The wish

My Miracle in December

One day, I woke up in a cramped place, it was pitch black. I tried to sit up, but before I even got the chance I bumped my head on something soft but something hard over it, I laid back down and placed my hand over it to examine what it was, I started to tap everywhere, I wondered if anyone was there so I tapped louder to see if anyone would hear me, but it seemed like no one was there, I tapped to my left side and tapped all the way to my right shoulder then I heard a click, I pushed my right arm upwards slowly to see if it would open and it did, I slowly opened the door and saw light. 


I blinked my eyes a few times to adjust my eyes from the sudden light, feeling like I have been sleeping for a long time, that I wasn't used to the light that has welcomed me, I opened my eyes and saw a white ceiling, I sat up pushing myself up feeling weak. I looked around and saw a window to my left and a door to my right, I was in an empty room. It was a plain white room, it didn't have a bed, T.V., a dresser, etc. I looked at what I was sitting on, it was soft and it's like a bed inside a box but a rectangle size... fit for a person to sleep in. I wanted to see it from the outside so I tried to get up, but my legs were weak so I had a hard time getting up, when I got out and stood up I slowly attempted to walk, I went to the edge of the door of the box like bed I was in and closed it, as the door closed my eyes widened, I was shocked to find that it was actually a coffin.



I backed away, slowly trying to keep calm while I try to figure out what was going on, I hit my back on the wall and slowly slide down to the ground, I was so confused. I looked at my hands, legs and shoulders, I tried to look if there was something wrong with me.


What's going on?! 


I looked at my feet and wasn't wearing any foot wear. I was wearing a white silky short-dress. 


I stood up and walked towards the coffin and opened it again, I looked at the inside thoroughly.


-'' I bet this is a joke '' I told myself out loud trying to push the idea of me actually dying and was just kidnapped and was placed inside a coffin as a joke or a horrible prank. I looked for mini cameras that might have been hidden inside. It took me half an hour looking at every corner of the coffin but I never found one, I looked at the sides of the walls to see if there was any cameras hanging but there were none, the last thing that I could only do in the room was to go outside, because there was nothing else for me to do there rather than wait inside the room until someone comes in from the door that is right in front of me and tell me what was happening, but I knew that it wouldn't happen since it's almost an hour since I got out of the coffin. But before leaving the room I walked towards the window. I looked outside and saw people walking and cars passing by, but being so imaginative I thought I would see the world in an apocalypse or something but it was a normal day. I turned to the door and headed towards it and hoped that it wasn't locked, I grabbed the door knob with my left hand and turned it but it wouldn't open I tried again but it still wouldn't open, I started to panic but then I realized I was turning it the wrong way, I felt so stupid and face palmed myself. I opened the door and looked if anyone was outside. From the looks of the hall way I figured that I might be in a Hotel or an apartment building, I went out of the room and closed the door behind me and looked at the room number I was in, I tried to remember the number and looked for an elevator, there was one just a few steps away to my right, when I took my first step I remembered that I didn't have any footwear.



-'' ! '' I cursed. I turned back and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't open.


What the ?!


But I couldn't waste my time trying to open a stupid door and I remembered that I didn't see any shoes in the room so I just made my way to the elevator. I got in the elevator and pressed the lobby button. In the elevator, there was a mirror I avoided looking at myself, I don't know why? But it made me wonder what and how I looked like, I closed my eyes and counted one to three and opened my eyes.

-'' Oh my god... I'm thinner and really... pail '' When I saw my face I was shocked.


How did I lose weight? from sleeping?


After a minute wait the elevator door opened, I got off and started to walk to where the receptionist would be, I felt really embarrassed because I had no shoes on. People looked at me that it made me even more embarrassed, but I didn't show it. Then I noticed that the people that were looking at me were Asians I wondered if I was a little bit racist calling them Asian when I'm also Asian, I stopped for a bit and looked at the pictures on the wall and saw Korean words at the bottom of it and remembered that a few weeks ago I arrived to Korea.


But I'm very curious about how I ended up in a coffin and in a strange room which I was in. I walked to the receptionist and asked who was the last person that attended the room that I was in, but he said that the room doesn't exist, I became even more confused. 


-'' But I just went out of that room! '' I told the receptionist. -'' But miss, our rooms are only up to 292, room number 293 doesn't exist, maybe you're confused or you saw the number wrong'' he said. I felt baffled, I couldn't believe this. 


I blinked my eyes for a few seconds and pulled myself together. -'' Can I... '' I stopped in a halt noticing that I was talking in Korean the whole time, but when I came to Korea I couldn't even speak a whole phrase correctly. -'' Am I talking in Korean?... '' I asked the receptionist confused. He raised his eye brow and said with a duh expression '' Yes..''. I couldn't believe it, because I don't remember being fluent in Korean. -'' Miss? are you okay? '' the receptionist asked me with worry.


How the ?...







Hello :) when some words are in color it means that the person is talking in there head or they are saying something in a low voice, by the way I hope you liked it so far. Thank you <3


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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 20: It's really interesting, although I did get a bit confused towards the end, but I really enjoyed the story ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
stefiwalker #2
Chapter 13: The story is good
Some spellings are wrong...
When i read it, i felt weird...
Chapter 8: thank you for liking the story and reading it
Chapter 5: D.O !! O>M<G ma feels - Yuki
Chapter 4: Wow ~ Kim wish to be a vampire - Yuki
Chapter 3: Handsome demon XD
I hope you can put more lines in next chapter!! - Yuki
Chapter 2: Kim dead?? O>M<G - Yuki
Chapter 1: Wow ~ sleep for 5 years? cool XP
Update soon - Yuki
Wow ~ nice description & i like your story!! - Yuki