this and come out themselves" he replied 
"Many people here thought that everyone was just going to turn on you. Nobody would no longer want you in their drama's and your fans just... quit on you I guess but none of that has happened in fact the complete opposite has happened" the reporter continued and paused for Kris to answer. 

"I guess attitudes have changed, a lot, compared to forty or fifty years ago. And I guess my fans are just so supportive. Even I'll admit I was afraid of what was going to happen but everyone has been so supportive of me and if I could go thank every single one of them I would" Kris replied and the reporter smiled 
"Alright then Kris, come on, are you seeing anyone at this minute?" they asked and Kris paused 
"I can neither confirm nor deny" he replied whilst Sehun rolled his eyes from the sidelines and everyone else in the room laughed a little 
"So does that mean you are?" the reporter asked and Kris raised his eyebrows whilst everyone else ooo'ed around them. 


"Who knew you could be such a joker?" Sehun asked as they made their way to Kris' last scheduled location 
"Hey, I can joke around here and there" Kris replied 
"Yeah, but you never use to" Sehun said, the two of them getting into Sehun's car 
"Things change" Kris replied and Sehun laughed 
"More like Tao changed things" he said and Kris shrugged his shoulders 
"Think whatever you want to think" he replied and the radio. 

Yes, it had been five months since Kris came out to the public and seven months since he and Tao got back together. The two month gap between these two events was actually quite a busy one. Not only was it Kris just being packed with schedules but he had asked Tao to move in with him instead of living in a stingy hotel and Tao was trying to find a job again... which he did... as Kris' stylist. 
"But then you're just wasting money on me" Tao said when Kris offered the job to him 
"Yeah, but it's worth it, you'll be working for me like old times but instead you'll make me look good" was Kris' reply before Tao nudged him but of course he accepted the job... who wouldn't want to be Kris' stylist? 

"Got anything special planned for the night?" Kris asked and Sehun nodded back quickly 
"Luhan's plane lands at seven so I'm picking him up and then we're just going out late night shopping" Sehun replied 
"And you have that meal tonight don't you?" he asked and Kris nodded 
"I do indeed" Kris replied and Sehun smiled 
"Got everything planned out?" he asked and Kris nodded before sighing 
"I just hope it all goes to plan" he replied, running a hand through his hair. 

About a month ago Kris realised that Tao was the only person he wanted to spend his life with and it hit him after the two took a late night stroll through Seoul. A week later and Tao took Kris to China to finally introduce him to his family. Whilst there, Tao's grandparents kept bombarding Kris with questions such as how tall was he, what languages could he speak and if he planned on marrying Tao anytime soon. Whilst Tao sat there blushing like mad, Kris laughed and answered all questions thrown at him apart from one. One evening it was just him and Tao's mum whilst Tao was of entertaining his cousin who was pouting and crying because Tao wouldn't go play with him. It was there that Kris had a chat with Tao's mum, both of them getting to know each other a bit more. 

"You know Kris, you're such a lovely guy I don't why Zitao didn't introduce you to us sooner" his mum said and Kris laughed 
"Well I guess he was nervous" he replied and his mum smiled 
"I asked Zitao the other day how you two met... he and I are surprised you took him back in like that" she said 
"When you love someone so much and it hits you... you don't and can't let them go" Kris replied 
"I know I shouldn't be sounding like his grandparents but it would be nice to see you two get married" Tao's mum said, lowering her voice in case Tao was nearby. 

"It would be nice to have you as a son-in-law" she added and Kris smiled 
"It would also be nice for me to have a motherly figure back in my life as well" he replied and froze when Tao's mum walked over and hugged him 
"You're a lovely boy Yifan, promise me you'll take care of my boy" she said and Kris slowly hugged her back before nodding 
"Of course I will" he replied and the two of them broke the hug smiling at each other.


"How much shopping did you do today?" was the first thing Kris asked when he walked into his house and saw the amount of bags from clothes shops on the floor 
"It's not as much as I usually do" Tao replied, walking down the stairs and into the living room 
"It looks like you bough the whole shop back here with you" Kris said and Tao pouted 
"Half of these were to make you look good" he replied and Kris sighed, how could he stay mad at that? 

"Want to show me what you bought then?" he asked and Tao's eyes lit up for a second before he shook his head
"It could take a while and we have to go out for dinner" he replied and Kris paused to think 
"Yes we do" he said and Tao started laughing 
"So clumsy" he muttered as he walked past to get changed 
"I'm not clumsy" Kris replied and walked of after him to back up his points. 


'Still not right' Tao thought to himself, checking himself out in the mirror and sighing 
"What are you sighing about?" Kris asked as he walked into the room 
"Do I look good?" Tao asked
"Of course you do" Kris replied 
"You're just saying that because I'm your boyfriend" Tao said sadly and Kris sighed as he walked over to him. 

"No I'm not. I honestly think you look nice, like how the top suits you well because it's nothing to fancy and nothing to boring. You're wearing convereses when we're going out to a restaurant but you don't care because it's your style and that's how you dress... and your looks great in these jeans" he said and squeezed a cheek whilst Tao blushed and pushed him away 
"Y-yah alright I feel better now" he said and tried to hide his blush whilst Kris laughed and handed him the car keys 
"I'll be down in the minute" he said and Tao nodded as he took the keys and made his way out whilst Kris stood in the room and let out a shaky breath. 

Making sure he had everything on him, Kris walked over to his chest of drawers and opened the top one, moving some stuff around before pulling out a black box. Opening it to make sure what was in there was in fact in there he smiled and put it into his pocket before walking out to join Tao. As for what was in that box and how Tao reacted when Kris showed him, I'm going to leave that up to you. I would say that the two lived happily ever after but that would be to cheesy and this is not a children's story. Let's just say that this story finishes with Kris opening up the box and showing Tao and Tao sealing their fate together by shouting out one word. 


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Chapter 5: And then there’s me awkwardly cooing in my room at the gif of Lay lmao
Chapter 9: I love this story
aarushic_18 #4
aarushic_18 #5
aarushic_18 #6
Chapter 34: AWWW KRIIIS :(
aarushic_18 #7
Chapter 24: AWW Kris :(
KimHyunaTaeyeon #8
Chapter 20: I rather had Xiuhan then hunhan tbh
KimHyunaTaeyeon #9
Chapter 13: My first Taoris story! I really like this one:-)
babyztao #10
Chapter 56: loved it !