A Womans Intuition

It's Best If You Stay Away From Me (Hiatus)

Tasha - Get It In (Korean Version)

                Everyone gathered around the table, no one spoke a word. The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

“The Saints are a huge gang of drug dealers. By huge I mean almost as big as Big Bang, but not that close.” GD started

“Their main headquarters are in Gyeryong and they have bases all over the United States as well. Some of our groups have gone head-to-head with the other bases and so far they’re evenly matched.” GD stopped and sighed.

“So far we’re trying to find the perfect plan on how to overthrow them. We know that their main drug port is a man named Won Sunjin, and he has four subordinates Yang Saeya, Chang Sungmin, Choi Ruri, and Lee Sangil.” Taeyang spread their pictures across the table.

“Let me guess, Yang Saeya and Lee Sangil are the most dangerous while Chang Sungmin and…” I picked up the picture of the tomboy and a flood of memories washed over me.

“Riri….” I whispered.

“Riri?”Everyone said in unison.

“Yes Riri, we were childhood friends before she moved away when I was younger.”

“Well your “friend” is now one of the leaders in the world’s biggest drug gang.” GD stated

“Well I want to help you take them down either way there’s no way I can just sit here and watch innocent people get hurt over things like this.”

“No way, I can’t let you get hurt. If you get hurt I don’t know what I’ll do, I will make all hell break loose.” Seunghyun stated as he grasped my hand, a lot of ‘aws’ and ‘ooos’ were heard around the table.

“Well I’m not just going to sit here and-“

“Actually you will, because we’re not risking you getting hurt or even worse killed.” GD backed up Seunghyun, but I’m not just going to sit here and back down.

“Well please tell me how you are going to deal with these two,” I pulled the pictures of Lee Sangil and Chang Sungmin over to me “without a woman’s help.”

The room went silent, just what I wanted. I eyed everyone at the table and no one knew what to say.

“You could gang up on them, but they’d quickly out number you. Or, you can get them when they’re least expecting it. They have a place where they feel safe, welcomed, accepted, and that’s public. I could meet them there, gain their trust, and we can either make them join sides with them or we can take them down. I’ll leave that up to you.”

Everyone nodded in agreement, and GD slammed the table and stood up.

“Listen here you-ah, you may be on the right track and you could be right, but I can’t let you do that unless T.O.P’s okay with it, he’s my best friend and if he’s not okay with it, it’s a no go.” GD and I looked at Seunghyun. Come one baby, please just go with me on this one, please.

T.O.P looked at GD then glanced at me and closed his eyes and sighed.

“If I sense that you are in an ounce of danger you’re done for good.” I stood up and gave him a hug and whispered ‘thank you’ in to his ear multiple times.

“Well there we have it men, block es, and you. Plan take down the Saints is a go.”



I'M. SO. SORRY. My life has been hectic! I'm a freshman in highschool so things are hectic! Please forgive me because I've totally been neglecting this story :'c I promise I will try to update whenever I can! But the story's getting more interesting isn't it? ;D Well don't forget to comment, subscribe, and....upvote? Also you should all comment some K-groups to get into because I've been out of the loop for a while now....

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Keep calm because a new chapter is coming tonight~


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Azalea123 #1
Chapter 13: I'm Sry.... but my username.......
Dukiepoopie #2
Chapter 22: Omit own please updAte soon! I love this! But... Are you going to continue cuz you haven't since 2012 and its 2016 now...
Chapter 22: its been to long since i last read dis bt update soon
VixxsLittleDoll #4
Chapter 22: Author-nim! Update soon please? I looooooooooooooove it! ^^
JBL511 #5
Chapter 22: Why no update. it's been years!!! is it ?
Chapter 5: Haven't put tablet down for hours.... <3
Update please :'(
KimAnna #8
Chapter 22: update soon please author nim
SongEunGi #9
Chapter 22: Wow! so daring the speech was! LOL pls update soon! game on!
SongEunGi #10
Chapter 8: Even though I read it late but it was very cute!