Chapter 11

Secrets of the Piano
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Jong mi...

that was the babies name....

Jong Mi.....


her baby.....

her baby they said....

two strange men came into the room....

she didn't recognize either of them...

the tan one giving a baby in her arms....

she was mad.....

she never had aboyfriend 

How could she have a baby....

where is she?

who are these people? 






Bami gasped gasped as she stood up from the bed her sweat dripping from her forehead.... It was all a dream. She looked to her side to find a smiling YiXing while sleeping, she caressed his face and smiled... 


XiaoJie screamed through the door as she began throwing everything i

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I just realize that the title of the story doesn't suit the story line... It's not even connected... So I hope that you might wanna change the title so that other readers won't misunderstand the story... It's just a suggestion tho~ =)
Chapter 13: Lol!!! Speaking of the devil... Nice story though it was a bit confusing but it was nice overall... =D
HunhaNH97 #3
Not complete yet?
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