
She was unconscious when her friends approached her. Chanhee was the one who carried her to his car. Minsoo had a mixed feeling inside him – sad, mad, worry, guilty became one in himself while watching how Chanhee carried her with care. He followed them behind as they approached the nearest hospital there. Yoomi was taken to the Emergency Room by the nurses and they had to wait outside.


Minsoo looked at the ER’s door sadly. Chanhee walked towards him, eyed him then asked him to go with him to have a talk. They had a serious talk and they seemed agree on something as they shook their hand. Chanhee and Minsoo sat in front of the ER, waited for the doctor to come out. Yoomi’s parents were there after receiving Changhyun’s call.


The doctor finally showed up. He said that Yoomi just had too much stress on her and her fever was not helping at all. Her condition dropped too much and all she needed is just bed-rest. Everyone sighed in relief that she just too exhausted and stressed out. Minsoo smiled, knowing that his girlfriend was okay – suddenly stood up and left them. All eyes glued on his back as he walked out from the hospital.


“What the hell?! He abandoned noona?!”, Changhyun and Yoomi’s brother protested.

“I can’t believe it!!!”, Yoori felt mad.


Byunghun, Jonghyun, Niel and Sina looked at Chanhee who just talked with Minsoo a minute ago. It must be related to what they had talked before. Jonghyun knew something was wrong with Chanhee. Byunghun also smelled something bad would happen to Yoomi and Minsoo because of Chanhee. Sina eyed Chanhee to find something strange with his behavior these days. Niel suddenly asked Chanhee what they just talked before by whispering.


“Nothing. It was just a gentleman’s promise. No worries. They will be fine but until Minsoo is back, I will take care of Yoomi”

“Huh?! Minsoo hyung will go somewhere?!”

“Nope. He will be here with us of course but he has to do something more important”

“Kang Haena?!”


“Got it!”



Yoomi had waked up from her ‘long’ sleep in the hospital. She was unconscious for about 2 days but the doctor said that she was just sleeping and no need to worry. Chanhee was there everyday, accompanying Yoomi in her sleep. Yoomi’s parents thanked Chanhee for taking a good care of Yoomi. Minsoo also came to Yoomi’s ward secretly when no one was there. But when he saw that someone’s there, he would watch her from a far.


The first thing Yoomi saw was Chanhee slept beside her bed, held her hands tightly. She shook Chanhee’s body. Chanhee opened his eyes and saw that Yoomi had awakened. He hugged her tightly. When she was in Chanhee’s arms, she saw Minsoo stood in front of her door, cried after seeing her opened her eyes. Yoomi didn’t budge from her place, in Chanhee’s warmth, as she saw Minsoo walked away. She shed some tears once again. She missed his hug.


The others came after reading Chanhee’s message that Yoomi was awake. They comforted Yoomi to make her forget about her problems with Minsoo, in hope Minsoo would come – that in fact, he was there couple of hours ago. Seeing Yoomi could laugh happily made them relieved. It was like she had totally forgotten the pain she got from Minsoo.


They spent the entire day at the hospital with Yoomi – they were on their holiday. Changhyun and Jonghyun had graduated from middle school and would enroll TOP High School as well. When they just had a big laugh, the door was widely opened, revealing Haena who clinging onto Minsoo’s arms. Yoori and Sina stood up.


“GET OUT BOTH OF YOU!! GET OUT!!!”, Sina yelled.

“Why eonni?! I’m here to visit Yoomi sunbae, right jagiya?!”

“THE HELL BOTH OF YOU!!! JUST LEAVE THIS ROOM!!!”, Changhyun shouted.

“It’s okay”, Yoomi said with a sad tone.


Haena passed Sina – bounced her shoulder to Sina. Minsoo didn’t say anything. He just had this sad look towards Yoomi. His stare was still the same. Stare full of love towards her. She looked deep into his eyes and it also still the same – love between them. Even though Haena told her that Minsoo and she were going out (apparently because of Haena’s dad wish), Yoomi still locked her eyes to Minsoo’s eyes – seemed like she was looking for an answer in his eyes.


“I believe in you, Bang Minsoo”, Yoomi said while smiling. Everyone there got heart-attack to hear what Yoomi just said and started to give her a bunch of complains why she still believe in Minsoo – except for Chanhee, Niel and Jonghyun. Minsoo, himself, also locked his eyes to Yoomi then nodded his head. He mouthed, “I love you” to Yoomi as she received it with a big smile on her face. He smiled to her without Haena noticed it.


Haena felt a little scared to be there longer since the stares they gave to her were like a murderer. She dragged Minsoo away with her.


“BANG MINSOO, I BELIEVE IN YOU!! COMEBACK FASTER AND I AM WAITING FOR YOU!!”, Yoomi shouted made Minsoo who heard it, smiled.


“Park Yoomi!! Are you crazy?? Have you gone insane?! He cheats on you for God sake!!”, Yoori mad at her friend.

“Molla~ Maybe I’m blinded by his love?!”

“WHAT?! YAAA!!! Just think about it, Yoomi!! He got Haena as his girlfriend!!”

“Nope. His girlfriend is still me no matter what happened!!”

“You are so stubborn!!! Now it’s all up to you!! Aisshhh~”, Yoori gave up.


Chanhee who heard that just sat near her, not moving from there even for an inch. He knew even though he deliberately made an agreement with Minsoo, he would never get Yoomi’s love. He wanted Minsoo to take his time in getting revenge on Haena longer so he could take Yoomi’s heart away from him. But just by hearing those words came out from Yoomi just now, made his lost his hope.


“I love him and I will always love him”

“Didn’t you scare if he ha—“, Byunghun asked.

“To think about it, I guess nope anymore. He never asked me to kiss him or something like that. He respects me. Not like my ex who always asked me to kiss him. Ewwww~ He loves me with all his heart. I’m precious in his eyes and heart”, Yoomi said while smiling.


“Then what about he and Haena kissed back then, noona?!”, Jonghyun asked – curious yet happy that Yoomi had a positive thought towards his hyung.

“I don’t know. But there’s something in my heart that told me that it was not Minsoo who kissed her but she was the one who locked their lips. That time I was too emotional and couldn’t control myself”, she smiled at Jonghyun.

“That’s my noona!!”, he hugged Yoomi – made Changhyun jealous.


“EIIIIII~!!! Your Yoomi noona just recovered from her ‘sleep’. Let her rest more, okay?! Now go go go go!! You too, Choi Jonghyun!!”, Chanhee shooed the magnaes.


They finally decided to go home and be back tomorrow to pick Yoomi up since she would be back at home. Byunghun and Yoori were the first one to left then followed by Jonghyun and Changhyun. Niel and Sina were the last to left the hospital. Before walked out from Yoomi’s ward, Sina looked at her once again, “I appreciate your heart hard decision for not letting Minsoo go by believing in him. Way to go, Yoomi!!”. Yoomi smiled to her and thanked her.



From that time, the boys and the girls forgave Minsoo. They realized that Minsoo might be still like Haena but he only LOVES Yoomi. His eyes told that every time they spent their holiday together. He would care for Yoomi – totally ignored Haena who was there with them. Most of the time she was ignored by the boys and girls there and it made her hate Yoomi more. She still didn’t get the point why they chose Yoomi to be Minsoo’s girlfriend than her.


Yoomi was happy enough to spend her holiday with Minsoo and her friends. They would see some cinemas or just went to shopping malls, just for window shopping or playing games in the game centre. Minsoo held Yoomi’s hand tightly and he didn’t want to let this hand go for the second time. Haena saw it with hatred feels yet she still sad why Minsoo’s heart didn’t turn back to her.


She still wanted to take Minsoo’s away from Yoomi so she asked her dad to make a party to announce that they will be engaged any time soon. Since Haena was the only child, she would get everything she wanted – her dad agree on her to make a party and it was advantageous for her dad to buy Minsoo’s parents company (as Minsoo’s dad’s company was in danger state). She was so happy and started to spread the invitations to all students in TOP High School. The invitation didn’t tell them that there would be a special announcement from Haena’s family. It just said that her family would make a party for Haena and Minsoo since it was still on their holiday. Of course the boys and girls got the invitation as well. None of them were interested enough to come.


Niel was on his deep sleep at night when suddenly he heard his phone rang non-stop. He was mad enough for whoever the hell was that who called him in the middle of the night. He just wanted to turn off his phone when suddenly he read Minsoo’s name who called him. He then picked up his phone. He knew that Minsoo would ask a favor to him if he called him this late. His favor sometimes looked ridiculous but sometimes too important to be ignored.


  “Oh, hyung?!”

“Are you sleeping now?!”

“No, I’m studying. OF COURSE I’M SLEEPING!! Urrgghhh~ What is it?!”

“Could you please help me??”

“Sure, what?! Tell it now!! I’m sleepy!!”

“I will do my revenge on Haena at the party tomorrow”


There, Niel’s eyes widely open and he heard every single thing his hyung told him. He nodded in excitement and saluted his hyung when he finished asking Niel’s favor. He got excited and he couldn’t get back to his sleep. He wondered why his hyung was brave enough to take a risk on doing this. Minsoo was not a senior just yet but he planned all of these things. Could it be because he loves Yoomi too much?!


Next morning, Niel pleaded his hyungs and dongsaengs to come to Haena’s party. They were so stubborn that they still didn’t want to come.


“I won’t come and it’s final”, Byunghun said while staring at his phone.

“He’s been like that since yesterday, doesn’t he?! Staring at his phone non-stop”, Niel scoffed.


Byunghun then left the others with some dark expression on his face. Niel then continued asking Changhyun and Jonghyun to come. Both of them finally agreed on him since he said that there will be a super mega(?) surprise for them. Chanhee finally gave up and agreed to come as well. Byunghun locked himself in his room.


Now Niel was asking his girlfriend to bring Yoomi and Yoori to the party. Sina gave him a weird look. She knew that there must be something in the party later. So she agreed in an instant to bring Yoomi and Yoori to the party. Fortunately, Yoomi and Yoori also agreed to come. For Yoomi, as long as she could see Minsoo, she would come even though it would break her heart to see the man she loves holding hands with other girl. As for Yoori, she wanted to know how rich Haena was.


Yoori kept on begging Byunghun to come as well. Byunghun couldn’t say no to his girlfriend even though he knew that it would be a disaster if he showed up in the party. Something was bothering him since yesterday. He didn’t know what to do.



The party was going smoothly just like what Haena wanted. She didn’t let Minsoo away by holding his arms. She noticed how Minsoo’s eyes always followed Yoomi when they had a talk with Haena’s parents’ partner. It made her wanted to announce the ‘big’ news as soon as possible so Minsoo was just only for herself.


Yoomi who walked along with Chanhee realized that Minsoos’s eyes always followed her whenever she went. It made her happy enough to know that Minsoo didn’t lose her in sight. Yoori who walked along with Byunghun felt weird with her boyfriend’s sudden change of behavior. He looked uneasy whenever he walked passing people. It looked like he was trying to avoid someone. Sina, who lost her boyfriend, walked together with Jonghyun and Changhyun. She was mad enough to Niel for not accompanying her but gone without any sign.


The party finally went to the ‘final’ event where Haena’s dad would announce their engagement. He greeted the guests with a toast. He held the microphone, ready to tell the big news but then Minsoo stole the microphone from Haena’s dad.


“Good night everyone! Hello, as you know, I’m Bang Minsoo. Hahaha. Well, tonight I have something special to be shared with you folks!!”


Haena shocked with Minsoo’s words. She felt happy because she thought that Minsoo would announce their engagement himself. She smiled happily until,


“I have a girlfriend. She is not beautiful, she is not feminine, yet she still looks pretty in my eyes. About a year ago, I asked her to be my girlfriend in front of the crowd and I guess I will propose her in front of crowd again. I love her so much that I feel I can’t live without her. Being separated with her almost killed me these past weeks. We've been through many obstacles in our relationship and I am so grateful that she still believes in me. I hurt her once and she hurt me once, our love became stronger each days. Someone stole me from her yet she still believes in me. Now, if I can say with proud, THIS GIRL standing next to me STEALS me from my girlfriend with her dirty play using her dad’s power and my family’s weakness and THAT GIRL who looks at me right now with her beautiful eyes is THE ONE I LOVE THE MOST!! PARK YOOMI, MARRY ME!! I LOVE YOU!!!”


All eyes glued on him and then to Yoomi who just stood still in her place. Niel showed up in front of Sina suddenly and he smiled proudly, satisfied with what he just did. In a second, there were fireworks which written “BE MY WIFE, PARK YOOMI”. Yoomi shed tears. Happy tears. She ran to Minsoo and hugged him tightly.


“YES!! I LOVE YOU, BANG MINSOO!!”, she shouted in Minsoo’s arms.

“Surprised enough, dear?!”

“Of course, stupid!! I love you!! I love you I love you I love you I love you!! I lo—“, Minsoo kissed Yoomi.

“I love you too!”


Haena face became red. She was embarrassed enough as Minsoo dumped her in her party and the fact that Minsoo proposed to Yoomi made her angry. She ran away from her own party. Haena dad’s disappointed with Minsoo but Minsoo’s parents were proud of their son’s braveness. They didn’t want to merge their company with Haena’s family’s company since they always using dirty ways in their business. Fortunately, they didn’t mind if Minsoo and Yoomi were still high-schoolers. They gave condition that they could get married when Minsoo got his first job.


People were congratulated them especially their friends. Changhyun was so hyper, knowing that his favorite noona would tie the knot with his favorite(?) hyung. He kept jumping here and there – made Jonghyun left him alone, pretended that he didn’t know Changhyun. Sina then just realized that Niel was working on arranging the fireworks so that’s why he was nowhere to be seen and forgave her boyfriend for leaving her behind. Chanhee also congratulated them even though he, once again, hurt. Yoori hugged Yoomi and eyed Minsoo in sign that he was not allowed to hurt Yoomi again. She then looked for Byunghun.


“Byunghun?!”, a girl called Byunghun.


Byunghun turned his head and there she was standing beautifully like usual. She smiled at him. Her smile always melted Byunghun’s heart in the past days but not now.


“Don’t you miss me?!”, she linked her arms to Byunghun’s.


Yoori saw that from a far. She blinked her eyes, tried to make sure that she wasn’t mistaken.


“SURPRISE!! Hehehe.. I come here to surprise you~!!”, she said with her happy expression while hugging Byunghun.


“Not again”, Jonghyun muttered.


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