Teaser - SHINee

Make Me A Star★


Kim Hansoo cleared his throat.


"So um…this might be kinda awkward, guys, but…since our whole production team is already here, could you take us to meet SHINee?"


The boys of Super Junior, who were lying on the floor, dead-tired from practicing, lifted their heads to stare at the MC incredulously.




"I-I-I'm sorry, but you know, since they've volunteered to be on our show too, we need footage of them as well…"


Suddenly the door slammed open and the boys of SHINee walked in.


"Oh…hey! Are you guys busy?" Onew said, confused.


"Omo! Look everyone, it's SHINee!" the MC exclaimed, jumping up and down and pointing at the newly-entered group. "This is Make Me A Star! Could we interview you for the show?"


"Ahh, of course! Let's go outside first though," Key smiled and waved to the camera. They all moved towards the door.


"Yah Kibum-ah, bring us back some food!!" Eunhyuk shouted as the door closed.




Once they were outside, they properly greeted the audience.


"Annyeong haseyo, everyone, we're the shining SHINee!"


"Hello SHINee!! So you're in the middle of your Japanese promotions, right? Please tell us what it's like preparing for overseas promotions, since the trainees might have future promotions outside of Korea as well."


"Well…we've been learning Japanese! It's hard work, but we want to be able to communicate well with our Japanese fans," Jonghyun replied.


"Wow, could you show us some of your Japanese skills?"


"Konnichiwa minasan, wataachi SHINee desu!!"

"Wow," the MC clapped, "you guys are great! So who's the best at Japanese?"


They all pointed simultaneously at Key.


"Ohh really? Key, could you give us a sample?"


"Oh okay, I'll try!" Key cleared his throat. "Konnichiwa, hajimemae, watashi wa Key desu!! Ehh…ganbarimashou!! Aieru!!" (Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Key!! Uhh…let's work hard!! I love you!!)


"Whoaaa," they all said as they clapped enthusiastically.


"Awesome! OK, so next, let's do some more interview…" the MC whipped out his notes and started asking them questions.


The filming went on for a few hours, and when it was finally finished and said their goodbyes, the SHINee boys collapsed onto couches and chairs and breathed a sigh of relief.


"'Scuse me, I'm going to the bathroom," Onew walked out into the hallway while the 4 other boys grunted in response.


"Wow, why did that take so long??" Taemin whined.


"All because Kibum wouldn't stop trying to convince the trainees to pick him as their mentor," Minho complained, massaging his forearm.


"Hey, don't even try to tell me that you're not interested in being a mentor," Key snapped.


"Now now kids, don't start fighting," Jonghyun sighed, "none of us have the energy or the patience. Let's order some food first."


"CHICKEN??" Onew popped up behind Jonghyun. Jonghyun yelped and fell out of his chair.




"Nothing, I just want some chicken..."




Hehe…hi guys. Sorry this was kinda short, but I'm leaving for Taiwan today~ So I probably won't be able to update much for the next week. But I'm going through the applications right now, and I have to say, a lot of you submitted really awesome applications >< I seriously don't know how I can narrow them down!! Please don't hate me if I don't choose yours, because I honestly do really like a lot of these characters!! Well anyways...hope you like this teaser!

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waaahh this seems so interesting already!! update soon~~
pleaseeeeee update this again soon~
xD this chapter is so cute! i love dongwoon<3 kekekek.<br />
wooot infinite! :PPP<br />
when i saw INFINITE had won, i cried.<br />
im so proud of them!!!!!!!!<br />
they deserve it so much, and finally they are getting the recognition they deserve.<br />
i still get tears in my eyes thinking about it.<br />
thank you, fellow Inspirits!
I cried too when they announced Infinite as the winner xD<br />
Almost screamed but managed to stop myself in time ><<br />
BEAST is so random! I wonder who the mentor will be? xP
That was such a cute teaser! I love you! XD<br />
Anyway, we all know how school is, uh..<br />
And yes, I spazzed like crazy when Infinite won! Yeah! XD
dongwoon is soo cuuuteee~
-kpop_bunny- #8
Im the one who app as jung chae rin~~~~~<br />
<br />
Update soooon
yummy chicken ^-^