Scavengar Hunt

How the Rain Falls in China...(Sequel to Tasting the Rain)

Henry's face appeared. I diggedmy fingers into my jeans to keep myself composed.

"Hi Anlia!" He said with a grin. "MC told me you would be going on this show, so I decided to send a video message to you! I just want to congratulate you for winning the spot for Lang Lang's tour! I left you a little surprise, but you're going to have to find it! MC has the clues. Hope you like it!"

The video shut off and I stared at the MC. He smiled and handed a card over. "This is your first clue."

I flipped it over.

My favorite drink at a place with the same name...

Same name? Anlia. Did he mean Tiananmen Square? I got up and was followed out by the cameras. It was clear the talk show had took a turn from what I expected.

But was it Tiananmen Square?

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Chapter 20: Is it Henry or the *cough**?
Chapter 12: Excuse my language, but Julia is a B!+<#
Chapter 11: Is it Julia?!
Chapter 7: I have the same problem! #freshmanlife
Chapter 3: Julia! *now where did I put that Remington 870?*
Chapter 2: Because I'm naughty naughty, naughty! Bwara Mr. simple simple!
Chapter 1: Super Junior?
Chapter 21: OHMYGOD whoooaaa. I kind of dont know what to say right now but felt the need to comment.
Yay! Sequel of a sequel! :D