Phone Number


SooMi's House!! ^^

Living Room








Junhyung’s POV


I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling with a sigh. I turned my head to see Mir sleeping on the bed beside mine. I lay back down, slowly remembering the day before.

“Do you like me?”


I looked at her, hiding my shock as I smirked and tilted my head playfully to the left. She smiled angelically, making my heart skip a beat. “Don’t misunderstand. It’s just infatuation. According to frat psychology, infatuation is only-“ she started.

“An attraction between male and female and is a state of being completely carried by unreasoned passion, foolishly extravagant feelings, unappreciated and often unwarranted emotion.” I finished for her.

“Ah, psych student, I forgot. So you should know right? It won’t last for long. Bear with me for a while?” She smiled and closed the door.

 I sat up slowly and made my way outside. I stood in the balcony and stretched, taking in the scene before me.

They lived quite... modestly. Yeah you could say that, I thought as a smile formed on my lips. They did live modestly, considering how rich they really were. It was a decent-sized house on the edge of the suburbs, entering the heart of the city. The front of the house was a street or two away from the main road, while the back hid an alleyway. Mir told me that the bottom floor was out for lease for the past few months but no one seemed interested. I yawned loudly, only to stop midway because of the pain in the cut on my lip.


“Annyeong. Up so early? I expected you to sleep in for another two or three hours like usual”

I turned around to see SooMi smiling at me. I followed her into the kitchen and leaned against the wall.

“Your house is cute”

She spun around and looked at me. I looked back at her, my face blank.




“Are you serious? Or are you just messing with me?” She sounded puzzled.

“I’m serious. What, someone like me can’t say a cute house is cute?”

“Doesn’t suit your image” she laughed. “But anyways, I would have thought that you would have liked grander places” she continued.

“Simple is the best. Besides, just cuz we’re rich doesn’t mean we have to like rich things, does it?” I said, chuckling, only to have her watch me carefully.

“What?” I asked, suddenly conscious.

“Nothing” She turned back to the sink. “You look better when you smile like that. Normal smile you know? Not your evil smile”



I laughed and helped her with the dishes. “Yah… It’s 7”

“And?” she continued to scrub.

“Doesn’t Mir got to school?”

“What are you- OH ! Junhyung-ah, clean up the rest please, I have to get my baby ready!”

She ran off, dropping the dishcloth as she did. “Yah!” I yelled after her before turning back to the kimchi pot. What do you mean baby, I thought.



At 7:45, I heaved a sigh as I stood up ready to leave too just as SooMi walked into the room, wiping her hands on a cloth, her pastel apron tied cutely around her.

“Oh you’re leaving?” she asked, the corners of turned down into a disappointed frown.

“Mm” I grunted in response as we headed downstairs.

“Jakkanman” She hurried inside, only to return with the heavy navy scarf she wore yesterday. “Here. It’s very cold, nae?”

I nodded, touched at her kindness. We stood there awkwardly, unsure as to what to do. I looked at her to find her biting her lip anxiously. She caught my eye and looked straight to the floor.


My eyes widened as she slowly took my hand. “Umm... Next time you’re hurt… Tell me.” She said, the pink tinge in her cheeks highlighted with the morning sun. She pressed something into my hand.


“It’s my favourite scarf, so look after it well!”

I turned and made my way down the road as she waited by the gate.


“Annyeong!~” she called out.

I waved without turning back.


On the train back, I looked towards my hand. A small folded paper.

I opened it gently, almost as if I was afraid it would rip.


Call me if you’re hurt. ^^



Short chappie I know... -___-"

Thanks to kidamazone for telling me how to put in the pictures!! XD Jeongmal kamsahamnidaaa!! >__<


Next chapter will me all about Junnie!!


But please wait a while... >,>


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partiallystars #1
What? You updated?? WOW!!

Seungho's FINALLY GETTING MARRIED!!! (If not in real life atleast!) OMGOMGOMGOMG!! Whats Mir gonna do?? What happens on christmas?? I WANNA KNOW!!!
Update soon <3 :*
And happy easter!!! <3

I GOT MENTIONED!!!fjgkfgbwjkqfvbqhkfvwjhfvhjvfbsjfbvjkfbsjhbsjkb
partiallystars #2
Since you arent updating... I shall spam your comments:

partiallystars #3
Honestly... I think Im already addicted to the story... (Or maybe its just infatu-) nevermind. Its BLOODY BRILLIANT! :D
you know what... you should put my fiancee in the story ;)
kidamazone #5
So... I just finished chapter 18...
I know I can just continue, since there's chapter 19 but... I have to go back to my hmwk now. -CRIES-
But omg... SHE FOUND OUT. O________O
EPICCCCC. O_________O
"She knew she was too weak against him, in more ways than one." This phrase is absolutely beautiful, by the way. <333
I LOVE HOW YOU WRITE. ;lakjd;kljf
-jealous- XD
oh.. I forgot to comment! >< argh, stupid brain...
I am kinda heading off to sleep in a few minutes..... so tired...

WHOA... so it was kinda Kyeol's fault.. aw, I ship Kyeol with Mir though.. because Dongwoon doesn't do much to show his love, get me?

Aw, I hope evryone can be happy again and MORE SEUNGHO!!! <3
MelonCandy #7
Waah! Thank you everybody! I guess pulling a twist like this really sparked everyone up :)
Well now you can see why LOL..