I'm glad I found you





Cold wind made me shiver. Bringing my scarf closer to my face, I tried to walk faster, though it was pointless. The snow was already starting to fall. I suddenly gasped as a figure came into view. A man lay on his side on the side on the path, leaning against the wall of the café. I rushed to his side, dropping my groceries beside me. I crouched down beside him. His breath was rugged.


“Ahjussi, kenchanayo?” I asked, turning him slightly. I gasped, filling my lungs sharply with the frozen air. My mouth couldn’t scream but instead I could only utter his name.









Junhyung’s POV


Ah. SO warm. So soft. I sighed heavily, unwilling to open my eyes. Instead I closed them tighter and snuggled deeper into her neck.









I shot up as fast as I could but only to hit my head on the roof of what seemed to be a car and get even more dizzy.

 I groaned as I clutched my head, my eyes scrunched up tightly in pain. Hands that weren’t my own softly encased my head. The woman beside me pulled me closer to her, letting me bury my head into her shoulder.


I watched her carefully as the sun set behind us. Her nose was straight, her eyes and lips perfect. Her hair was long and light brown in colour, matching her pearly skin perfectly.


The light from behind enveloped her totally, allowing her to emit a glow. As I continued to watch her, I noticed a pink tinge appear in her cheeks. I chuckled at her embarrassment. Cute, I thought. Wait, what?


I looked back up at her face. The sun’s last few rays glowed exceptionally brightly. I couldn’t help but wonder if this woman was an angel. What kind of person would pick up a bloody hoodlum? She’s definitely an angel.


I closed my eyes and smiled to myself. I’m delirious. Yup. That.







SooMi’s POV


Aish... I couldn’t help but blush all through the ride. I could feel his eyes on me, but he didn’t give a creepy feel like his father. Instead it was more… innocent? He seemed kinda like a lost kid.

He was still sleeping by the time we arrived at my house.



Because it was kinda big, I rented out the bottom and kept the second floor and the terrace. The front of the house faced the main road, while the back was a cute cobbled street. Stairs on the side of the building led to the second floor and the terrace was only accessible from inside the second floor.



I called Mir downstairs.

“Hey noona-whoa~” He said with a low whistle at the sight of Junhyung’s bloody body.

“I know” I grimaced. “Just carry him up”.


Mir easily slung Junhyung over his shoulder as took care not to bump him into anything as he made his way up. I followed him with groceries in my hands.




“Noonaaa~~ I finished changing hiiiiim!!” Mir called out to me. I went into the bathroom to find Junhyung sitting on a stool in a towel wrapped around his waist, still unconscious. He was leaning against the wall.


I grimaced as I saw bruises and cuts cover his body. I didn’t notice Junhyung open his eyes drowsily as I concentrated on applying Dettol to his wounds. I winced each time the cotton stuck to the cuts, though he gave no apparent reaction.


A voice chuckled and I looked up to see Junhyung smile devilishly down at me. Automatically, I gasped and pushed him away. He yelled and fell into the water-filled tub. I stared for a second, my mouth open, before I burst out laughing.


“Yah!” He yelled angrily. I clutched my stomach as I bent over in laughter. I turned to look at Junhyung.


“Yah… You ert. Had fun watching me?” He smirked.

I smirked back. “Like you weren’t watching me in the cab” I said coolly.

“Since you’re up now, clean up the rest” I said, motioning towards the first aid kit on the sink.


“Yah” He called out again. “What kind of person are you?”


I looked at him questioningly. “What do you mean?”

“I was just wondering what kind of person would pick up someone like me… Someone like you certainly hasn’t done that before”

I sat down slowly on the stool and bit my lip before answering. “What would have happened if I wasn’t there?”


“I woulda regained consciousness sooner or later, or one of my friends woulda found me”


I got up again with a sigh. “Well I’m glad I found you” I said honestly, looking at him for a while before turning away.


I turned around, my hand resting on the door knob.

He grinned wickedly. “Do you like me?”


“Yeah” I said bluntly, before closing the door.






Kekekeke miss me?

I finally updated ne? I think I'll update again tommorrow or the day after.. I will once I figure out how to link in picturesssss..

I wanna show you the house I have in mind for SooMi :(


PS: Can anyone help me with a poster for this? T^T


I think people prefer my other story -___-" 

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partiallystars #1
What? You updated?? WOW!!

Seungho's FINALLY GETTING MARRIED!!! (If not in real life atleast!) OMGOMGOMGOMG!! Whats Mir gonna do?? What happens on christmas?? I WANNA KNOW!!!
Update soon <3 :*
And happy easter!!! <3

I GOT MENTIONED!!!fjgkfgbwjkqfvbqhkfvwjhfvhjvfbsjfbvjkfbsjhbsjkb
partiallystars #2
Since you arent updating... I shall spam your comments:


partiallystars #3
Honestly... I think Im already addicted to the story... (Or maybe its just infatu-) nevermind. Its BLOODY BRILLIANT! :D
you know what... you should put my fiancee in the story ;)
kidamazone #5
So... I just finished chapter 18...
I know I can just continue, since there's chapter 19 but... I have to go back to my hmwk now. -CRIES-
But omg... SHE FOUND OUT. O________O
EPICCCCC. O_________O
"She knew she was too weak against him, in more ways than one." This phrase is absolutely beautiful, by the way. <333
I LOVE HOW YOU WRITE. ;lakjd;kljf
-jealous- XD
oh.. I forgot to comment! >< argh, stupid brain...
I am kinda heading off to sleep in a few minutes..... so tired...

WHOA... so it was kinda Kyeol's fault.. aw, I ship Kyeol with Mir though.. because Dongwoon doesn't do much to show his love, get me?

Aw, I hope evryone can be happy again and MORE SEUNGHO!!! <3
MelonCandy #7
Waah! Thank you everybody! I guess pulling a twist like this really sparked everyone up :)
Well now you can see why LOL..