Chapter 4

SM Academy
Chapter 4

With trembling hands, he lifted up Chanyeol's soaking red shirt to reveal redness engulfing the white bandage tightly tied up on the stomach.

His eyebrows furrowed and his vision's getting blurry as his hand stretched out for his blanket. At time like this, Baekhyun was really glad that his room was small and his bed was strategically placed near the door.
It took two times for Baekhyun's shaky hand to locate the blanket and pulled it over.
Another few choked breathes to pull the blanket over Chanyeol's leaking stomach and pressing down hard.
His eyes stinging when the blanket started to dye red too and Baekhyun decided that he hated red from this day onward. His hands desperately pressing down the wound and then he wondered why did all these happened? His mind then remembered how his hand had punched Chanyeol's stomach. Oh god.
He felt his food rushing up his esophagus and he needs to call for h-
He opened his eyes. -elp
His sit up straight on his bed and let his eyes wandered around his dorm.
No Chanyeol.
No blood. 
So it was a dream? Nightmare.
At this thought, he sighed in relief and his eyes closed as he took a breath.
He reopened his eye, glancing at the spot where Chanyeol was supposed to have passed out. 
A smile creeped onto his face. 
This breathtaking smile soon turned into wretched sobs. 
Feeling of sadness, relief, anxiety and happiness blended together in the form of salty water as it dripped down onto clenching hands. 
Baekhyun stared at Kyungsoo and Jongin. To be more specific, their disheveled states. Both sporting flushed look with Kyungsoo and his wrongly buttoned shirt and Jongin with his ruffled hair. Unconsciously, his traitorous eyes decided to zoom in to their neck. Pinkish.
He raised a brow at them. 
Baekhyun then commanded his mind not to think about stuff and proceeded to invite himself into Kyungsoo's dorm. Totally ignoring Kyungsoo's " It's not what you think!" Or Jongin's " Yo bro, wrong timing you have."
"So, you two are dating?" Baekhyun questioned and then he sat down on the couch.
"N-No!" Kyungsoo ran to the couch, siting directly opposite of Baekhyun and was looking real flustered. 
"We aren't dating." Kyungsoo said and then he began to explain that they aren't dating, his hands gesturing around, his eyes getting bigger by the seconds but Baekhyun was tuning out everything Kyungsoo was saying. In fact, Baekhyun was looking at Jongin who had teleported away. He then frowned.
"Jongin seemed angry." 
"Huh?" Confusion was laying on Kyungsoo's face. He turned around to meet with a emptied living room. Jongin?
Baekhyun let out a sign and shook his head gently. And here he was thinking that maybe Kyungsoo could help him. 
"Kyungsoo-ah go and look for him." Baekhyun cooed him. 
"You can explain to me everything later."
Now, where is Luhan?
Holding the cup of warm tea towards his mouth, he drank a few sips and gently put the cup down onto the table. He could feel the hotness traveled down his esophagus, instantly making him feel more relaxed. He then glanced at Luhan who's using his power to clean up the living room. A sheepish smile was sent to Baekhyun as Luhan scratched his head in embarrassment of the messy state of his dorm. Things were floating around. 
"Didn't expect any guests." A pile of clothes was thrown into one of the rooms and the door slammed shut.
"How's the tea? It's from china." Books that were scattered around were now neatly stacked.
"It's nice. Very soothing." Baekhyun took a sip again and Luhan pulled out a chair next to and sat on it. He then wiped his sweaty forehead with his arm.
"So..what brings you here?" Luhan questioned as he folded his hands and placed them on the table.
"I-I dreamed." Luhan nodded, urging Baekhyun to continue.
"And it felt real. Too real. When I woke up, those feelings stayed there. It won't disappear. They scare me. What if the dream come true? Then, then Cha-" 
Baekhyun broke up from his rambling. He was rambling?
Luhan poured some more tea for him and he looked at the stream coming out from his tea. Strangely hypnotized by it.
"Take a sip." Baekhyun followed the instruction and it took a while to position the cup on his lips because his hands were being uncooperative. This warmness was calming him down. It felt like someone was hugging him, giving him body warm on a cold, rainy day. Like that day.
"Feeling better?" Baekhyun nodded. 
"Baekhyun-ah, that is all a dream. A. Dream. Don't think too much about it alright!" A pat on his shoulder.
"Aish! Baekhyun! Today's a Friday! Weekend! Don't be gloomy!" Luhan looked at Baekhyun's dismayed figure and he felt like tearing out his hair in frustration.
"Alright! I'm going to bring you to the mall."
Dragging Baekhyun to the mall wasn't hard at all but the journey towards it was torturous. Baekhyun had that gloomy aura surrounding him and Luhan had to resort to lying to him. Well sort of.
"You know, there's this student in our school that control dreams." Baekhyun seemed to perked up at this and stopped kicking stones .
"Whatever he's feeling moody, his power goes crazy." At this Luhan made a gesture indicating explosion.
"So...maybe your dream might be the result of this moody student." Luhan nodded to himself, very contended with his own explanation.
Baekhyun didn't reply but it was obvious that he seemed to be pondering on this thought.
"Ahh-look! The mall! Come on!" Luhan pointed to the gigantic mall. He hooked his arm onto Baekhyun's and pulled both of them to the direction of the mall.
Momentary forgetting about his worries. Baekhyun stared at the mall in amazement. Six floors and hundreds of shops. Woah.
Luhan chuckled. 
"Let's bring you around." 
They went to different shops, trying out clothes and food samples. Occasionally cracking a joke here and there. Time flied and now they were siting down at the bench eating foods that they had brought from the various stores. 
"Luhan, is that the moody student?" Baekhyun pointed at a figure. Luhan nearly spit out his food and then he looked at said figure.
"Him? That's Oh Sehun. He's more of emotionless than moody." Said person turned and stared at Luhan.
"He's looks...unapproachable." Baekhyun said. 
Luhan flinched under the intense stare."Baekhyun-ah where do you want to go next?" 
"Department store? I need to buy a new blanket." 
Monday approached sooner than expected. After all, Baekhyun had spent his Sunday wallowing at his dorm not caring about anything. He was still slightly shaken up by the whole dream. And maybe trying out his power. 
He hoped that Kyungsoo and Jongin had made up. He doesn't feel like dealing with their problems until he sees Chanyeol personally in his happy self. 
He walked into his home room. Sounds of chattering filled his ears as his eyes landed on Kyungsoo. A sleeping Kyungsoo. Guess he had to wait for Kyungsoo to be awake.
He then made a bee line to his seat and sat down. Occasionally biting his lips as he made several glances towards the door. A few more minutes before homeroom starts, Chanyeol bursted in with his usual smiles. 
Baekhyun watched as Chanyeol walked nearing to him and sat down.
"Hey Baekhyun!" Trademark smile.
"H-hey Chanyeol.. Are you.. alright? " Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun weirdly.
"Of course I am! What are you talking about?" 
"Ahh-Nothing." The heavy load on Baekhyun's heart became lighter. 
"I am sorry. For storming off that day. Please don't be mad." Baekhyun don't dare to leave his vision off the desk. But he definitely felt better now that he had apologized.
The teacher walked in and the class instantly became quieter and the bell followed with a loud ring.
Baekhyun groaned. His homeroom teacher had just given the schedules for the upcoming tests in 2 weeks time. 2 weeks. How is he going to score 75 marks for average? A sigh escaped his mouth. He stared at the dismissing student going for their next class and leaned his head on the desk, totally forgetting that he has math class with Chanyeol. He then closed his eyes. He's going to remain a single striped forever. Rejoice!
Just then two hands wrapped around Baekhyun's chest and a head rested on his shoulder. Warm.
Baekhyun opened his eyes in shock.
"Baekhyun-ah, I am not mad." Warm breath tickled Baekhyun's neck. Argh. Sensitive. Deep voice. 
"C-Chanyeol?" Baekhyun squeaked.
"You are not mad?"  Chanyeol shaked his head. Ticklish.
"I am glad." A small gentle smile graced Baekhyun's face.
"You smells like mint." Baekhyun turned around and pushed his way out of Chanyeol's grip. 
"What are you doing! Don't smell me! And why are you still here?" Flushed Baekhyun half shouted. 
Smiley Chanyeol stood there, unaffected by the sudden outburst. "Waiting for you. Math class."
 Realization dawned on Baekhyun and a horror look appeared on his face.
"Aish! Going to get scolding!" He pulled Chanyeol's hand and ran.
"We won't. Don't worry."
Like Chanyeol had said, they both didn't get any scolding. Just a dirty look shoot towards them as they settled down on their seats. What a pushover teacher.
"Chanyeol, how do you know that we won't get scolding?" Baekhyun asked.
"Heh. I am smart!" Chanyeol proudly said. 
"You are?" Hope lighted up in Baekhyun's eyes.
"Then... Can you tutor me?" 



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Chapter 15: Aww. The CB scene is soo fluffy! ♥♥♥ And gosh. I hope Kai won't get hurt. Badly.
Chapter 14: hi there! new reader and subscriber's here. it makes me confuse at first, but till this state, things gonna get better for me since i began to understand it. haha. so..yeah finally i know Yeollie get involve to all of the things. i also found that Yeollie is the coooooool-est one among the others and Baekkie really cuteeee here. if you ask who's the hardcore Baekyeol shipper, I AM!!! r u 2?
so.. yeah, i hope you'll update the next chapter soon, xp
and i'm sorry if i wrote too many things in once. Ganbatte kudasai! Hwaiting!^^
Chapter 14: Awesome update! I like it! So Yeol is involved. That's explain the accident from before. And now Jongin too. Ugh. Poor my Baekkie!
mifky91 #5
Chapter 14: Yes! An awesome update. Owhh... Now i understand, they are mafia? Wow. Will baek become a mafia too?. It will be awesome if we know the extend of baek's power. Anyway. Amazing chapter as always ^_^
leedino #6
Chapter 14: Yayyyy!
Updates are my style <3
XD anyways, please update sooon!