
“Yeobo~!! I’m home!!”

“Ugh..!! Why you so late?!?! Our friends will be here in a minute!!! Come help me!!”

“Aigoo~ Arasseo…. But where is my homed-kiss??”

“Jebal…. We are in hurry!!! I’ll kiss you later!!”


He is finally helping his wife while pouting, since he didn’t get the kiss from his beloved one like usual. His wife secretly takes a look at him and giggles when she saw her husband’s disappointed face. He looks amusing with his appearances and no one knows that he has this childish behavior except his wife and his friends – which is the reason why his wife loves him so much and accepted his proposal when they still on their high school years to marry him.  


Yoomi, I can hear your giggle!”,he sounds annoyed.

“Hahahaha!! It’s just… Your face is funny when you are pouting like that!!”,Yoomi laughs her heart out.

“Really?!”, he puts his annoyed face and look at his wife deep into her eyes – the stare that can melt every girls’ heart just by looking at it. He steps closer to his wife.

“Uhh… I mean… I mean… You are cu—“, Yoomi is stuttering.


He cuts his wife’s words by locking his lips into her kissable lips. Their kiss becomes passionate and there, they don’t hear their bell is ringing until someone screaming their name crazily in front of their door.




Gasp. “It’s Changhyun!! Stop it, honey!! I have to open the door for Changhyun!! He’s here!!”


“Urggghhhh~ That kid!! Always interrupting our moments and it never changes since 6 years ago!!”,he sounds annoyed (again).


Yoomi, once again, giggles at her husband ‘s childish side while opening the door for Changhyun, her favorite little brother. As always, Changhyun hugs Yoomi immediately as he sees Yoomi’s face. He’s been busy with his college’s papers so he rarely comes to visit his friends and that makes him miss his friends so much. Apparently, he can make it tonight to see his old friends. It makes Yoomi, the one who misses him so much, happy-to-death to see him again.


Not long after that, one by one of their friends are coming. Yoomi’s husband is already back to himself, forgetting about Changhyun’s distraction a moment ago, laughing with his old friends. Yoomi with her old friends are in the kitchen, preparing the dinner – that was left by Yoomi and her husband a while ago. A lot of chatter laughs and giggles can be heard in this house.

“Okay!! Dinner’s ready, guys!!!”,Yoori, Yoomi’s friend announces.

“But… He isn’t here yet”, Niel said.


The 2 couples look each other. Yes, It’s been a year since he avoids them. Yoori then sits beside Byunghun, her husband. Byunghun pats Yoori’s head and mutters, “No worries. He promised to come. It’s not your or Yoomi’s fault. He chose it himself”


Same thing goes to Yoomi and her husband. Yoomi lays her head on his shoulder while holding back her tears. “It’s my fault. I feel sorry to him. I truly feel sorry. I don’t know what will I say to him later”. Her husband takes her hand and gently rubs it. “Honey, he chose it himself. It will be okay, I promise”


“C’mon!! It’s already the past, noona!!! We should be happy that finally he wants to meet us here!! Don’t let the atmosphere becomes dark, noona!!”,Jonghyun speaks-up.


“Yeah, Jonghyun is right!!! Let’s forget the dark side of our past, Yoomi and Yoori”. Sina agrees on Jonghyun.


“Why don’t we flashbacked on our past days while waiting for him?! Don’t cut me!! I mean, our school days when we still looked nerd and that’s the time all of this things we have started”, Alifa speaks up.


“Nice idea, jagiya”, Jonghyun pecks Alifa’s cheek.


“Hey!! Problems for you, me kissing my own fiancée?! You should get yourself a girl, Changhyun!!”


All of them suddenly burst into laughter when Changhyun’s face looks annoyed by what Jonghyun exclaimed a moment ago. Yes, Changhyun is the only one that doesn’t have girlfriend until now. He always says that he still prefer studying than looking for a girl.


“Okay, let’s start looking back our memories together”, Yoomi’s husband declares.

“Hahaha!! I still remember how Sina and I meet each other”, Niel speaks up, “Still fresh right on my mind!!”

“Me too!! I also remember how I meet Byunghun!! It’s…… Ewww~“

“What?! Don’t tell me that you want to forget those memories, Mrs. Lee!!!”

“Of course I want!!! Duh!!”

“Different things happened for us!! Alifa and I had blissful beautiful memories from our first meeting”

“Actually, all of us remember how we met each oth—(imagining the voices slowly disappear.)”

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