i like you

The Disturbance of My Life

'yoonji-ah! are you okay?' my mom shout from outside

'i'm-okay' i muffle in my words

'just take your time okay? if you're still not okay i'll send you to the doctor' my mom reply with a concern voice

'no, omma. i'm-i'm okay. don't need to go to the doctor' i reply weakly from the toilet

'i'll still bring you to the doctor if your diarrhea is not loosening' my mom stubbornly reply

'alright, whatever' i mumble in the toilet while wiping my sweat on my forehead 

after a long time in the toilet i finally got out from it, weakly. from afar, i could see my mom approaching me with a concern and guilty face

'yoonji, you okay now?' my mom ask again

'i'm okay. just need some rest now' i reply with a blank face

'so, i'm in a hurry right now. can you be alone?' my mom ask carefully

'thought so. that's why you're looking guilty. go ahead. i'm okay by myself' i reply with a casual look. didn't even bother to be nice to her since i'm not in a good mood, thanks to my stomach

'so sorry, yoonji. just call me if you need anything. or even better, call luhan or yixing if you need help, okay?' my mom look at me guiltyly then she walk away from me after kissing me a goodbye

after waving her a goodbye, i grab my feet to the couch when i heard a knock on my door. i quickly open it up to see luhan with a mad face

'what do you mean by you're not going to china?' luhan ask me as soon as he saw my face

'i have a diarrhea. i'm sorry i didn't tell you earlier. my stomach didn't tell me that it will go crazy today' i answer sarcastically earning a weird look from luhan

'you're sick? you okay now?' his face suddenly soften

'i'm better now' i answer and turn away from him to hide my flustered face because of his sudden concern to me

'so, you're still going there?' i ask him as we sit on the couch

'not sure. i don't think i'll go since you're not going' luhan answer while pressing the on button on the remote control

'why not?' i ask back

'i will be bored if you're not coming. there's no one i can bully' he reply with uncertain look

'uh huh. okay. that's your reason huh? i'm so not surprise by it' i reply sarcastically and walk to the kitchen to get some drink

luhan just stay quiet after that, focusing on the tv. meanwhile, i climb up the stairs, to my own room, getting some rest. i climb on my bed and ready to get some sleep. i wake up later when it's already night. i stare at my watch and it shows 9.30p.m. i go downstairs to grab some snack since my stomach is empty after i sleep. i walk to the kitchen and notice someone is sleeping on the couch in the living room. i approach it and surprise to see luhan there, sleeping. i stare at him for a long time when he suddenly flinch and open his eyes slowly. i become flustered when he suddenly open his eyes when i'm staring at him

'what time is it?' luhan ask me with a yawn

'it's 9.30 now' i quickly look away from him

'oh, are you okay now?' he ask me while getting up from the couch

'i'm good' i answer shortly

'great. i think i'll go home now since you're okay' luhan slowly making his way from the couch

'you're guarding me?' i ask at him

'hmm.. sort of' he answer without looking at me and the situation suddenly turn awkward

the awkward moment suddenly interrupted by my growling in the stomach. i shyly look at my stomach and to try to hide the sound when i see luhan's smile

'hungry?' he ask me with a smile

'yeah' i answer shyly with a smile

'grab your sweater. we're going to eat' luhan said to me and we both walk out from the house 

 we decide to eat at a fast food restaurant since it's a bit late when we go out. i order beef burger while luhan order chicken burger. i stare outside after ordering and spot someone familiar.

'yah, isn't that suho oppa? who is he with? is that his girlfriend?' i excitedly ask to luhan while keep staring at suho who's standing not far from the restaurant with a girl

'yah, can't you ask one by one? yes, it's suho's girlfriend. he just met her last week. actually the girl is the one who ask for him out' luhan explain to me straightly earning a nod from me

'they look so cute together. should we ask them to eat with us?' i ask to luhan as i already shift my gaze from the couple

'no. no need' luhan quickly answer but then he avoid my gaze which i thought weird for him

'we don't want to interrupt them' luhan add to his words making me realise and just nod my head

the conversation keep turning awkward after that but thanks to the waiter who send our food, we turn the awkward situation to a silent moment since we're eating. i take a glance at luhan for a second when i realise he's doing the same so i turn away from him and pretend to be engross by the food.

'the burger is delicious. how's yours?' i ask awkwardly to luhan who's eating peacefully

'it's okay. want some?' he offer me a bite but i just shook my head with a surprise face

luhan chuckle seeing my reaction which i find he looks so amazingly handsome when he act natural in front of me. i didn't realise when did i say the words that i really regret after saying it because we both seems startled by my words after that

'i like you' i said without i realise

'what?' his face shows that he's surprise by my blunt confession

'uhh.. i mean i like you as a friend. not that kind of like. you know what i mean' i try to explain to him with a nervous face

'oh.. haha. of course i know that you mean that way. i'm just surprise by your sudden confession' he just chuckle awkwardly and look nervous too

we both exit the restaurant after that when we suddenly bump into suho and his new girlfriend. he seems surprise to see us there but luhan just greet him and introduce each other to suho's girlfriend who looks easy to approach. after a few conversation we talk to her like we're friend for a long time since she's open minded. i pull suho's girlfriend from the guys who looks engross in each other's stories

'so, you're both have a date just now huh?' i ask to her and her face turn red after that

'yeah. it's our first. how about you? how long have you been couple with him?' suho's girlfriend ask me back and point to luhan who's standing not far from us

'huh? no, no. you're misunderstanding. we're not a couple. just friend' i guickly explain to her

'oh, really? that's too bad. you both look cute together that i really thought you both are a couple' she reply with a guilty face

after a long time of conversation, we finally go back home and say goodbye to each other when we reach the door house.

'i hate this painful feeling' i mumble when i open the door 

'what painful feeling?' a voice from behind me startled me and i quickly turn around



A/N: sorry for the chapter :(

       this chapter will be continue on the next chapter

       please wait for it... ;) 

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Littlestarexo #1
Chapter 40: I loved it! I loved the story!! I loved the ending!!! I love luhan <33

I wanna a bonus chap or a sequel! It doesn't metter which one you choose ;) just let me see how their love life become in the future! :D wedding? a child? oh oh! maybe 2 child? 3? 4?

Okay I'm stoping there..

well, thank you for writing and sharing this story with us :D

take care :*
Chapter 39: :DDDDDDDDDD
Shanelie #3
Chapter 25: 'I like you'. Pffft. Funny. But uggh! I hate it. She shouldn't at least take back those three words. But seriously I couldn't imagine them being a couple. Ahahaha~
Chapter 36: JONGINNNNNNNNNNN, i love both of them, but i want her to stay with jonginnnnnnnnn
herchanxoxo #5
Chapter 35: Oh jongin you make me wanna kiss you. ♥♥
herchanxoxo #6
Chapter 34: Omg jongin is so sweet. I cannot with my baby ♥ ugh too much feeeeeels.
luvhsjexo #7
i'm sorry but why sehun?? i don't get it
Chapter 35: I like her with both of them , CRAP! just make her stay with Sehun!
Chapter 34: Luhan ya eeeeee
Omg yoonji and jongin is so sweet together nyaaaa
Nanel_cutE #10
Chapter 33: Please, please update more... kamsa :)),