Saturday is pancake day!

















“YangYooo~~” Yoseob’s phone rang but he made no attempt to sit up. He didn’t need to check to now it was JP. After a while, the phone quietened down and Yoseob sighed. He must be having fun with Soomi, he thought. So why would he call me?


Maybe… Maybe he isn’t? Yoseob shot up only to fall back down onto his bed. Impossible.

The way he was talking last night was evidence enough. Yong Junhyung definitely had a thing for this Soomi girl. Hopefully, she wasn’t playing him for money, he thought.


Crying softly to himself, Yoseob went back to sleep, the pain in his chest aching as much as ever.









Junhyung paced anxiously in the balcony. Yoseob wasn’t picking up. He closed his phone harshly and breathed out, hoping nothing was wrong.


“Junhyung?” A gently voice called out hesitantly from behind him, making him turn around.  Soomi watched him carefully, worry written across her face. “Kwenchana?”



“Oh.. Okay..” Soomi paused, not knowing what else to say.


Mir walked into the room and stood next to Soomi, while rubbing his eyes sleepily.

“Wow, Mir! You sure are up early? It’s only 8” Junhyung gasped.

Mir’s drowsy face stretched out into a huge grin.





“Hyung! It’s Saturday! Saturday is Pancake day!” When he bounced all the way over to the swivel chairs in front of the counter, he patted the seat next to him, motioning Junhyung to sit.

Junhyung sat down slowly as Soomi put a plate full with pancakes in front of him.

Mir was about to dig in when he put his fork back down again.

“What’s wrong Cheolyong?” Soomi asked worriedly.

“Noona, I have an assignment to do with Kyeol and Dongwoon so I’m going to go over to Kyeol’s okay? Could you pack this up for me and her?  I want to surprise her!” He said gleefully.




In two minutes Mir was out the door, screaming bye as he rode his bike his best friend’s house, leaving Junhyung and Soomi alone.

Junhyung the old fashioned radio that was next to the small flowerpot on the windowsill. Slow music filled the quiet house as Junhyung got up from the chair and moved to the other side of the counter.

“Soomi-ah... What do you work as?”

“Huh? Oh right now I’m sort of training in a business but I get paid quite a lot. I should be opening up my own soon.” She replied with a smile.

“What kind?”

“I’m thinking either a café or a book boutique… But I’m leaning towards a café.”

“Why don’t you have both?” Junhyung asked.

Soomi turned away from the stove to face him. “Are you crazy Yong Junhyung? I haven’t even started one yet and you want me to do both at the same time?” She turned back, laughing. “You must be crazy”













Soomi’s POV



I was too busy laughing to notice what Junhyung did next. He moved over behind me and rested his hands on the bench, so that his head hovered on the left of mine. I stood frozen to the spot, not knowing what I should do as our breaths mingled.

“Junhyung-ah…” My voice was silent but I knew he could hear it; he was that close.


“Pabo Soomi… I mean, you should mix them together. Make a bookshop that has a coffee bar or a café on the side. People can come, read or buy books while having a coffee or something to eat. What do you think?” Junhyung’s voice came out as a murmur, a tone much stronger than mine. His voice reverberated in my ear, filling it melodiously. The beauty of it was so great; it took me a full minute to digest what he had said.



“Junhyung, that’s amazing!!” I turned to face him, failing to contain my glee.


 I’m not sure if looking at him was the thing I should have done in that kind of position. My lips brushed against his ever-so-slightly, sending sparks through my body. But the moment had passed as quickly as it had happened. In fact, I wasn’t even sure if it even did happen, since Junhyung gave no apparent reaction.




“So I take it you like it?”

“Do I?!” I replied with a chuckle. “Thank you so much Junnie!”








Junhyung’s POV





“Thank you so much Junnie!”


Junnie? Yeah.. I smiled. I could get used to that.


My hands wrapped themselves around her waist as she looked back towards the pan. I nuzzled my chin into the neck, resting my head on her shoulder. Was she too pretending that our lips didn’t graze against each other? Or did she not mind, because it was just ‘infatuation’?


 She’s given up on telling me it’s infatuation, I realised.


But my heart met with a pang as I realised something else.



That’s probably all we’ll ever be…



But I pushed it aside, for now at least, as I hugged her a little tighter, making the gap between my chest and her back non-existent. I breathed in the vanilla of the pancakes in her soft hair.


Pancake day is the best.





Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't update TT I was so damn tired and I had no idea what to write about -__-

I'm not sure about other authors, but I've come to realise that a lot of my story ideas are based on little incidents from my life.

For example my child hood memories of Pancake Saturday XD

Keke Thanks to kminyeon  for subbing! ^^ Komawoo~~



Ha.. I'm so tired... So are you guys wondering what is going to happen between Kyeol and Mir? Well stay tuned, cuz the next chappie is about theem!!


Anyways I have a headache so I'm out!


PS: I hope you guys read my little comments because I do leave a LOOT of hints down here...


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partiallystars #1
What? You updated?? WOW!!

Seungho's FINALLY GETTING MARRIED!!! (If not in real life atleast!) OMGOMGOMGOMG!! Whats Mir gonna do?? What happens on christmas?? I WANNA KNOW!!!
Update soon <3 :*
And happy easter!!! <3

I GOT MENTIONED!!!fjgkfgbwjkqfvbqhkfvwjhfvhjvfbsjfbvjkfbsjhbsjkb
partiallystars #2
Since you arent updating... I shall spam your comments:

partiallystars #3
Honestly... I think Im already addicted to the story... (Or maybe its just infatu-) nevermind. Its BLOODY BRILLIANT! :D
you know what... you should put my fiancee in the story ;)
kidamazone #5
So... I just finished chapter 18...
I know I can just continue, since there's chapter 19 but... I have to go back to my hmwk now. -CRIES-
But omg... SHE FOUND OUT. O________O
EPICCCCC. O_________O
"She knew she was too weak against him, in more ways than one." This phrase is absolutely beautiful, by the way. <333
I LOVE HOW YOU WRITE. ;lakjd;kljf
-jealous- XD
oh.. I forgot to comment! >< argh, stupid brain...
I am kinda heading off to sleep in a few minutes..... so tired...

WHOA... so it was kinda Kyeol's fault.. aw, I ship Kyeol with Mir though.. because Dongwoon doesn't do much to show his love, get me?

Aw, I hope evryone can be happy again and MORE SEUNGHO!!! <3
MelonCandy #7
Waah! Thank you everybody! I guess pulling a twist like this really sparked everyone up :)
Well now you can see why LOL..