Red Thread of Destiny



Kim Jaejoong was a high school graduated. Now taking odd jobs to support himself. He was your average teenager, almost.
Since young, Jaejoong could see red strings connected to people. Red strings that were invisible to all but him. The Red String of Fate. However, he couldn't see the red string connected to him, in another word, there wasn't a red string connected to him.
During a street fight, Jaejoong met Jung Yunho. He, too, didn't have a red string connected to him.
Jung Yunho, an amazing fighter. In the eyes of a normal human, he seemed to be able to predict others' thoughts hence the nickname : U-KNOW. In fact, Yunho didn't predict, he read minds.
During a street fight, Yunho met Jaejoong. And, Yunho couldn't read Jaejoong's mind.
That day, two men who were not supposed to meet, crossed paths with each other.
Destiny was rewritten. 
The wheel of fate moved.



Gods tie an invisible silken red thread around the little finger of people. 

The two people connected by the red string are destined lovers, regardless of time, place or circumstances. 

This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.
"Regardless of the time, place, circumstaces, or gender, we will always be together. Cause we are soulmates."


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bluvyunjae #1
Chapter 3: it's dont need to rush...take ur time...
i'll wait for your update
HopeLoveFaith #2
Chapter 3: Take your time <3 I like long chapters :)
Chapter 3: take ur time author-shii
phinea2009 #4
Chapter 3: Take your time please.
YuikoCassiopeia #5
Chapter 3: wait! I love long chapters
Chapter 3: For me I really want long chapters. Take your time author-ssi! If you want to post the short one well that's fine with me :)
Neng2ovid #7
Chapter 3: Just keep going. Story is good. Don't care how long it is as long as you update.
LeeChaeMi #8
Finished your review! Hope you can check it out and thank you for requesting a review at The Iridescent Review Shop ^^
HopeLoveFaith #9
Chapter 1: This fic is really interesting <3
I can't want to read the rest of the story! <3
Kyung1Ari #10
Chapter 1: Goood 1st chapter. I can't wait for the next.