The Man That's Like a Child

Whom I Can't See
Baekhyun put on his coat, getting ready to leave his house. He liked to take walks around his neighborhood and city on days like this; where the streets where empty, so he could rest his mind. He slipped on his shoes, wrapped his keys around his index finger, and left the house. He was walking until he heard a deep voice crying. That was unusual, hearing a voice cry out. Baekhyun turned that direction, and walked over to the voice. When he locked eyes on who was crying, what he saw astonished him. A full grown man, crying like a little kid. It was strange, because the people around him passed by, not noticing the distraction. 
Baekhyun turned his head around, looking both ways at the people around him. No one noticed him, or the strange man crying, so Baekhyun approached him first. "Um, hello there, sir." 
The man sniffed and coughed, unclogging his throat so he could speak properly. "C-Can you see me?" He suddenly asked. Baekhyun's eyebrow quirked up, surprised by the question. Who would ask that? 
Not sure what to say, he nodded slowly. "I can see you just fine, sir... Am I not supposed to, or something?" He added, crouching down to the man sitting down. Baekhyun felt people walking around him, and he turned his head. "Excuse me miss, but do you know him?" He asked, directing his hand to the unknown man. The lady looked at him with a questioned look. "Know who? Are you pranking me? There's no one there." The lady said coldly, and turned her head, continuing on her merry walk. 
The tall man opened his mouth. "I have a curse..." He said quietly. 
Baekhyun blinked, and he became more confused than ever. "Excuse me? Did you just say you have a curse?" He asked, clarifying the man's sentence. Baekhyun thought that he was weird. The giant nodded. 
"Y-Yeah... They told me, no one could see me, hear me, except for them, and someone else..." He said quietly. Baekhyun felt like he was in a supernatural movie. 
"If you don't me asking, who is 'they'?" Baekhyun asked, and he moved his position from crouching to sitting. He sat next to the man. When he sat next to him, he noticed the man had gigantic ears. Like an elf, maybe. Maybe this man was an elf? But elves only come from fairy tales. He also noticed the man was cold. Baekhyun didn't notice this before, but he saw that the giant was shivering. 
Before the man could open his mouth, Baekhyun stopped him. "Never mind. Forget I asked, you're freezing. Come on, I'll take you to my house." Baekhyun took off his coat and handed it to the man. Although the coat was a little oversized for him himself, he wondered if it would be too tight for the elf-man. "Wear it." He said, standing up. 
The tall man nodded, and wrapped himself around the coat, popping his arms into the sleeves. Although the coat was a bit oversized for Baekhyun, it slipped into the man's body like it was made for him. Baekhyun had thoughts beforehand that it was too tight. The man stood up, and looked at Baekhyun. "Well... Uh... Let's go?" He said uneasily. Baekhyun nodded, and laughed at his child-like personality. He walked back to his house, the man following behind him like a lost puppy. 
Along the way back, he had started a conversation between him and the elf-man. "So, what's your name?" Baekhyun asked. The man chirped up almost instantly. "It's Chanyeol! Park Chanyeol! What's yours?" The man so called to be Chanyeol asked. Baekhyun laughed, and turned around, walking backwards. "It's Byun Baekhyun." 
"Byun... Bacon?" Chanyeol asked, trying to say his name correctly. Baekhyun shook his head. "No, repeat after me. Baek." Baekhyun said. 
"Baek." Chanyeol said, mimicking his voice. 
"Hyun." Baekhyun said as clearly as he could. Chanyeol followed behind, managing to say his name correctly. 
"So... It's Baek... Hyun? Baekhyun? Right? Right?" The taller of the two asked, jumping around, happy he said his new friend's name right. 
Baekhyun smiled at him and nodded, before turning around. "Yup."
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Chapter 14: Sequel!!!! Please!!!!
I hope BBYeol will realize the thing abt his selfishness =))
Chapter 14: Sequel, please!
soufflecake #3
Chapter 14: btw, i wonder if its jongin or jongdae?
soufflecake #4
Chapter 14: plllssssssss gimme a sequeeelllll kyaaaaaa
buxkwild #5
Chapter 14: OMG A SEQUEL plz...iloveit
Chapter 14: so so so cute... :D if u have sequel is better....
Chapter 14: O.O
Its end already? Wow
Sequel please :)
Chapter 14: Aigoo why are they so adorable?! xD sequel pleaseee ~
Chapter 14: Awwwww! Baekyeol is being cute! asdfghjkl!! A sequel please! :3
Chapter 14: ehhhh why did i post this three times??