Introducing the Idols!

Make Me A Star★

The boys lined up on both sides of the MC. The studio was alive with energy; although most of the boys were tired from previous schedules, they buzzed with excitement at the prospect of getting to work with a new face. Of course, most were also fiercely competitive. They couldn't wait to see who got picked as a mentor by the trainees. What better way to ascertain respect and popularity than by being picked to be a teacher?

"Alright, we're rolling in" the PD counted off as the cameras started recording.

"Hello everyone! I'm your host, Kim Hansoo, and welcome to the first episode of 'Make Me A Star!'" Everyone clapped and cheered, some even started jumping up and down because they couldn't contain their excitement.

"Haha, what a warm welcome! First, I'd like to introduce our generous volunteers, the idols who will be available to be chosen as mentors!" He gestured towards the group of 15 boys standing on the far left. The camera zoomed in on them.

"Annyeong haseyo, we are Super Juni-OR!" They held their palms out in their signature pose. Leeteuk started speaking for the group. "Yes hello everyone, we're really excited to be here and we hope that we can be good mentors!"

The MC chuckled at their enthusiasm. "Aren't you nervous that you won't be chosen at all?"

"Well, yes, actually. But we have confidence in our abilities, so please consider us! We'll try our best to teach everything we know to the trainees who decide to pick us!"

"I see Zhou Mi and Henry volunteered to participate too! Do you think there will be a problem with the language barrier?"

Zhou Mi clasped his hands. "Well actually," he spoke in fluent Korean, "Henry and I have been working hard to improve our Korean, so I hope we can show everyone that we are capable enough to be good teachers."

The MC nodded, impressed with Zhou Mi's answer. "Thank you very much, Super Junior! Alright, next group, please introduce yourselves!"

"Annyeong haseyo, we are the shining SHINee!" The 5 boys held their fists up and smiled brightly.

"Hello SHINee! What are your feelings about joining this show?"

Onew spoke up. "Well we're excited to have this chance. We've never really had any experience teaching before, so it'll be fun to see what it's like! But don't count us out because we've never taught before. Like our seniors, Super Junior, we are also confident."

"You've had great success in Europe, haven't you? Do you think that the trainees can achieve that level of success with your guidance?"

Key jumped in and said, "Well anything's possible. Who knows what will happen? But if you pick me, I promise I'll teach you how to steal the spotlight and catch people's attention." He winked into the camera.

"Thank you, SHINee! Okay, next group please!"

"So BEAST! Annyeong haseyo, we are B2ST!" 5 boys waved normally, while Yoseob waved spastically and hopped up and down. He even winked and blew a kiss to the cameras, and one of the writer noonas fainted.

"Yoseob-sshi, that was quite some aegyo. Will you teach them how to do aegyo if you're chosen as a mentor?"

"Of course! I have many other talents too!" He pursed his lips and whistled, imitating a baby bird. "I'm also the main vocal and I can do magic and hat tricks and--"

"And annoy the hell out of people," Junhyung said, smirking. Yoseob pouted. Junhyung ruffled his hair.

Doojoon started speaking. "Yes, all of us were trainees for quite a long time, even switching between companies. We know how discouraging it can get when your debut seems too far away for you to reach, so we hope that we can encourage the trainees and remind them not to give up their dreams."

The MC smiled, touched. "Thank you, B2ST! Next up, we have...rookie groups! But don't underestimate them, they've really made a splash in the K-pop scene!"

"Annyeong haseyo, we are INFINITE!" The group of 7 boys bowed deeply.

"How do you think being rookies will influence your teaching style?"

Sunggyu spoke. "Even though we only debuted in 2010, we believe that we have the dedication and the strength to take on this role. I think we still have the mindsets of trainees, so we can become more relatable to them and see things from their perspective."

Woohyun nodded and said, "That's right. We are very hardworking, and we strive to achieve perfection, whether it be in our performances or in being idols in general." He scratched his head and grinned. "I'm not really good at speaking seriously...Sunggyu-hyung, could you take over again?"

"Well, we hope that we can show you a different side of ourselves and help the trainees achieve their goals!" Sunggyu finished off with a big smile.

"Thanks, INFINITE! And the next group is...? Oh, it looks like there might be some rivalry here!"

"Annyeong haseyo, we are Teen Top!" The group of 6 boys also bowed deeply.

"So Teen Top, many people say you and INFINITE are rivals in the entertainment industry, right?"

"Well it's true that we both debuted last year," C.A.P said, "but I think it's more of a friendly competition than a rivalry. We're pretty close with each other, and it's fun to see both of our groups growing along with our music."

Niel flashed his toothy grin and said, "Yeah, please support us! In return, we'd like to become mentors and pass along what we know about being an idol so Hallyu can continue thriving!"

"Alright, thank you Teen Top! And finally, here's our last group!"

"Dalmatian doggy dog, woof woof woof! Annyeong haseyo, we are Dalmatian!" The 6 boys showed off their swagger with their famous chant.

"So Dalmatian, I think you're the group that debuted the most recently here. What do you think you can offer to the trainees if you're chosen to be mentors?"

"Even though we only recently debuted," Inati began, "most of us have had a lot of experience in the music industry. For example, Dayday was the rap teacher for a lot of idols that are promoting right now. I think we have our own style, and it makes us unique. We can teach trainees how to find their own style, and we'll be loyal mentors, just like our name suggests!" The members let out a few more woofs to emphasize their point.

"Thank you Dalmatian!" The PD signaled to the MC that it was time to wrap up the show. "Okay, so we've met all of the idols that the trainees can choose from! Next time we'll meet the trainees who have been chosen, and we'll reveal the mentors that they have chosen! Until next time, this is..." the MC motioned for everyone to join in.

"Make Me A Star!"

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waaahh this seems so interesting already!! update soon~~
pleaseeeeee update this again soon~
xD this chapter is so cute! i love dongwoon<3 kekekek.<br />
wooot infinite! :PPP<br />
when i saw INFINITE had won, i cried.<br />
im so proud of them!!!!!!!!<br />
they deserve it so much, and finally they are getting the recognition they deserve.<br />
i still get tears in my eyes thinking about it.<br />
thank you, fellow Inspirits!
I cried too when they announced Infinite as the winner xD<br />
Almost screamed but managed to stop myself in time ><<br />
BEAST is so random! I wonder who the mentor will be? xP
That was such a cute teaser! I love you! XD<br />
Anyway, we all know how school is, uh..<br />
And yes, I spazzed like crazy when Infinite won! Yeah! XD
dongwoon is soo cuuuteee~
-kpop_bunny- #8
Im the one who app as jung chae rin~~~~~<br />
<br />
Update soooon
yummy chicken ^-^