Chapter 3

Time Bomb

I cooked the seafood udon and placed it on the table with the side dishes as Jaejoong closed the front door coming home from work.

            “Dinner’s ready,” I said to him smiling. “I cooked seafood udon.”

            “Good,” Jaejoong said smiling. “I’m starving.” He placed down his briefcase sitting down at the table to eat. “It looks delicious.”

            I sat down across from him eating my noodles.

            “Baekhyun,” Jaejoong said. “This is great. Thank you.” He smiled a big smile at me as he continued to eat the noodles.

            “I’m glad,” I said. “Do you have any dishes you like to eat?”

            “I like beef stew,” Jaejoong said. “I also love BBQ, crab, kimbap, rice cake soup. I like pretty much everything.”

            “Good,” I said. “I’ll cook some of your favorites.”

            Later that night, I head out of the bathroom in my pajamas to go to bed.

            “Thank you again for the food Baekhyun,” Jaejoong said sitting at the table working. “Are you off to sleep?”

            “Yes,” I said. “Is there anything you need before I go to sleep?”

            “Um,” Jaejoong said. “Nope not tonight, goodnight Baekhyun.” He patted my arm before continuing back to work. I head up the stairs to my room turning off the lights as I lay in my bed.

            I guess life could be worse now that I’m an orphan. Jaejoong seemed like a pretty nice guy to live with and I did have the whole day to spend with Chanyeol. There was something to look forward to tomorrow.

            The next day I headed into town just like yesterday, but today the stop where I got off was hopping with people holding newspapers. I grab a newspaper on the ground reading the main article.

            ‘The Allies find out about the Concentration Camps in Germany, killing many Jews. The only question is, are Hitler’s allies okay with his ideas of ridding the world of the Jewish people? Germany, Italy, and Japan really in the right?’

            I tucked the newspaper under my arm heading to Chanyeol’s family’s market. I entered the market seeing Chanyeol. I walked over to him as he’s reading the newspaper.

            “Did you read this?” Chanyeol asked putting down the newspaper. “What the hell? This is not right.”

            “I read it when I got into town,” I answered. “I can’t believe what’s going on.” I unfolded my newspaper opening it further seeing the terrifying picture of a terribly skinny Jew that was saved by the Allies. His ribs were very visible, his face was sunken, and he looked like the living dead. “Did you see?” I showed Chanyeol the picture of the man. “How could the Nazi’s think this is okay?”

            “Easy,” Chanyeol said grimly. “The same way Japan thinks its okay to harass us. It’s pretty much no different Baekhyun. The only difference is we’re not being starved and put into camps. But Japan is on the German’s side, of course their okay with it. They know about it, I’m sure.”

            “I can’t believe this,” I said. “Do you think Jaejoong believes this too?”
            “I’m sure he does,” Chanyeol said frowning. “He’s a Japanese citizen after all. Ask him.”

            “I guess I will,” I said. “What should we do today Chanyeol?”

            “I don’t know,” Chanyeol said puffing his cheeks. “Want to go to the mark, they have a merry-go-round there. It’s fun. You can go shopping for food later.”

            “Okay,” I said. “Let’s go then.” We walked out of Chanyeol’s market headed to the park. “I’ve never been on a merry-go-round before.”

            “Really?” Chanyeol asked. “Baekhyun what have you been doing with your life?”

            “Being too poor to afford a seat on the merry-go-round,” I said quietly. “I don’t even know.”

            “Well Baekhyun,” Chanyeol said. “Prepare to be amazed.” He wrapped his arm around me as we continued onto the park. “So sing something for me.”

            “What?” I asked him frowning. “Here in public?”

            “Why not,” Chanyeol asked. “We have a ways to go to get to the park so, let’s pass the time.”

            “Okay,” I said. “What do you want me to sing?”

            “Anything you want,” Chanyeol said. I decided to sing a Billie Holiday song, I heard a long long time ago when I was little. It had been my favorite song growing up and I knew all the words. After I finished singing I looked at Chanyeol for this thoughts. “I like it Baekhyun! You have a very nice voice. Sing for me more often okay?”

            “Okay,” I said. “As long as you play your guitar for me.”

            “It’s a deal,” Chanyeol said smiling. “Here we are.” We reached the park, it was small with a little playground with swings, monkey bars, a slide, and a fancy looking merry-go-round.

            “Wow!” I said looking at the ride. “That looks amazing. How much does it cost?”

            “Not that much,” Chanyeol said. “Come on, I’ll pay for both of us.” We walked over to the man standing by the merry-go-round. “Two tickets please.” He handed the man some coins.

            “Step on,” the man said smiling to us. “Its good to have customers.” Chanyeol and I stepped onto the merry-go-round.

            “Pick a horse Baekhyun,” Chanyeol said. “Anyone you like.” I looked at all the pretty colored horses until I spotted a white horse with a rainbow mane and purple jewels in the saddle.

            “That one,” I said going over to the horse. I climbed onto the horse as Chanyeol climbed onto the horse next to mine. The ride started and I thought it was amazing. The horse went up and down opposite of Chanyeol’s as the ride went around and around in a circle.

            “This is fun,” I laughed flapping my arms. I looked over to Chanyeol who smiled at me. “Thank you Park Chanyeol!” I shouted to the whole park. I didn’t care if people stared and thought I was insane. This was one of the best feelings ever. With everything that had happened recently this made me feel free. Like all my worries and sadness and anger were flying off with each movement of the merry-go-round.

            When the ride ended we got off heading to sit down in the shade of a weeping willow tree. I lied down on the grass next to Chanyeol.

            “Thank you,” I said to him. “That was really fun.”

            “Good,” Chanyeol said smiling. “I’m glad I was the person you rode with on your first merry-go-round ride.”

            “Me too,” I said. “This park is so relaxing.” I rolled around onto my stomach looking around the park. I saw kids playing in the fountain, and people walking, and birds flying. This was like a paradise away from everything bad in the world, especially the Great War between the world and being controlled by Japan.

            “Baekhyun,” Chanyeol said tugging my shirtsleeve. I looked at the taller boy next to me. “I, you I um, am glad you came to Busan. I was wishing for something new to come into my life for a long time and my wish was granted. Because you came. Even though your parents died,” he looked at me sighing. “I guess I’m just trying to say thank you. For entering my life.” With that he pulled me closer to him wrapping his arms around me. I looked at Chanyeol smiling.

            “It was all a blessing in disguise. My parents dying left me the chance to leave Seoul and live away from the main stress of Japan. And meeting you. Thanks,” I said. I looked at Chanyeol who had fallen asleep with his arms around me. He looked so peaceful I closed my eyes too as sleep washed over me.


            At dinner I decided to ask Jaejoong about the news I had read about the Germans and Jews. We had just started eating dinner, beef stew with vegetables and noodles.

            “How was your day today?” Jaejoong asked. “Did you have a good time with your new friend?”

            “Yes,” I said to him. “I was wondering, since it’s summer and all the kids are on vacation when the fall comes around can I go to the school with them? It’ll keep me occupied all day instead of being home alone. I’ll still do all the chores you ask for and go to school. Is that okay?”

            “I don’t see why not,” Jaejoong said. “I’ll stop by the high school to enroll you in school when I get the chance sound good?”

            “Yes,” I said. “Thank you Jaejoong. And I read the newspaper article about the Germans and the Jews it sounds terrible. How could the Germans be so cruel to the Jews?”

            “I don’t know,” Jaejoong said. “But if the Germans believe it was for the best, then they must do it. I don’t see anything wrong with it.”

            “Really?” I asked looking at him setting down my chopsticks. “How can you say that? It’s clear that the Germans are wrong for what they did.”

            “I don’t agree,” Jaejoong said. “I am on the German’s side since Japan is on their side in their alliance. I am Japanese remember?”

            “I know,” I said. “But I still don’t understand the reason you’re supporting the Germans just because Japan does. You’re in Korea right now.”

            “Yes I am,” Jaejoong said frowning. “But Korea is under Japanese rule now. Why are you so bothered by this Baekhyun?”

            “Because,” I said. “It’s not fair that you feel okay with the way the Jews were treated all because of some mere alliance. Lots of Jews died because of the Germans. The newspaper said so.”

            “I think this conversation is done,” Jaejoong said clearing his throat.

            “But,” I said. “Still.”

            “Enough!” Jaejoong yelled slamming his fist down on the counter. “I’m not going to talk about this subject anymore! And that’s final!”

            “Fine,” I said looking at him. “I still think you’re wrong.” Jaejoong got up from the table headed over to my chair lifting me out of my seat throwing me against the wall. He glared at me.

            “I think I’ve been pretty nice to you,” Jaejoong said with heated breaths brushing against my skin. “I could’ve been a lot worse to you. But I chose you and am being pretty nice to you, so when I say something is done, then it’s done and you need to let it go understand?” I didn’t say anything for a while which only made Jaejoong angrier. He cupped his hand around my chin pushing me harder against the wall. “Do you understand?”

            “Yes,” I said quietly looking at him. I didn’t know Jaejoong had this side to him. “I understand.”

            “Good,” he said. He released his grasp on me. “We may continue eating now.”

            “I’m not hungry anymore,” I said. “I’m going to bed.” I ran out of the room headed upstairs to my room. I got under the covers trying to stop from shaking. Jaejoong had been really scary back then. I didn’t want to face him. He was too scary. What was I going to do?

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FYI the ending of this story isn't going to be very happy for some of you (Key word some of you)


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Chapter 14: To bad that Jaejoong is dead.. But it is great! cause you can write about some of the Japanese World War II. And it's a great ending.
Chapter 14: Hey, there. I’ve read your story and it’s pretty amazing.
You’ve done a good job.
Thumbs Up! 。◕ ‿ ◕。
Chapter 13: so jaejoong died?
Chapter 11: Woah Jaejoong why being that way!?! Thanks for updating can't wait for next update
Chapter 11: somehow i think they will all die in the atomic bomb blast
Chapter 10: Ah the interesting part is coming by.
Chapter 9: need more jaejoong!
i like the poster however(dont take it too offensively), the pic of jajejoong fits perfectly as the serious yet gentle guy but and the one of the two exos look fine(i dont know which one is baek since i dont listen to them) but the one who is and sticking out tongue is off the genre...the first pic at top and middle one in the bottom.
subbing for jaejoong only
Chapter 5: Thanks for updating liked this chapter it was fun ^_^