a secret room

the beginning

I opened the bathroom's door and got into the cabin when!!! Iced cold water poured on top of my head ... I couldn't breath, I opened the door and wanted to see who ever did it but they just ran away before I could see them ! "W-why is this happening to me!! Who would ever do this to me" I said shivering.

My hair was wet and the top part of my school uniform also, I tried to dry myself with the hand blow drier "I should dry my hair first so I won't get sick" I told myself. After some time my hair was half dry and my cloths too ... I was tired so I decided to stop drying myself and go to class, "im late .. too late I've missed a few classes" When I got out I bumped into someone and when I looked up I saw jungwon

"Yah ___!! Where were you? A-and why are you wet" he asked touching my wet hair

"Someone poured water over my head when I was in the bathroom" I explained while holding my hair and looking at the ground

"Who was that person!" He said fiercely

"I-I don't know I didn't see who it was" I said looking down "but no worries no harm happened" I said faking a smile wich im good at

"What do you mean no harm happened you are wet and-" "Yah jungwon ! I said no harm now let's go to our class" I said walking towards class

"Yah ___ ah class is over, now its lunch time" he said putting his hands on his pocket

"Uhm really !! I must've lost trak of time when I was drying my hair" I said akwardly "so lets go eat" he smiled at me.

We went to the cafeteria together and went to look for a place to sit when the mean girl came to me "hey like the iced water" she laughed and walked away I ignored her and we both took a seat "So I guess she was the one who gave you the morning shower" jungwon said

"I guess so" I said eating my food "but I don't care .. she doesn't scare me"

"Yah you should be careful!! That's the queenka of our school her name is hyeme and she's dangerous" he warned

"Well I love danger" I winked at him

"No not like that she might do something bad to you and if she doesn't like you, she will hurt you" he warned again. I stopped eating and started thinking of what she will be doing to me *I don't really have anything to lose since im alone but who knows what she might do* "Right I guess I better stay away from her" I said. It's time for our next class, jungwon had the same class as mine so we sat next to each other ... when a student came in and said "the teacher is absent today feel free to do what ever you want" Jungwon turned to me and said

"hey can I borrow your note book for a moment" "Sure" I handed him my note book and he opened it and started looking at its content "You have a really nice note book ... everything is organised and it seems that you like drawing" he said showing me my drawings "Yeah I love to draw" I said giggling "Great !! Then come with me I want to show you something" he grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of class "YAH !! Where are we going !!" I said in a loud voice "Just follow me" we kept walking in the school corridors until we reached a dark hallway ... it looked like its haunted more like an abandoned section "W-what's that?" I asked "Just wait you'll love it" he said opening the door infront of us revealing a white room with all types of art work and tools.

"Its beautiful" I said dazed by that beautiful view

"I know right .. this art section is abandoned no one comes here anymore so I thought you might like it since you like drawing" he said rubbing the back of his neck

"It's nice but I think it needs some fixing and care, the place smells kinda bad" I said while wandering around the place

"How about we fix it and improve the place for you to stay here and do you artwork?" He said and I turned around widened my eyes "Are you serious!! We can do that?" I asked "Sure but first we need to tell the head master if she agrees" he said putting his hands in his pocket

"It'll be fun but I don't think I can do it alone" I said "Yah! Who said you were doing it alone ... im helping of course" he did mehrong "now come on let's go to the head master and ask for her permission.

We walked out of the room and went straight towards the head masters office and asked for her pression to do our work in this room and she agreed "im glad that there are still people who are interested in arts" she said and added "I hope you do a great job" "Thank you very much head master" we both bowed and went back to the abandoned room and sat there for and while to think of what we are going to do to fix this place, "I want it to be pink and white" I said "Good Idea it also needs more tables and I think we could buy some stands to hold the paintings aslo some portrait for you to draw on" he said looking around the place and analysing where he should put all these things I looked at him with a smile on my face *im glad that im not alone anymore* I thought while still staring at him as if I admired him "Yah! Are you in love with me or something, lets get going" he said bringing me back to reality "Uhm yeah, how about we go today to get the things we need for this room" I said and he agreed.

School was finally over, and we both walked out of the school building together. And there I saw sehun sitting where he always sits I smiled at him and waved my hand happily, he smiled back and got stood up

"Hey, how was school? " he asked

"Fine" I said smiling and looking at jungwon

"So wanna hang out today?" He asked looking at jungwon then me

"Oh sorry I can't, I'll be going shopping with jungwon today" i said holding jungwon's arm and smiling , and sehun widend his eyes when I did that "W-wh aah" he started mumbling then shook his head and stated talking properly "shopping? So your gonna buy some cloths and he will help you with that!!" He told

"NO, who said anything about cloths" I said putting my hands on my hips "we found an art class room and we were hoping to redecorate it and maybe buy somethings we might need for this class room" I explained

"Oh good then umm-can I come with you guys?" He asked looking relived

"Sure why not" jungwon said and I looked at him then smiled in a cute way.

The three of us went to the furniture store to get some tables and sofas for the class room to sit on, then we went to the art store to buy some wooden stands and white portraits and other art tools needed.

When we were done "I think we need something esle, don't you agree with me?" Jungwon said looking at me "Umm well I want there to be a mirror" I said rubbing my chin "Mirror? Wae?" He titled his head  "Well I like looking at my self sometimes it gives me inspiration" I said laughing at my own words "No wonder, a beautiful girl like you will definitely be inspired by her own beauty" he laughed and I nuged him with my elbow and faked a laugh when sehun parted between us "I don't think you should stand this close to each other or people might misunderstand something" he said wrapping his arm around my shoulder "Wow ___ i think your boyfriend is jealous" jungwon said pointing at sehun "He's not my boyfriend" I said hitting his hand "Good then I might have a chance with you" he said trying to get close to me when I pushed him away "Shut up! Don't even think about it" I said moving away "now come on it's late lets all go home" Jungwon went home and me and sehun walked together to my place

when we arrived to my place "Oh I lost my key" I said while searching in my bag "ugh I must've lost it when I was drying my self when-" I kept quiet for a moment

"You wha-" he was going to say something but I just cut him off saying  "oh it's okay I have a spare key hidden under the carpet outside the door" I said while pulling the carpet reveling the spare key I opned the door and put it back in its place.

I said goodbye to sehun and went inside the house took a shower and went to bed.






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KhineSu #1
Chapter 9: That's really great and I hope you will write...Please
KhineSu #2
Chapter 9: Keep writing. That's really great. I like it so much.
Chapter 7: Hmm...
I don't think there is anything wrong with your story,
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