luhan's past

The Disturbance of My Life

i am walking with jongin and min ah to the library to return the books we borrow. we walk through a building where students aren't suppose to trespass but we walk throught it since its the shortest way to library. jongin is walking in front of me and min ah since he's the guy and we're actually a bit afraid since the building seems like it will corrupt anytime. our journey is interrupted by a loud sound in a room. since i'm a curious person, i walk to the source of the sound even though min ah block me from going to the room. i peek into the room and saw a group of guys beating a guy but i can't see who the guy is. i try to tip-toe my feet but i lost my balance and i fall on a box in front of me, causing the bullies stop. 

'yoonji-ah, are you okay?' jongin and min ah approach me with a concern face

'i'm okay' i smile shyly since i'm a bit embarass

the bullies suddenly approach us and at that time i finally got to see the face of the guy who got beaten.

'sehun?' i exclaim when i see sehun's face which is swollen

without i realise, the bullies has already approach us and they're staring scarily at all of us.

'what are you doing here? go away' one of the bullies scold us

'what are you doing to sehun?' i bravely ask them 

'he's getting his lesson' the guy laugh and clap his hand with the other guys

'is getting beat is some kind of a lesson?' i ask, this time to jongin who's face is kind of piss off

'this girl is annoying. yah! you better get out of here if you don't want-' the guy pause when he sees me walk to sehun

'yah! did you hear me? this ' the guy approach me and try to grab me when jongin stop him from doing so.

'didn't your parents teach you to not get violent on girls?' jongin said to him with a serious face. he grip on the guy's hand tightly and clench his teeth

'jongin-ah!' i shout his name when i see a guy holding on a baseball bat while aiming on jongin

fortunately, jongin sees through it and quickly avoid before the bat landed on his head.

'yah! let's beat this guy' the guy who's talking from the beginning said to the others

i'm a bit afraid since jongin is fighting against eight people and i'm wondering whether he could handle it. without i realise, min ah is already gone. i bet she's trying to call for help. then i shift my gaze back to jongin who's fighting earnestly. he's got the skill but i'm worried that he's going to get tired and can't fight anymore.

'sehun-ah, are you okay?' i check on sehun who's wincing in pain. he nod his head gesturing that he's alright

sehun seems like he's trying to say something when suddenly one of the guys grab on my arm and pull me away from sehun roughly

'y..yoonji' sehun call my name trying to pull me back from the guy but he got kick by the guy

'yah! stop it' i shout to the guy who's pulling me when he kick on sehun's stomach. sehun is still hanging on the guy's leg but he finally let go after the guy give him a final blow

'sehun-ah!' i shout his name and try to pull my hand from the attacker

'you meanie! let go of me!' i scream and try to pull my hand away from the guy violently. i try to hit on his shoulders hardly but he seems like he doesn't got hurt by it

jongin who's still fighting with those guys stop on his action when he sees me getting pull by a guy

'yoonji-ah!' he scream but then he got punch by the guys when he's not paying attention

'jongin!' i scream his name when he got beat by the guys finally

's..stop it' i stutter when i see jongin's blood and try to beg the guys

jongin try to approach me while getting beaten and the sight of him really make me feel sad. 

'stop it!' a voice from outside the room surprise all of us

luhan and his friends are there along with min ah at the back. i smile when i see them since there's likely a hope for us.

'its luhan  huh?' the guy which i assume the leader of the group approach luhan with a smirk

'let go of my friends and her immidiately' luhan said to him with a serious face

'or what? what are you gonna do? beat me? like you used to?' he said while making a proud face

'what did he mean by that?' i thought to myself since i'm confuse

'i'm not like i used to jaeho. i won't beat people out of reason like you're doing now' luhan said to the guy which i  just know that his name is jaeho

'don't think you're different from us when you were like us previously, much worst' jaeho hold on luhan's hem's shirt

while they're arguing, i silently try to pull away my hand and i did it. but then the guy got my hand back and this time he slap on my face, hardly, causing me to fall on the ground

'yoonji-ah!' luhan scream out and this time his face become redden. he start to punch jaeho's face and causing the others to follow him.

i see jongdae and minseok approach jongin and sehun. they quickly grab them out of there and i follow them when i suddenly stumble on my way out causing one of the bully realise our plan. he approach me and try to beat me when minseok quickly stand in front of me and causing him to get the punch. the situation is getting out of control and its making me piss off seeing them fighting and more shocking for me, luhan is fighting in there. the fight is finally ended when someone suddenly scream that a teacher is coming, causing the bullies panicly run away from there. jaeho manage to threaten luhan before he leave the place messily

'don't you think this has ended. i'll get my revenge. you just wait' jaeho said to luhan's face before he flee off

'is everybody okay?' i ask to all of them concernly. they got some bruises on their face but they just show me a thumbs up gesturing that they're okay

'we need to bring sehun and jongin to the clinic now' i said to jongdae and minseok and they just nod their head then head out of the room, bringing sehun and jongin

'where's the teacher by the way?' baekhyun ask out of sudden

'there's no teacher. i just randomly say it' kyungsoo grin to his friends with an innocent face

all of them laugh seeing kyungsoo's grin, except for luhan who keep staring at me with a guilty face. all of us walk out of the room after having a rest to our own class. luhan suddenly walk beside me without i realise. i unconciously walk a bit far from him since i'm a bit afraid after seeing him beat the guy

'i'm sorry' luhan mutter to me

'for what?' i ask him back, clueless

'for fighting. i've promise myself not to fight anymore last year' luhan said without looking at my face

'and why are you telling that to me?' i ask him, still confuse of the reason he's telling me all of that

'i don't know. i saw how you look at me back there. i don't like the look you give me. i know you're scared of me when you see me fighting, don't you?' he said, this time his gaze is on me

'you scared me back then. but i'm okay now. besides, you beat him because he beat your friends don't you? so, i think that's okay. you're the one who said that you're not gonna beat someone without reason just now' i said to him, trying to assure him

'oh..right. i said that' luhan shyly rub his back of neck and shift his gaze off me

'so, that jaeho guy, is he you're friend or what?' i curiously ask luhan

'he's my acquaintance back on my delinquent day. he's really mad when i decide to leave the group back then. that's why he still have a grudge on me' luhan said with a sad face

'its okay. guy like him just need sometime to realise his mistake, just like you' i said to luhan with a smile

'well, thank you. its a compliment right?' luhan rub his neck and ask me

'i think so' i answer and smile back at him 

'oh, i think i'm gonna walk with kris and min ah to our class. bye' i wave my hand to luhan and walk side by side with kris who's face is bruising. i poke on his bruise place causing kris to jolt. he scold me but then he let me off

'i never thought that luhan was a delinquent. i'm glad he decide to quit it' i thought to myself while walking with kris and min ah

'yoonji-ah! did you hear what i say?' min ah wave her hand in front of my face

'oh, what? i'm sorry i didn't hear it' i ask back to min ah

'i said, do you want to join us to visit jongin and sehun at hospital tomorrow?' min ah ask me

'of course i'll join' i answer with a smile


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Littlestarexo #1
Chapter 40: I loved it! I loved the story!! I loved the ending!!! I love luhan <33

I wanna a bonus chap or a sequel! It doesn't metter which one you choose ;) just let me see how their love life become in the future! :D wedding? a child? oh oh! maybe 2 child? 3? 4?

Okay I'm stoping there..

well, thank you for writing and sharing this story with us :D

take care :*
Chapter 39: :DDDDDDDDDD
Shanelie #3
Chapter 25: 'I like you'. Pffft. Funny. But uggh! I hate it. She shouldn't at least take back those three words. But seriously I couldn't imagine them being a couple. Ahahaha~
Chapter 36: JONGINNNNNNNNNNN, i love both of them, but i want her to stay with jonginnnnnnnnn
herchanxoxo #5
Chapter 35: Oh jongin you make me wanna kiss you. ♥♥
herchanxoxo #6
Chapter 34: Omg jongin is so sweet. I cannot with my baby ♥ ugh too much feeeeeels.
luvhsjexo #7
i'm sorry but why sehun?? i don't get it
Chapter 35: I like her with both of them , CRAP! just make her stay with Sehun!
Chapter 34: Luhan ya eeeeee
Omg yoonji and jongin is so sweet together nyaaaa
Nanel_cutE #10
Chapter 33: Please, please update more... kamsa :)),