chapter 12



i felt my whole world going to collapse.... when i follow my dad into the dining room... i saw someone .... i think i know who it is..... it took me a few second before i realize who is that person..... and suddenly.... i felt my body become lighter..... and i falling down...... i heard my dad calling me.... i felt someone is holding me... but i m totally out......



what a strange guy... he look at me directly... like he know me somewhere... ah... i dont know that i m that popular...... and then suddenly ... he collapsed....  why ??  did he know me somewhere?? .... my father s calling our doctor, yoochun and changmin who standing behind him at that time carry that guy to our guest room. everyone are panicking .....



im holding the boy... changmin also doing the same thing.... we took him upstairs, to the guest room..... after a while the doctor arrive... yunho still in dining room...  he didnt come up, may be because we all here.. he just didnt want to make the room full of people.... at last only me and the boy s father attending the boy, i heard him call the boy, jaejoong... so that is his name....


"so... what is wrong with the boy doctor?"

"hmm.... he seemed shocked...  may be he meet or heard something really bad that make him fainted.... and he is weak... is there something that make him feel not safe or make scared him?"

"as far as i know... there s none.... "

"hmm... strange... but i ve given him tranquilizer, may be after resting a few days he will be ok, look like he is living under some kind of pressure for a long time.. "

"it s all my fault, he s been living alone in busan for along time.... "

"hmm.... mr kim, how about letting him resting here for a few days.... this house is always full of people.. he will not be lonely... "

"but boss.... "

"it s ok... my wife also like him.... hmmm... and he can make friend with yunho.... "

"he will be a burden.. "

"i always consider u as one of my family... just let him resting here for a few days... ok"

"hmm... tomorrow his best friend will arrive from busan.. they will attend the college together... i.."

"then just let him come here.... we have a lot of guest room in here.... and most the time yunho and his friends are here.... they can develop new friendship"


"so it decided... dont worry .. i ll take a really good care of ur son... i consider him as my son.... "

"thank u very much boss"


jae open his eyes... slowly.... where is he..... he took a few minutes to recall what happened to him.... he look around... there is no one .... but he is in a strange room.... where is he??

"are u awake?"

"yes... dad....i.."

"mr jung said that i should let u stay here for a few days... "

"but dad .. i.."

"dont worry jae... i called junsu... he will come and stay here with u until u ok... "

"but dad... i really .."

"dont refuse the boss kindness... he really think u as his own child.... "

"dad... "

"i ll come back again tomorrow.... just rest here...tomorrow, i ll come after fetching junsu from the airport"

"i cant..." jae tried to rouse from the bed... but he is so weak....

"just stay here and rest.. i m really sorry i make u live alone for years.... see u tomorrow..... "

"dad.... "

and his father walk away from the bed...... jae felt his head spinning..... everything is spinning... and sleep again...


"yah!!!.... u see... that boy is so weak"

"hmmm... yunho... did he said anything before he faint?"

"why u ask, nope... he just look at me and suddenly he fall to the floor"

"hehehhe... i wonder...'

"and why did u ask yoochun?"

"hmm... just curious....."

"seem like u like him "

"he is an interesting person"

"u know him...?"

"nope... but ... he make me want to be his friend ehehhehe"

"strange.... are u ok yoochun?"

"i m more than ok... this is really refreshing changmin... hahahahahha.... , yunho... i ll come again tomorrow.... "

"huh!.... are u ?.."

"not like that.... u ll see.... hahahahhaha... "

"yunho... i think something is possessing him"

"he is weird tonight.."


yoochun walk away from the front door.. his house is just opposite the Jung residency... while changmin s is at the other side... they have been neijghbours for years... that s why they are really close to each other...  he is smilling... so.... kim jaejoong..... i wonder where u will run this time.... he is laughing.... this is really good.... tomorrow he will tell yunho.... may be.....








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Ypsyl0n #1
Really interesting story! Please update
Chapter 33: just found this story and it is really interesting.. i forced myself to finish until latest chapter the whole night.. =DD i wonder how JJ will handle his new body and identity.... till next chapter, fighting!! \(^_^)/
hasyimah #3
update this story
i really want to know what next happen to jae....
ShoJoongia #4
Updaaaaaaaateeeee please ne?
lize89 #5
Chapter 33: pleaseee jae body back! =(
babycassie23 #6
Chapter 33: Sorry author but I agree with the others. But still good story.
lunabie #7
Chapter 32: Im sorry my dear author but like others, i dont like if jae must be in chris body for the rest of story. I want him in his body not others, but how jae can back if his body already buried? I hope its just yunho nightmare to makes him realise that he fall in love with jae
dulcie #8
Chapter 32: ha ha even though jae is in chris's body but he still fainting, too cute:)
phinea2009 #9
Chapter 32: It's strange to imagine Jae in Chris's body.
lize89 #10
I'm sorry but...but... dont like how this is going... I want jae body back!!