Good Morning~

A Brother From Another Country * HIATUS*


“Yong~ I’m hungryyyyyy~”  Minhyuk whined, staring up at the ceiling.”Can you make me some kimbab?”  Yonghwa turned around to face him. He wore a blue apron and his face and black hair was covered with flour and sugar.

“What do I look like? You’re personal chef?” He questioned with crossed arms. Minhyuk stared blankly at him then nodded and confidently said yes. He rolled his eyes and turned back around to continue cooking.

“I’m serious hyung! I’m starving over here!”  He continued to whine at him. Yonghwa groaned and walked over to him.

“Alright Minhyuk, you see that?” He pointed towards the kitchen. Minhyuk glanced to the direction he was pointing then back at his hyung.

“…A microwave?”

“Yes. Here.” Yonghwa handed him a small box. Minhyuk stared at it in confusion. The older boy just rolled his eyes again and let out a sigh.”It’s ramen. Now go make some 2 minute noodles you lazy potato.”

“But hyung~” He pouted his lips at him and stared at him with puppy eyes.

“Not buts mister. Now move your and go.”  Minhyuk slowly got up and walked over to the kitchen, grumbling about how he didn’t even know how to use the microwave. Risung stumbled into kitchen while rubbing her eyes.

“Morning~” She yawned. Yonghwa smiled at her.  Risung had her hair in a messy bun and wore a large hoodie with sweatpants. How cute, he thought.

“You know it’s like 1 pm right?” Even though he didn’t see it he knew she was rolling her eyes at him. But he did hear her grumble something.

“Leave me alone. I’m not used to the time difference and-“  She opened her eyes and stared at him now feeling fully awake. “…What the heck happened to your face?”

“What? You don’t like my face?”  She gave him a “Just tell me what freaking happened” look. “Alright, I was experimenting with something and it didn’t turn out so well.”

“Obviously.” She said. “It looks like you were making out with a cake.”

“….Wait, is it seriously that bad?”  He asked, suddenly panicking. 



Yes, it's short. >.<

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sooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
See ya in an month
*clap* ♥ I loved it.~~ :DD
I MISSED YOU LOTS~~~ <3 <3 <3<br />
Noy9220 #4
Great funny
Ahhhhh cnbluee all together! <3 I love dis chapter <3 JYH ahhhhh~~~ ....Anyways great job Meli.~ ^^ cant wait for the next chapter.~ <3
“Duh! Rosetta Stone!” xDD omg Terra that cracked me up xDD<br />
Well buddy once again you made a wonderful chapter :DD<br />
i loved it~ i can't wait for yonghwa~ ..i mean cnblue...<br />
update soon!~ :))
i really love your story! a very smart ideea~! please update soon ! i look forward to the story !
kickthetable #8
she'll react like me.<br />
<br />
"YESSS!!!!!!!"<br />
<br />
hahaha, lucky girl. gets the chance to go to Korea AND Minhyuk is her brother AND gets to see CNBLUE.hehehe.
omg!~ Cliffhanger~~~ <br />
oh Kairi i can imagine her now freaking out in her head "what did he just say?!"<br />
ahhh i can't wait for chapter 4!~
kickthetable #10
totally can imagine Minhyuk here. hahaha.<br />
Him and his attitude.<br />
love to read more <33