The Community

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A surprised gasp escapes her lips. This was the first time that Kim Taeyeon became frightened with her surroundings; she looked around her. The kids pointed towards the sky, an enormous winged-vehicle flying past by. "Please proceed to your consecutive homes." The speaker at the center of the court commanded. It was now when Taeyeon noticed that something was wrong; pilots are never allowed to fly past their training complex. "Taeyeon-ssi, please come." One of her housemates, Kris said. There was no reason to shout even if something massive was to be done. 

"Okay, I apologize." She replied immediately to him. "I accept your apology." 

Maybe it was the way that everything was held under control, or maybe it was how the citizens enjoyed it, but there was something missing; yearning to be found in many ways. "Are you okay?" Kris asked, slightly waving his palm in front of her face. "...Huh? Yes, I am just a little bit spooked with the sudden flight over our community." Taeyeon explained, her eyes fixed to the ground. 

"Xiumin and Luhan hyung are waiting for us in their dwelling." Kris stated, knocking on the door quietly. "Hello, welcome back." Xiumin answered the door; opening it slightly wider so that Kris and Taeyeon may come in. "Good morning, Jessica, Sunny, Hyoyeon, and Luhan." Kris greeted with a bow. "Good morning, Kris and Taeyeon. Please have a seat." Luhan answered back; pulling two chairs for them. "How was your sleep, Taeyeon-ssi?" Jessica asks, smiling. "Very pleasing, actually. I have dreamt of many things; such as getting some exciting, volunteer work." She smiled back. 

"How about you?"

"I have not been dreaming for days now, it seems a little peculiar, don't you think so too?" 

"Yes, it does seem a little bit peculiar. Maybe you have not shared all of your feelings towards everybody. The Elders have said that that is a very grungy thing to do." 

Jessica bowed, and thanked her. "Yes, I do think so too." 

"Are you ready for the giving of the Assignments; it is just one more week away." Luhan declared, swallowing his food after. "Yes, in fact; I do think that I will receive a great Assignment." Sunny nodded. "Taeyeon-ssi?"

"Er..." She paused; it was more peculiar now that she had paused in the middle of her very own sentence. Pausing is a sign of hesitance; hesitance was not allowed. Either it was 'yes' or a 'no'. "Yes, I do expect to do well myself." She quickly covered her unfinished statement. "Citizens may now exit from their dwelling." The speaker outside announced. Luhan stared at her before snapping himself back into reality. "It's twenty past seven now; you do not want to be late for school." He reminded. "Oh, of course." Taeyeon answered, slinging her satchel over her shoulder. "Have a great time." Xiumin said; closing the door as he and Luhan were left behind.

Taeyeon couldn't define what she was feeling; she wasn't frightened with the plane, but it was something else; something more powerful. "Hello." Baekhyun greeted from her side. She returned his greeting before talking with him; mostly about random things. "Are you ready for the Ceremony?" He asked excitedly. Taeyeon smiled and nodded; "Of course, I'm ready; you're going to be with me anyways." She stated, sticking her tongue out.

The Cermony was a massive event for every citizen in the Community. It was where each and everyone grew a year older. Taeyeon was a Nineteen, and so was Baekhyun, Jessica, Sunny, Hyoyeon, and Kris. Nineteen was a special number, but merely as special as Twenty. Twenty

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EXOGeneration129 #1

Sorry for the caps lock, I ship LuTae so much! And I hated it when her mom was like, "We gotta stop these Stirrings girl, the Elder achuchu said it was VERY BAD." I was like, "Hell no misis, don't you dare stop LuTae moments!"

Hehe, sorry for my weirdness! ^_^ update soon! I love all your stories! ^_^
Chapter 2: OMG TAEYEON WANTED TO BATHE LUHAN. I CANNOT WITH THIS. sorry for the capslocks, but I ship KyungTae or BaekYeon. lol
LurkingInTheDark #3
Chapter 2: XD, please update soon. And what is stirrings exactly? is it like what foreverexotaeng had said? like crushes?
Chapter 2: Please update this one soon, out of all your stories (mostly exotaeng stories) this is my personal favorite. I really hope that you will continue this.. ;asdfghjkzxcvbnm DOSE FEELZ DOE! WAT DO YOU MEAN BY "I wanna bathe him"??? DOES SHE HAVE UAL FANTASIES?? sorry for the caps lock
foreverexotaeng #5
Chapter 2: Oooh, new stories~! I'll be looking towards them.
Oh, and are 'Stirrings' like crushes in our world? like how a person likes another person? something like that?
And I see a byuntae reference here.... "I wanted to bathe him..." <--- lol, Taeyeon unnie, it's not allowed to see each other's ness! XD
I get that they sent Hayeon to 'get ready'... the subjects to mature for her! Anyway, please update this soon~! I look almost to your every story.

BTW, can we get like a preview for twisted palace and awkward.? i'm really curious about these titles. update soon juseyo~!
Chapter 2: that stirrings thing is interesting though.. xD
Chapter 2: The characters and how they act are so...
I don't like how the Community has ways to stop their "Stirrings"... Yet it is interesting.
I hope LuTae will still be alive!!
kekeke love your update!~
Chapter 2: Ermm.. Okay, for the 1st chap, I don't get it at all. But I think I understand it more on the 2nd chapter. :))

This is really a serious fanfic, ehh... :))

Update soon^^
Hehe, I love how it starts!