Gege, thanks

How the Rain Falls in China...(Sequel to Tasting the Rain)


“Good job Anlia.” Lang Lang nodded as he finished playing.

I could only nod in reply. The last song had made my breathless, and the constant heat didn’t make it any better. Normally I would have brightened with praise, since Lang Lang barely gave any. But today I was just glad to finally have given my all and finally could collapse.

He closed the cover to the piano. “So, I’ve heard about Julia’s incident with pictures.”

I looked up, surprised. Why was he bringing this up?

“I was wondering if you knew about those pictures.”

I shook my head. “I heard it was about concert pictures.”

“They weren’t.” He turned to me. “They were pictures of you. And Henry.”

“You know Henry?”

Lang Lang laughed. “Of course I do. I make news about Asia’s entertainment one of my priorities. From what I’ve heard, he not only is a decent guy but makes pretty good music as well. It’s not every day when a prodigy continues to succeed.”

“Like you.”

“You’re too kind. I do my best. Anyhow, those pictures were of you two together. Regardless if you two are together or not, I’m sure those pictures would have outburst from the media about it. So perhaps this mysterious hacker or robber or whatnot is a good guy.”

I looked at him. “You think so?”

He laughed. “You don’t have to be a piano prodigy to tell what kinds of actions are evil and good.”


I just realized that I barely have any Lang Lang in this story. Gah.

But yeah, in this case, Lang Lang is like Anlia's gege, or older brother. I think he would make a good one.

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Chapter 20: Is it Henry or the *cough**?
Chapter 12: Excuse my language, but Julia is a B!+<#
Chapter 11: Is it Julia?!
Chapter 7: I have the same problem! #freshmanlife
Chapter 3: Julia! *now where did I put that Remington 870?*
Chapter 2: Because I'm naughty naughty, naughty! Bwara Mr. simple simple!
Chapter 1: Super Junior?
Chapter 21: OHMYGOD whoooaaa. I kind of dont know what to say right now but felt the need to comment.
Yay! Sequel of a sequel! :D