Chapter 13 (FINAL)

Secrets of the Piano
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This story on so many levels... oh well, heres the final chapter!







Twas darkness all She saw... She heard silence, and She felt nothing.... 
From consciousness She felt like there wasn't anything to hold her down from the cloud She was laying upon. She felt helpless... It was uncomfortable not being able to feel anything. 
Wake up.
She would chant.
But in reality what is there to look for anymore? 
What is the hold for living and dying of you just feel nothing and nothing at all...
You feel hopeless...
In all a twist gave it all. Maybe how the day was going. Maybe if people who keep you going... 
You live... To die... 
Nothing is ever forever in this world. We all are going to break once too many times. 
What if we lived for nothing? What if you wake up and everything was just a dream and you never really had the person you loved, the friends you made. Your family that you "grew" up with. 
We are parasites to this world and there is nothing to it, we kill ourselves dumbly and pay for it.

And we have to be grateful ... For things we have... For things we don't, for things that we achieve.... She stirred on the hospital bed... Her thought recollecting... She remembered so much... She was trying to pry her eyes open....

"Are you up?" 
She heard the sweet melodic voice of her husband... Yes her husband... She remembered now... 
"Mommy!" A little squeak came from her right side, she forced her eyes open to only find this adorable baby girl... Her baby girl, 4 year old Inna.

The little girl ran up to her arms and snuggled closer to her mother...<

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I just realize that the title of the story doesn't suit the story line... It's not even connected... So I hope that you might wanna change the title so that other readers won't misunderstand the story... It's just a suggestion tho~ =)
Chapter 13: Lol!!! Speaking of the devil... Nice story though it was a bit confusing but it was nice overall... =D
HunhaNH97 #3
Not complete yet?
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