The Little One

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The ceremony was slowly walking towards the Nineteens. But still, Taeyeon did not have any idea on what she would get as her Assignment. She was having her breakfast along with Mother, Hayeon and Jiwoong. Father was still in the Nurturing Center; where he worked along with Luhan. 

Repetitive knocking on the door was heard; Taeyeon quickly stood up to greet whomever it was. There was no reason to check with whomever was behind the door; everything was safe. "Father." Taeyeon greeted, bowing ninety degrees as she usually does with every elder. A soft crying came from the basket that Father was holding. Taeyeon glanced at it, and her eyes sparkled immediately. 

"Taeyeon, meet your temporary brother: Kyung-jae." Father announced as he entered the house. Hayeon swiftly blocked Father's way, wanting to see the new infant. Taeyeon wiggled her eyebrows. "Why does he have a name? And what do you mean by: "temporary"?"

Father looked at her and smiled. "Well, he seems to like being called by Kyung-jae; he's not growing at the same level as the other forty-nine babies though, the Nuturing Center couldn't handle this little guy. Even your friend, Luhan couldn't. He said that this little guycried all night long that he couldn't even sleep for one hour." He paused, playing with Kyung-jae. 

"And so, I told them that our family would be able to handle him since we already have three kids." Father made funny faces in front of Kyung-jae; making him laugh. Taeyeon laughed; "Well, it is nice to have a new baby around the house." 

"Hey, I'm still a baby!" Hayeon screeched, pouting her lips. Taeyeon pinched her cheeks; "Of course you still are, but Kyung-jae is still much more of a baby than you are."

Hayeon giggled and went to Father, playing with the baby too. "Oh! Unnie, he has the same eyes as you! Maybe you're from the same Birthmother?" Hayeon exclaimed, pointing at her eyes and Kyung-jae's eyes.

Mother lightly hit her hands. "Hayeon; it's extremely rude to point out differences."

Hayeon apologized and rested her head on her right palm; she seemed to be thinking deeply. "I want to be a Birthmother." She stated. Mother gave her a hard, long gaze before picking the tiny girl up in her arms. "Being a Birthmother is not a good thing." She explained.

"Although, you get special conditions; after three times of birth, you become a Laborer. And you know that being a laborer is hard right?" Mother assumed. Lily nodded; "Then, I wish to become a Lawyer, like you; Mother." She changed her answer. Mother smiled before putting her down. Taeyeon continued playing with Kyung-jae until it was her time to go to school. Taeyeon bid her dwelling, siblings, and parents goodbye; strapping herself onto her bicycle. "Good morning, Taeyeon." Kris greeted her.

Taeyeon greeted him back. What they do everyday is a repetitve thing; Kris greets her, she greets him back. They ride together for a while until they arrive near Luhan and Xiumin's dwelling, they would pick up Jessica, Hyoyeon and Sunny. Baekhyun would then enter the scene, greeting either Taeyeon or all of them.  

"Three more days." Kris reminded her of the ceremony. Taeyeon didn't answer. Her palms were clammy, her heart started to race. "Taeyeon?"

She nodded swiftly; "Yeah." 

As they arrived in school they parked their bicycles in their places, quickly hurrying to their class. 

Taeyeon was hesitant. She wasn't sure of her Assignment, there were multiple reasons but the reason that she could mainly find was that she didn't have any interest in any of the Assignments. She didn't want to be an Engineer, she didn't want to be a Laborer, she didn't want to be a Lawyer, and she didn't want to be a Nurturer either; she had tried volunteering for various types of Assignment, and yet she couldn't find anything that would interest her.

After school, Taeyeon headed to her volunteer work. Today, she had volunteered to help as the Caretaker of the Old. She entered the small building, quickly heading to the reception. "Taeyeon, Kim." She muttered her name. The receptionist quickly read the paper that she was on her clipboard. "Ah, yes. Ms. Kim Taeyeon; right this way, please. Your colleagues are waiting for you." The receptionist guided her into the Bathing Room. 

There stood Kri

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EXOGeneration129 #1

Sorry for the caps lock, I ship LuTae so much! And I hated it when her mom was like, "We gotta stop these Stirrings girl, the Elder achuchu said it was VERY BAD." I was like, "Hell no misis, don't you dare stop LuTae moments!"

Hehe, sorry for my weirdness! ^_^ update soon! I love all your stories! ^_^
Chapter 2: OMG TAEYEON WANTED TO BATHE LUHAN. I CANNOT WITH THIS. sorry for the capslocks, but I ship KyungTae or BaekYeon. lol
LurkingInTheDark #3
Chapter 2: XD, please update soon. And what is stirrings exactly? is it like what foreverexotaeng had said? like crushes?
Chapter 2: Please update this one soon, out of all your stories (mostly exotaeng stories) this is my personal favorite. I really hope that you will continue this.. ;asdfghjkzxcvbnm DOSE FEELZ DOE! WAT DO YOU MEAN BY "I wanna bathe him"??? DOES SHE HAVE UAL FANTASIES?? sorry for the caps lock
foreverexotaeng #5
Chapter 2: Oooh, new stories~! I'll be looking towards them.
Oh, and are 'Stirrings' like crushes in our world? like how a person likes another person? something like that?
And I see a byuntae reference here.... "I wanted to bathe him..." <--- lol, Taeyeon unnie, it's not allowed to see each other's ness! XD
I get that they sent Hayeon to 'get ready'... the subjects to mature for her! Anyway, please update this soon~! I look almost to your every story.

BTW, can we get like a preview for twisted palace and awkward.? i'm really curious about these titles. update soon juseyo~!
Chapter 2: that stirrings thing is interesting though.. xD
Chapter 2: The characters and how they act are so...
I don't like how the Community has ways to stop their "Stirrings"... Yet it is interesting.
I hope LuTae will still be alive!!
kekeke love your update!~
Chapter 2: Ermm.. Okay, for the 1st chap, I don't get it at all. But I think I understand it more on the 2nd chapter. :))

This is really a serious fanfic, ehh... :))

Update soon^^
Hehe, I love how it starts!