meeting exo

the beginning

I woke up early in the morning and did my morning routine before going to school, As I opened the door to go to school I saw jungwon standing on my front door ... "Jungwon! What are you doing here" I titled my head

"Uh ___" he said rubbing the back of his neck "sehun told me to walk to school with you because he has a scedule early in the morning and he won't be able to walk with you" "Walk with me? Im not a child you know" I said putting my hands on my hips "I know it's just he's worried that you might get bullied like yesterday" he told "Fine" I sighed and we both walked to school It was quite and we arrived in no time

As I entered the school I walked towards my locker and opened it I saw a note ... I sighed then opened it knowing it wasn't a secret admirer but those idiot jealous bullies, -I warned you not to be close with our sehun oppa but I guess your so stubborn and stupid enough not to listen to me, anyway you'll pay for it!!! JUST WAIT YOU WILL BE EMBARRASED- I crumbled the not and tossed it away ignoring her empty threatening words.

I pulled out my books and closed my locker and there she was standing right infront me "So I guess you read my love note" she said sarcastically "Oh yeah I have, and I don't need this kind of love from you" I said mocking her, she got mad and knocked the books off my hands "Pick that up will you" she laughed before she walked away "I hope you trip on your way to class" I whispered to myself while picking up my books off the floor.


everything went well as usual people staring and whispering but as always I don't care. I took a seat at the back of the class when jungwon walked in and sat beside me, he smiled and waved so I smiled back "Hey,whats up" he said placing his books on the table "Not much" I said not looking at him "What did hyeme do this time" he looked concerned I looked at him "H-how did you ... I-I mean nothing .. nothing she didn't do anything why would you say that" I said trying to cover my sad expression with a laugh "I know she did something" he looked down "if you don't feel comfortable talking about it I won't bother you about it" And before I could answer him the teacher walked in and the class started. I couldn't concentrate I kept thinking of what jungwon had said to me before about hyeme doing bad and dangerous things *what could she possibly do to me, hit me?* I lost feeling of time and class ended, I picked up my books and walked out of class wanting to see my math teacher *all of a sudden I just felt like going and talk to him about the math competition he told me about*

I arrived at his office and knocked the door "Oh hey ___ come in" he said taking off his glasses "Umm mr.kwang about that math competition" I said looking at the groud "Yes?" He looked at me "I-I don't think I can do it" I said and he just smiled at me "it's okay I understand, if you don't want to I wont mind at all thank you for informing me" he said and I bowed and excused him to go to my next class.

As I was walking to my next class I received a text, I reached for my phone and it was sehun, once I saw his name I unconsciously smiled and opened the text to read it

Sehun: "hey .. im sorry for sending jungwon this morning to walk with you to school, I wanted to do it but I was too busy"

Me: "ani kwinchana"

Sehun: " I want to take you to our dorm to meet the guys here, what do you think? "

Me: "what .. why?"

Sehun: "I just want them to meet you ^^" I smiled to his text and wanted to reply to his text but the teacher came in and started teaching, Class ended and it was time for lunch so I just took my books and my phone and started to text sehun back I was walking with a smiled on my face from reading sehuns texts when .... I tripped more like was pushed !! My books were scattered on the floor also my phone fell off my hand When I looked up a saw a big guy laughing at me "yah ___ ah don't forget to come to the apartment today" he laughed out and more people were gathering around to watch "Stop this act" I said sternly "Oh come on don't act like you don't know what im talking about" he smirked at me "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT" I screamed as he walked closer to me "Let me show you what im talking about" he said as he grabbed my left ankle and pulled me closer causing my skirt to lift up and revealing my underwear, I reacted fast and pulled it back down to cover the revealed part "Don't be like that let me have fun" he said holding my left ankle and reaching my thighs using his other hand, I kicked him with my right foot "LET ME GO!!" I screamed

"Don't act all innocent its not like it's the first time you ever do this" he said grabbing my other ankle "now show them the real you are" he said trying to get close to my face when he got pushed away, jungwon pushed him away causing him to let me go and freeing my body from his tight grip,

as soon as I was free I got up and ran.. I kept running and crying until I reached the same place where jungwon took me before, I dropped on the floor and continued crying my eyes out...

Sehun's pov:

I was done practicing when I received a text from ___

 ___: "sehun ssi"

Me: "yaah whay did I tell you about the formalities"

___: "sehun ssi it's jungwon" I was shocked from this text worrying about ___ *why is jungwon textimg me with her phone !!! Did something happen*

Me: "j-jungwon?! Why are you texting me from ___'s phone?"

Jungwon: "sehun ssi something happened and I think she needs your help, can you come to school?" I widened my eyes upon his text and was worried about her to death

Me: "I'll be there as fast as I can" I replied and ran towards my car and drove as fast as I can to her school When I arrived I walked in without thinking, as I entered I saw jungwon waiting for me inside

"Sehun ssi you're here" he said In a reliefed tone "Where is she!!" I said shaking his shoulder "did something bad happen to her" I asked concerned and jungwon just looked at me and said "well, there's this queenka hyeme she always bullies ___ and this time she paid some guy to ... um harass her to ruin her reputation" I widened my eyes after hearing his words "why didn't you help her" I said in an angry tone "I-I did but as soon as I pushed the guy away she ran and started crying" he looked down "Do you know where she is know?" "I-im not really sure ... she may be at the abandoned art room we found the other day" "So what are you waiting for lead me there" I said pushing him to lead the way

We soon arrived at the abandoned section and entered the art class room he talked about ... as I opened the door I saw her!! My heart ached so much when I saw her like this ... lying on the cold floor her cheeks were wet from her tears, I walked slowly towards her body which was lying on the floor having a rest from all this crying,

I approached her reaching my hand to wipe her tears slowly off her soft cheeks, before I could touch her wet face she opened her eyes and sat properly leaning her back against the wall and wiped her tears off "w-what are you doing here" she said looking away "Are you okay?" I asked showing how concerned I am and she just looked at with a sad look then she shifted her gaze to jungwon "Are you okay?" I repeated my question while holding her hand and her tears just started flowing "I-I" she started sobbing and she covered her face with both her hands I wanted to hug her so bad !!

I moved her hands revealing her face and just wiped her tears I looked into her eyes "don't worry I will always protect you" after what I said her tears stopped coming out "Now come on let's get out I wanna take you somewhere" I helped her get off the floor And she just turned to jungwon "thank you for helping me earlier" she said and all three of us walked out from the class room and headed to the toilet for her to wash her face after all this crying We waited her outside the girls room.

When she got out a guy came out and grabbed her wrist "yah why did you run away!! I wasn't finished with you" he said and she was scared trying to escape from his grip pushing him away but she failed since he was stronger than her "LET ME GO" she screamed and I just ran towards them

"Hey what do you think you're doing let her go" I said pushing the guy away from her and pulling her closer to my chest and she just grabbed my shirt tight and burying her face into my chest "It's none of your business!! I have some unfinished business with this girl" he said holding her shoulder and pulling away from me ... I was mad so I held her wrist and pushed him away from her, and pushed ___ the other direction for him to be far from her "Hey!! Don't touch her" I said grabbing his collar

"Why protect this " he said and I got really mad I moved away and punched him right in the face then grabbed his arm ... twisted it and


"aaaah aah you broke my arm you will pay for it" he fell on the floor from the pain I caused him "If you want to keep on living don't you ever get close to her never touch her you hear me!!" I warned and he just looked at me with fear and ran away, so I turned to face ___ "are you okay?" I asked not realising that I was hugging her

"Umm im fine thanks" she said breaking from my hug "Okay now lets go" I grabbed her wrist "Where!" She asked "I want you to meet some people" I smiled "don't worry it's okay, nothing will happen to you as long as im here" she smiled back at me then we got out from school.

We arrived at exo's dorm and we walked in "good thing that manager hyung isn't here or else I would have been scolded" I did a mehrong

"If you were going to get scolded why did you bring me here" she pouted

"I wanted to introduce you to the guys" I rubbed the back of my neck "Guys im back!!" I announced and everyone ran towards us wanting to greet __.




hey guy i havent been updating lately i had exams ... i did some changes in  the preveous chapters i changed the name .. more like removed it since it was silly

i hope you like my new chapter and comment if youd like me to inue


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KhineSu #1
Chapter 9: That's really great and I hope you will write...Please
KhineSu #2
Chapter 9: Keep writing. That's really great. I like it so much.
Chapter 7: Hmm...
I don't think there is anything wrong with your story,
I mean it's nice ._.
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