Chapter 22

7 years

Song of the chapter 

Moonlight by Exo M







Today I will fly to China for a week. I don’t want to go but I have to. I woke up and Haru is not by my side. Take shower then heading to the kitchen and saw her back is preparing breakfast for us. “Hey…morning beautiful…”. I back hugged her and kiss her neck. She turn her back to face me and only give me a weak smile. “You awake…I prepare for you the breakfast but it’s just simple one..” I released the hug and went inside the room and take the luggage with me. we both sat at the dining table and I saw Haru’s eyes keep on eyeing my luggage. “What is that for?...” I was a bit startled with her question. I thought I already tell her that I will be gone one week but why she still asking me about that luggage. I still holding my spoon and my eyes grew bigger when I saw her finger point at my luggage. “Haru…did you forget something?”. I try to asked her and she face me and her eyebrows wrinkled a bit. “What? I mean that those big luggage..where were you going?”. Haru asking me but why I got the weird feeling after heard her questions.



I put down the spoon and went to her sit. I make her body turn to me and I kneeled down to her. “Baby…are you ok? Ok I know you don’t want me to go but please your attitude is scaring me… didn’t I told you yesterday that I will be off to China for one week..?”. Haru face still in confused state. She just give me a confused look. I squeezed her hand. “Did you really told me last night?”. That’s another weird question she asked me. Why I feel there is something not right with her. “Haru.. I did.. baby wait…why are you getting weird?..your questions so weird..are you really ok..?”. I once again squeezed her hand and I look into her eyes and I can see she still in a confused look. “ did? Sorry I forgot about it. Ah never mind.. I’m ok Lu..”. I pat her hair and went back to the room to take my things. As I went out from room I saw Haru already standing next to my luggage. “No need to send staff will pick me up..but dear..are you sure you will be ok? I worried about you… you getting weird lately…”. Haru is really scaring me. Her attitude kind of change. Maybe is it because of the effect of our child.



“Oh wait…maybe if you feel boring and got nothing to take this..” I put the rubix cube at Haru’s hand and she give me a blank face. She maybe don’t have any ideas what this things going to do with her. “But.. what is this? I never play this in my life.” Haru makes her eyebrows wrinkled and she showed me those thing that I gave. “It is called rubix cube. Looks.. this is my favorite toy when I was a kid and I can clean all this color in this rubix cube in just a minutes. Look here Haru ah.. I did some magic to you.” I showed Haru the magic which I turn around here and there the cube that I hold and at the same time I glanced at Haru’s face. Her face was so amazed and so many times I hear she said “Woah!!!”. She just so cute. “Done!!! So how many minutes?” I asked Haru and she look at her hand phone where she set the timer, “It’s 1 minutes 20 seconds!!! Wow!!! You’re the best Lu..!!!” she jumping into me and hug my neck. I smile and hug her back and make her face turn to me.



“So.. I’m going to shuttle all this cube back and I want you to settle this cube while I’m away. Alright baby? So when I’m back.. I hope you can solve all this cube just like what I did just now. Ok?”. She nodded at me and while she looked at my hand moving faster to make all those cube not arranged according to the colors. “Your hand moving so fast. Why you like to play toys like this? Isn’t it a bit boring?”. I pat her hair and continue to shoot my eyes into her hand that busy trying to solve the cube. “Nope. As for me, I’m not bored playing this plus this cube is my dad present. This is the last present he gave to me before he passed away”. I make my way to the kitchen to wash my hand and I saw Haru still too excited try to play the cube. “Haru.. are you sure you can be here alone?”. Once again I asking her and she nodded her head and going to where I stand.



“I’m ok Lu.. maybe I just too tired. Just go and come back safely ok?”. I hugged her and make my way down to her stomach. “Hey little deer inside there.. daddy have to go out work. Don’t be naughty and take a good care of your mummy ok?. Don’t make your mummy tired.” I kissed her stomach and I take her right hand. I kissed her finger that have our wedding ring. “I will be back ok.. I call you. I love you baby.. take care..”. As I whispered into her ear. She tug onto my jacket and tiptoed to give me a light peck on my lips. “This is for your good luck kiss..”. I was a bit startled because she rarely make first move. I smiled to her and bid farewell to her. Inside the car I already text Sehun to take a good care of Haru while I not here. I know I can trust Sehun. My mind still thinking about Haru’s weird attitude that is why she forgot something so easily. I hope that maybe she just tired because of her pregnancy.






I prepared to go to Haru’s house and I saw Fie is cooking something good and I slowly slipped my hand on her waist and whisper sweet words to her. I was happy seeing her inside my house now even though last night things happen to us but she still there for me, always be beside me. I was thankful enough to have her again in my life. “Sehun going to Haru’s house later right? I cooked this for her. It’s good for mother to be and her baby too.” I looked into what Fie is cooking and I was shocked because there’s a lots that she prepared for Haru. “Wow!!! Why got so many foods? But by the did you know this food good for mother?”. Fie just smile at me and she continue packing foods for Haru. “I did some research…3 years ago….”. Suddenly I feel someone stabbed into my heart. I was shame to face her. 3 years ago..she going all her pregnancy moments alone without me because I don’t want any child at that time when she have our baby.



“I’m sorry Fie”. That’s all I can said to her. She cupped my right cheek and smile to me. “It’s ok Sehun ah… I know it’s not your fault at all. Our child happy there in heaven. So stop blaming yourself and go take a shower. You going to be late. Oh by the way.. I can’t follow you to Haru’s house. I need to go to the studio. There are some problems I need to settle down”.


“Wait.. you not going? I thought we going to see Haru together.. why baby?..”. I asked Fie and her hand still busy preparing the foods for Haru. “Sorry Sehun ah.. I can’t. I would love to go watched over her but I can’t baby”. I pouted and make my way to the bathroom but Fie snatched my wrist. “Hey..are tying to pout to me? why you so cute Sehun ah…”. Fie punch my nose and try to released her grip. She once again try to get my wrist. “I would love to meet you bestie but suddenly I got a called, my staff need me there. I’m sorry baby…”. I still act like nothing happen. She tiptoe trying to me and give me a light peck on my lips. I smiled. I can’t resist the way she trying to consoled me and try to win my heart. “You won Fie. I forgive you but next time we have to come together ok?”. We made a pinky promise and I went to shower.



I send Fie to her studio. Before she get down from my car, “Sehun ah.. don’t flirt with Haru ok? If going to lose me again.. promise baby?”. I found her cute and I winked at her made pinky promise with her. “But.. Fie.. I don’t think I can promise you.. haha..kidding baby.. so call me when you done. I pick you up later.. love you Fie..”. Fie slapped my arm slightly. “I love you too Sehun ah..”. She said that while peck my cheek.



I make my way to Haru’s house hoping that I not disturb her free time. I press the bell outside and Haru’s voice already can be here from inside. “Who?”. “It’s me Sehun..”. she quickly open the door and I saw she smile and come to me. “I miss you..”. Haru said to me and I hug her and pat her back. “I miss you too Haru ah…”. She guiding me to the couch and we both sat together. “This.. Fie prepared this for you, she said it is good for mother. And also for your baby”. I give her the food that Fie make for her and she was happy opening one by one the Tupperware to see what Fie cooked for her. “Thank you!!! OhSehun you so lucky to have fiancé like Fie. She’s a good chef you know. Lucky you. unlike me… I can’t cook. Only Luhan makes me food”.



“Hey.. you not a bad chef ok. You cooked mushroom fried the best and I know you and your crazy over mushroom.. haha it’s ok Haru. You got Luhan.. I see he is a good husband to you. Last night he called me, he want me to always look after you while he’s away. I envy you both. I think I let you married someone better than me”. I saw Haru just smiled and I can said she is so lucky to have a guy like Luhan to always be next to her and love the way she is. “I think I already miss him.. it’s just a couple of hours he left but I just miss him. What should I do Sehun ah?”. I can said that Haru’s eyes telling me that she already miss her husband. “Call him.. hey you lovey dovey couple… I’m so jealous ok? Fie and me it’s not like this”.



“Isk…if I could call him.. but I don’t want to disturb him…”. I saw Haru make her way to the kitchen and keep the food that Fie make for her into the fridge. She gave me the cold water and I saw she grab the rubix cube. “Hey.. since when you play this thing? I thought you don’t like to play things that are complicated to solve..”. I   feel weird because Haru is not the type that like to play games and she rarely played a computer games too. “It’s Luhan.. he want me to solve this cube when he’s back home. So I must practice. You know..just now he solve this cube less than 2 minutes.. he was the best!!”. Haru smiling and did her thumb up to me and I just pat her head and smile to her. She was so happy after marriage with Luhan.



“So.. how’s your baby? Are feeling tired or like feeling to vomit?.” Haru eyes still focused on solve the cube. She still ignoring my questions and her hand still focused on that cube. “Hey give me that… that’s mine ok!!”. She trying to get the cube that I stole from her. “You not answering my question. I asked how’s your baby and are you feeling like vomit or not. You only paid attention to this cube and not me… I don’t like that Haru ah..”. Haru laugh a little bit and smacked my arms lightly. “Ooo… our Sehunnie feeling jealous over this cube? Haha…Sehun so funny. Oh I’m ok.. my baby also ok. And so far my morning sickness is still ok. Not that bad though. And can you please give me back Luhan’s cube?”. I did merong to her. She was a bit mad she smacked my head with a cushion. “Yah!!! Lee Haru!!! You too much ok… it’s your cube..ish.. what so special about those cube…”.



“Yah!! OhSehun.. are you jealous? Hahah so cute, I don’t know how Fie handle with your jealousy here…”. I just smirk at her and try to look around Haru’s house. I saw Luhan have a mini studio inside her house and I saw many Haru’s sketching inside his studio. I guess all this sketching he did secretly because all of sketching is while Haru sleeping, looking into laptop and even when Haru is looking into her camera. I saw Haru take a post it note and she post at every top of the Tupperware that Fie gave to her. It’s weird. She labeling her food? She never did that.



“What are you doing? Why you post a note on every food that Fie gave?.” I saw Haru was a bit startled and she continue doing her job. “I’m afraid I forget on how to serve this food. Just now you said each of the food need to serve and reboil again at a different time, so here I post a note in order to make me not forget them. Got it?”. So she is jot down the notes on how to serve each of the food. “But you never did this before.. I mean you rarely put a note on the things you own.. you dislike it”. Haru ignore my question once again and she continues to put the foods container inside the fridge. She make her way to her bedroom and she coming out with the her bag and books, looks like she going somewhere.



“So..OhSehun.. are you done now? I mean you not going home? I have classes today so.. I need to go to class”. Class? Wait as far as I know, today is Monday. “Wait… is Monday and you don’t have any classes. Your class only on Wednesday. Hey Haru…. Are you ok? Why you acting so weird..”. Haru looking at me and her hand scanning all over her pocket and I guess she search something. “Do you perhaps…see my phone? I want to see what date and day today.. I don’t know where I put my phone. Can you give me a call?”.



I took out my phone and try to call Haru’s phone. We heard a ringing but it’s not so loud.. I call again and we both search all over the house. I call again and I heard the ringing comes from the kitchen then it’s dead. I keep on try to call again when I was in the kitchen while Haru search it at her bedroom. My ears keep on hearing that the ringing is at the kitchen but it’s not loud. Once again I called again her phone and when I was passing by the fridge, I heard something ringing inside there. I open the fridge and there it is, Harus’ phone inside the fridge. What the~~~ what my friend thinking while keep her phone inside there?.



“Haru I found it!!!”. She running from her room and grab her phone from me. “Where do you found it? Thanks Sehun ah…”. I smile and go the couch. I saw her looking into her phone. “ right today is Monday and I don’t have any classes”. She put her phone back on the table and continue to play that cube. “Why did you put your phone inside the fridge?”. I try to asked her and I feel so weird. Maybe when she put Fie’s food inside the fridge and that time maybe she accidentally put her phone there. “In the fridge? Oh maybe I misplace it..”. Haru eyes still stuck into that cube. I guess maybe she is true. She misplaced it but it’s weird…she never misplaced her phone and she rarely lost it.



“ wanna go somewhere? Maybe buy something for you and your baby..maybe get some supplement for mother like mother milk?”. “Come lets go..”. she grab her handbag and went to her door. We both head out to the nearest market and I saw she makes her way at the milk section. “Hmm…so Sehun.. choose which milk suitable for a mom to be like me..”. I found it her eyes moving upside down searching for the milk and I just can’t help but laugh a little. I found it she is so cute. “There are so many brands.. I don’t know which one is good for me..”. Haru asking me again and I’m for sure also don’t know it. I guess I have to called Fie because she did makes some research for mum in the past. “Haru.. I call Fie first.. maybe she know which brand is good. You wait here ok?”. As I try to call Fie, I saw one figure that seem similar to me. “Oh… Sehun!!!”. It’s Kai. Wearing a leather jacket and black skinny jeans making his way to me while his other hand hold Haru, his little daughter. “What are you doing here? Oh is that Haru?”. Kai asking me and I just nodded. “Kai..can you accompany Haru for awhile.. I have to call my fiancé”. I saw Kai was a bit shocked and he just nodded her head.






I nodded to what Sehun said in order to look at Haru for awhile when he’s in the phone. I saw Haru looking into the milk…wait the milk that she’s looking for is for the mom. “Auntie!!!”. My daughter shouted to Haru and Haru still don’t turn her head into us. We both walk to her side and my daughter pat her shoulder. “Auntie… why you not answering me when I called you just now?”. Haru just give me confused look and she pat Haru’s head. “Oh Kai.. I’m sorry. I was too amazed see into shopping. How are you guys doing?”. Haru smile at me and my daughter also. “We both doing well. and you? where’s Luhan?”.



“Oh..Luhan? ahh..he’s going to business trip..but I forget where.. Sehun know it..”. She forget where her husband went? That’s weird. Usually a wife always remember everywhere their husband go. “Haru…why are you here? I mean.. here in this section.. and you holding a milk and that is the milk for a mum to be. Perhaps are you…wait..”. I guess she’s pregnant? Because she look a little bit pale and she always rubbing her stomach. “Hey Haru …Kai!!!”. I saw Sehun walking to us. “Fie said this brand is good for you. I guess maybe you can buy this…take it..”. I saw Sehun give her a brand of milk that is good for mum. Haru take the milk and smile to Sehun. Her smiling still the same for me. the thing that I missed the most from her.



“Sehun ah..Haru said just now Luhan going somewhere but she forget where is it…”. Sehun make a weird face to me and he turn his head to Haru. “Haru… you what? How come you forget where Luhan is going?”. Sehun asking Haru but Haru just make her head down. “I’m sorry Sehun..there’s something inside my head I guess that’s why I forget where is he going…”. Sehun pat Haru’s back. “It’s ok Haru… maybe Sehun know where is it.. I just asking.. it’s ok if you don’t know it”. I said that to Haru and she makes her eyes meet with my eyes. I can saw her eyes a bit teary. “I’m such a bad wife… even forget the place my husband went”.



“Haru… it’s ok… Luhan went to China, Kai.. a week. He have art exhibition. Oh you don’t go?”. Sehun asking me and I remember the art exhibition that held at China. “My staffs going there… I have something to settle down here so I represent my staff”. I saw Haru hug the milk tin and my eyes still stuck into it.



“Haru ah… are you perhaps…pregnant?” my mouth asking Haru and she turn her head up look into me. “Yes…as you can see.. I’m holding a mom’s milk now.. good for mom to be..”. Haru is pregnant. Why I have mixed feelings. Somehow I was happy for her. “ long your pregnancy?”. Haru once again give me a look like she not gonna answer it. “How long…ahh…how…ah… I guess 2 weeks? Oh sorry Kai.. I forgot about it”. A women forgot about her pregnancy age?. That’s weird Haru.



  “Haru ah.. I guess I can’t take you home… I have to pick Fie at her studio”. Sehun breaking our silence moments. “Oh it’s ok.. I can go home by myself.. I can take subway..”. Sehun look into me and we both gave a look like “What?”. I mouthed to him the words ‘what’. “Never mind. I send you home. It’s not good for a pregnant women going home alone. I can send Haru home. You go fetch your fiancé”. I asking Sehun and Sehun bid farewell to both of us.



“Er.. Kai… I guess you don’t need to send me home”. I guess Haru feel a bit awkward but my daughter just drag Haru to the cashier counter and we both paid for our things. “It’s ok Auntie. My dad is good man. He won’t let women going home alone. Right dad?”. This rascal my little daughter…so naughty and even winked at me after she said that. We both make our way to my car. And inside the car once again I think Haru is showing me a weird attitudes when I asked her address. I never went to her house and how come I know where she live. So I asked her where her house.



“Haru…ahh.. where is your house? I don’t know where you live and I never come to your house”. I asked her and she look at me in a panic situation. “Kai ah…. I’m sorry but I think… I forget my way home.. I mean I forget the address of my home..”. Why is she like forget everything today? She forget where her husband went… and she even don’t know where she live and to my surprise.. she also forget her baby’s age. It’s getting weird. Everything about Haru today… just not the Haru I used to know. The Haru I used to know, is a women tend to mesmerize every single things happen around her. But today… I don’t know why I found Haru a bit weird. 







Hey...we meet again..i'm sory for not updating for so long.. and this story... i'm sorry it's abit bored right? and i didnt make any double i'm sorry if there any wrong spelling and grammar. 


I guys know about Kris case.. well... what i have to said.. i experience it before in 2009 when Hankyung want to out from Suju... honestly speaking i that time i was so mad at him. I said to myself why can't he bear a little while because other member also suffered too much but yet i forget that i dont know him well. I guess i was a bad fans. Because.. i cant see any difficulty he's been going through while he promoting with super junior..his vise case..he cant go home visit family... i was so bad... i cant see it. He is one of my top bias in Suju...and i cry when i heard he want to out from suju... i cant accept it. But as time goes by... i learn to accept his decision and i bega to let him go..and so the other members too. And now..look at him.. he was sooo success out there... i know SM was a ... deep inside my heart i do want suju out from SM because they being treated like an animals....sometimes i think why suju wont out from SM and build their own company like Shinhwa? 


As in Yifan's case.. i guess you guys as a fan should be united..should be him and the other 11 members. I know some members alredy feel like Yifan betrayed them and being a bit selfish. In this case...we dont know what the truth unless Yifan speak it out. I pity for the members because they always want EXO to be together as one but they just at the 2nd year of their debut and this things happen. Me as new EXO fans here... honestly i support both parties, Yifan and EXO and to be honest i was shocked when he want to filed the lawsuit. At this time.. we can only support both of them and wish they still can be friend even Yifan is not as part of EXO... i'm sorry... i just let out what i thought.. 


forgive me if i always put EXO M songs.. like i said in my early stories... EXO M is my bias and almost top 5 in my bias in EXO comes from EXO M..please..forgive me.. i'm not being so biased here...

so enjoy my stories...


cutie pie~~~~~ 

hey you!!! My Chu~~~~~

i hate you!!!!

awww... i miss the MAMA era...he looks so young here and cutie~~~~ 


thank you readers ^.^ bye..keep on supporting EXO ... show them that you guys not a rude fans..we must united and supporting our boys no matter what they did ^. ^



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EXOticsMia #1
Chapter 26: Your story are great author-Nim!! not until you decided to give us cliff hanger -_- Haha.... BTW update really soon ;)

No.1 fans is here ><
EXOticsMia #2
Chapter 24: I really want luhan to know about haru's condition first
Chapter 21: update soon :)
Chapter 21: Woahhh Update! I like this story
Chapter 12: This story is interesting anyway ^^