The Plan

Just U&I

Chapter 6♥

Hana’s POV:
The rest of the night was a bit awkward at Kris’ house. We watched TV for a little while and then went to sleep.

“Are you sure you don’t want to sleep in my bed?” asked Kris.

“Nah, it’s ok. I’ll just sleep in the couch.” I smiled at him. He smiled back; we said goodnight and lights out.


“You’re not serious…” said Yuri in shock.

I’d just told the girls about what happened at lunch the next day. Everything that happened… They were completely shocked when they heard about Kris. I only nodded in response. Even I thought it was a bit crazy.

“Hana, dear,” Hyeri said, “I know what’s going to happen. You’re gonna say it’s ok to live with Kris and so you guys will live together. But knowing Kris’ personality, the type of guy who can get any girl he wants, will manage to make you fall for him. Then, when you finally accept your feelings for him, he ditches you for someone else. You’re the one that’s gonna end up hurt Hana.” I guess Hyeri had a point but I knew for sure that I wasn’t gonna live in Kris’ house for long and I DEFINITELY knew that we weren’t gonna fall in love. So, I simply rolled my eyes at Hyeri’s Remark.

“You watch too many dramas Hyeri.” Yuri said between bites of her sandwich. We all laughed but Yuri was completely right. Hyeri always has a new drama to watch.

“Oh trust me it will…” Ok I’m sorry, but the way she said that as if she could tell the future was a bit *A LOT* creepy.

As we talked I saw Kris walking with his 11 other friends *it was a big group*. I chuckled. “Hey Hyeri, look over there.” As soon as she found out what I pointed at, she blushed bright red, and put her head down. Hyeri had a crush on one of the guys in the “Kris crew”. I forget his name but he’s the really energetic one. The one who always wears a snapback and has sort of big ears. Chan…Chan…Chanyeol!! I remember now.

When we were taking the exam to get into Seoul Center High School, Chanyeol and Hyeri happened to sit side by side. Chanyeol didn’t have a pencil so he asked Hyeri for one and from then on she’s had this huge crush on Chanyeol. What I liked about her crush was that Hyeri’s probably the most quiet and shy person in the school who’s really calm while Chanyeol is the loud and energetic one. They’re like “Ying” and “Yang”. *LOL*

After laughing for a while Kris’ and my eyes met. For some reason I blushed so I put my head down. I hadn’t seen him in the morning but I’m not sure why. He might have left earlier to intentionally not see me…Since I hadn’t seen him, I wanted to say thank you and so I did.

“Be right back guys.” I said and got up.

As I walked to Kris’ table I was a bit hesitant but as I got closer and the guys looked at me, I guess I couldn’t just turn back.

“Whose girlfriend is it?” Asked Kai matter-of-factly. I rolled my eyes but the rest of the guys laughed, except Kris.

“Hey,” said Kris.

“Oh so she’s KRIS’ girl!! Makes sense…” Kai said and by now I was about to punch him.

“Yah!” I say, maybe a bit too loud, “I’m no one’s girlfriend. I’m just a…friend…of Kris’ so don’t bother him OR ME about it.” The boys looked amazed at my words. I guess they thought I was a sweet little girl that couldn’t harm a fly…oh but I could harm things much bigger than flies... I chuckled a little and then turned back to Kris. “So what’s up?” He asked while his friends were looking as if it was a movie. “Oh yeah…since you left so early, I couldn’t say thank you. And also, I’m sorry for yelling at you during science.” I said as I played with my hair.

“Wait you guys slept in the same house? Oooooh…” Now it was Chen who was getting on my nerves. “Yah!” I said again and crossed my arms over my chest, then I laughed. “Nah it’s ok. You were in a tough situation so that’s the least I could do.” He smiled that smile he kept smiling yesterday and I couldn’t help but blush. For some reason I felt close to Kris’ friends. Sure they were a bit annoying, but they were sort of cool too. When I turned to leave suddenly an idea crept into my mind. “Kris can you come here?” I motioned Kris to come to a corner with my finger. He did as told and when I made sure none of our “clicks” were near, I talked. “So, do you know my friends, JungAh, Hyeri, Mikyeong, and Yuri?” Kris shook his head and I nodded. “I had an idea. How about we hook your friends up with my friends? They don’t already have girlfriends right?” Kris smirked at my idea. I then told him everything about Hyeri and Chanyeol. Kris chuckled when I finished. “You know, Chanyeol ALWAYS has this pink mechanical pencil that he never lets go of and NEVER let’s other people borrow it. So maybe he likes her back.” He winked. *OMG…he winked…snap out of it!!* I nodded trying to stop my mad blushing *what’s happening to me…?*.

We agreed to go to the amusement park and the water park IN the amusement park on Saturday with our friends. We’d meet there and then we’d find a way to get the couples made there.

When I got back, my friends had a shocked expression on all their faces. I laughed. They didn’t know what was coming.


Kris’ POV:
When I went back to my table I heard my friends whisper stuff while laughing which I assume was about me. I rolled my eyes. “So guys,” it’s time to start the plan, “uh, how about we go to Lotte World this Saturday with Hana and her friends?” I pointed to the table they were sitting at. Suddenly, Chanyeol stood up from his seat and started jumping. I’m guessing he found out Hyeri-girl was coming. I chuckled at his stupid *idiotic -.-* behaviour. “Yes”, “sweet”, “cool, yeah let’s go”, and other responses like that kept coming from the 11 guys. *Sweet, girls, here we go….THEY go…not me -.-*


For the rest of the day, I had to listen to Chanyeol’s stupid overreacting and jumpiness because of Hyeri-girl. When we finally had science for last period, *why’d I just say finally? O.O* Hana and I talked about the plan and other stuff.

“So, uh, am I sleeping over at your house again today?” I nodded and said yeah. I was actually a bit worried. I could hear her crying in the living room at night because of her parents’ death. It was all so sudden, I knew how she felt. I had to be nice to her and make her smile because she was in severe pain. Not because I had pity for her or anything, I actually want to be nice to her not only because of her personal business but just…because.

“Oh right, I just noticed, we still need to finish that project. I know we still have a week and a half but still.” She reminded. Oh right…I forgot. Well it’s no wonder of course because I never really pay attention to that stuff anyways.

“Mister Wu, Miss Yoon, do you have something you’d like to share with the class?” Asked the teacher, a stern tone lingering in his voice. Hana bit her lower lip. “Uh, sor-”

“Yeah, we were talking about the project.” I said cutting her off. She looked at me in confusion. I took my notebook and a pencil and wrote:

My aunt’s the principle and my uncle is the chairman of the school, teachers can’t really mess with me or…off with their head.

And after that, I drew an astonishing cartoon of our science teacher holding his head with his right arm and his neck was spilling blood everywhere. They don’t call me Kriscasso for nothing. Hana quietly laughed.

She took the paper and laughed a bit longer. She wrote:

You really can’t draw.

I took the paper and annoyed replied:

Umm, yeah I can!! I’m KRISCASSO~

She laughed really hard (yet quiet) when she read that and I laughed along with her. But I AM the master of drawing -.-


After science, it was time to go home. “Kris, can I ask you something?” Hana asked me at the entrance. I nodded in response. “Do you mind if I bring my friends over. It’s only for a little while don’t worry.” She bowed 90 degrees and I patted her head. She looked up at me, her face red. “I’ll take that as a…yes?” I nodded and chuckled.

 We ended up all walking together to my house, talking about random things. The JungAh-girl was so energetic calling me “oppa! Oppa!” every time she wanted my attention. Mikyeong-girl kept quiet and so did Hyeri. “Uh...” Hyeri finally said.

Everyone stopped walking and watched her as she was about to speak. “I never said hi…so hi…” You could tell she wanted to say something else but stopped herself. “You like Chanyeol right?” I asked. Suddenly, JungAh, Yuri, and Hana started laughing. Hyeri stopped walking and blushed bright red. No comment was made.


That night, after the girls left, Hana and I discussed the Amusement Park plan. We decided that we’d travel together as a group for the few hours and after eating, everyone would pick a partner and they’d go around by themselves. Hana and I would be partners because we were the ones that made the plan. After each pair of partners had enough fun, we’d go home.

Then, we the TV and watched a random movie. Once it was finished, I turned to Hana and found her sound asleep. I carried her bridal style and dropped her on my bed. I could tell in the morning that her back was aching from the uncomfortable sofa. I knew I’d be even more uncomfortable because of my long legs, but I slept on the couch.

As I was drifting off to sleep, I thought of something.

Hana, you changed me. Before I was a cold bastard but now I’m nicer. Before I didn’t care about anything. Now, I care…even if it IS just a little bit.

My heart beat faster at the thought. What’s wrong with me?

After a while, I heard some soft sobs coming from my bedroom. I went in and found Hana shedding tears in her sleep. *She must be thinking of her parents.* I walked over and tucked her in a bit more.

Without noticing, I found myself caressing her cheek with my thumb. When I realized what I was doing, I backed away and ran to the couch. *I must have some sort of fever…*

Yoon Hana, what have you done to me?

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jikyungbunny #1
Chapter 8: Woahhhhhh, this chapter is jjang!!! Update soon author-nim. Fighting :)
sophia_loves_kpop #2
Chapter 3: Its awesome!!!!!!!!.....but the kris's font color.....i just cant really see it >.<
cheyeneepuff #3
Chapter 2: i think you should change the font color authornim