Hard To Get

It's Best If You Stay Away From Me (Hiatus)

CL - Baddest Female



          We stood outside of the building that was full of people drinking, partying, and doing anything they could to forget their troubles and keep themselves as high as possible. I had prepped for this for weeks, I  had nothing to worry about, or at least I kept telling myself that. If anything were to go wrong I knew exactly what to do, Seunghyun taught me everything needed including self-defense and if anything GD and Taeyang would be loitering around and keeping an eye on everything.


            The line was beginning to move more quickly and before I  knew it the security guard was right in front of you sizing you up, figuring out if I were hot or not. My little black dress was tighter than a glove, the shoes made me look taller, and my hair was in beautiful waves. I wasn’t wearing enough to stand out but just enough to catch anyone’s eye. The security guard was unclipping the velvet rope signaling that I had passed his inspection, I could see that Seunghyun and the gang had also gotten in and continued to trail me as I made my way to the crowded dance floor.


            The whole club reeked of alcohol, sweat, and a mix of drugs that were almost impossible to identify. People were everywhere, bumping and grinding on anyone and everything. Although they were moving around and smiling they’re eyes were telling a whole different story, their pupils were dilated to an unsafe size. I turned your attention to the rest of the room, the building was two stories and the Saints minions were located on the walls overlooking all of the crowds. They were dressed in suits and had sunglasses on. Disguised like security guards? Genius.


            I finally found who I was looking for, Chang Sungmin, sitting in a leather chair on the second floor with one girl on each of his sides and surrounded by security. Well this was going to be harder than I thought. As Seunghyun had told me before, you had to do something to capture his attention and I had no idea on how to do that. I looked around, for anything that would gather attention A pool? Too messy. A pole? Trashy but it would have to do. I looked at Seunghyun and he knew exactly what my look meant, and before I knew it the gang was dispersing themselves throughout the already packed club. I pushed and shoved my way through the crowd until I made it to the stage with a couple of the dancers, the security guard smiled at you flirtatiously.


“A hand please.” I said in a saucy voice, the security guard held my hand and helped me up the stairs onto the stage. I latched myself onto the pole and let the music have its way with me. My body followed the music, I swayed my hips in an overly attractive manner. Before I knew it the song was over and as I was stepping down from the stage not only did the audience cheer but security grabbed my arm and pulled me in an overly rough way.


“The club owner has requested you to have a drink with him.” I felt accomplished, everything was going as planned.


“Tell him that I don’t accept request from little boys who can’t even come down to talk to me in person.”


You replied keeping your ‘hard to get’ persona. You walked away from the jaw dropped guard and found yourself a seat at the bar. You had a good view of where Sungmin was sitting and from the looks of it he was shocked by your answer, a sly smile appeared on your face. It’s your move now, hit me with your best shot.




My arms were wrapped around two girls who had obviously been drinking if anything they found themselves high of some drug they found. This wasn’t unusual, it was what this whole business what built around and sadly my whole life. One of the girls had laid her head on my shoulder but I shook it off, I honestly wanted to leave but if I did the boss would get throw a hissy fit. I felt a slight migraine at the thought of the boss yelling at me, it was the last thing I needed on my mind. Just as I thought my mood couldn’t get any worse my messenger came back empty handed.


“Where’s the girl at?” I asked sternly.


“My apologies sir, but she has declined your request.” He said lowering himself ninety degrees. This was unexpected, normally they’d come crawling on their knees as soon as they heard that I was the one asking to meet them.


“What did she say specifically?”


“I quote, ‘Tell him that I don’t accept request from little boys who can’t even come down to talk to me in person.’ Sir.” This was unexpected, so this one was playing a little game of cat and mouse I see.



“Fine, you can stand up, ladies please leave.” I ordered, the girls complained as they walked away but soon enough I was left by myself. I stood up and overlooked the crowd for this oh so mysterious girl, and there she sat at the bar looking straight at me, she raised a glass to me before taking a swig of whatever was in her cup. Game on.


Okay so I will hopefully be updating soon and more often. Please please PLEASE comment, it gives me motivation and actually makes me want to keep writing this story. If you guys have anything you want to see please put it in the comments. Don't forget, subscribe, upvote and comment. Tata for now!

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Keep calm because a new chapter is coming tonight~


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Azalea123 #1
Chapter 13: I'm Sry.... but my username.......
Dukiepoopie #2
Chapter 22: Omit own please updAte soon! I love this! But... Are you going to continue cuz you haven't since 2012 and its 2016 now...
Chapter 22: its been to long since i last read dis bt update soon
VixxsLittleDoll #4
Chapter 22: Author-nim! Update soon please? I looooooooooooooove it! ^^
JBL511 #5
Chapter 22: Why no update. it's been years!!! is it ?
Chapter 5: Haven't put tablet down for hours.... <3
Update please :'(
KimAnna #8
Chapter 22: update soon please author nim
SongEunGi #9
Chapter 22: Wow! so daring the speech was! LOL pls update soon! game on!
SongEunGi #10
Chapter 8: Even though I read it late but it was very cute!