Nice Is Different Than Good

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The hospital waiting room had now been a regular routine for Kai. He was used to the anxiously awaiting the doctors' official work from Kyungsoo's conditions. He had taught himself to deal bad news enough times already.

"Dr. Han! Is Kyungsoo alright?" Kai rushes to the doctor, as he see's him leaving Kyunsoo's room.

"Kai, you should come with me. There's something you need to know." As expected, Kai was now assuming the worst.

"Oh, what is it now? Is he deaf? Can't he talk? For s sake! How muchmore can he ta-"

"Kai!" Dr. Han puts his hands on Kai's shoulders for assurance, trying to contain a wide smile. "Calm down! This is good news we are giving you. If you don't mind, you can ask your friend to come with us too." Kai looks over to Lay and jerks his head in the direction of the hall Dr. Han is walking, signalling to also come too. When the pair finally takes their seats inside the fluorescently lit office, Luhan can't keep his grin off his face. It was actually starting to scare Kai.

"Dr. Han, what is it?" Lay curiously asks.

"Well, it seems it wasn't my position to tell you this, but I begged the nurses to let me tell you."

"Luhan! What's wrong?" Kai adds.

Luhan takes a deep breath, preparing himself to reveal the news. "Kai. Remember when Kyungsoo first had his accident right? With the hit and run?" Kai nods and hums in response. "When we first conducted the initial x-ray to the cranium, we only found a small crack to his skull. At that time, we had thought that was the only thing wrong with the skeletal structure, so we didn't conduct any further x-rays; therefore focused solely on the MRI scans to monitor his brain activity and recovery."

Kai frowns in confusion. "I don't get it Dr, where are you going with this?"

"Fast forward to today, it seems that Kyungsoo took a hard blow to the right side of his eye as you're both aware." The pair silently nods in response while Dr. Han continues. "When we conducted the x-rays on him today, the results.. how do I put this..? They seemed to pick up something that we previously missed."

"And what did you miss?"

"The x-rays revealed a small bone fragment obstructing the optic nerve, leading to the brain, thus causing his impaired vision. The size of this fragment was so small, it wasn't detected in Kyungsoo's first and only x-ray at the time of the car crash." Kai's eyes slowly started to light up. He just hoped in his heart of hearts that where he thought he knew where Dr. Han was going with this. "We have a theory that if we can remove the bone fragment, there is a chance Kyungsoo will r--"

"Regain his sight?!" Kai interrupts, finishing the doctors’ sentence. He looks at Lay, then Luhan repeatedly. His eyes are wide in shock and surprise. A smile slowly brightens his face.

"Again, there is a chance. The chances are 70% at best but--"

"What?! That's amazing! At least he’ll have his vision back more sooner!" Kai in his excitement rushed over Luhan and gave him a tight hug. Luhan gives a confused expression upon hearing Kai state the words ‘vision back more sooner’, but Kai can’t see this while he’s hugging him so tightly. Luhan disregards this, and figures it’s just Kai’s excitement talking.

"This is amazing Lay, right?!" After a brief delayed response, Lay smiles and nods. "This is so good, Kai!" Lay was always known among his friends to be very spacey and lost. They call him "Jpeg Lay" for his frozen expressions.

"So, when's the soonest you can do the surgery?" Kai leans out of the embrace he is giving Luhan, however his arms are still around him.

"This Friday. We have spoken to Kyungsoo about it and he is set to go."

"Oh, this is amazing! I know he only had a short time until he fully recovered his sight back, but hey now is better than next week right!"

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deepbluecee #1
Not really my preference.
Chapter 9: Of course i'll prefer kaisooooo everrrr
Chapter 2: hum interesting... i´m looking forward to the other chapters =)
alicemusic666 #4
Chapter 27: such a heartfelt ending. i'm kind of sad though that they wont be seeing eachother in the future. but i'll imagine they will.
itakyuurocks #5
Chapter 24: My biases kinda got the short end of the stick in this story. Tao and Xiumin are my top two in exo
PaigeOfHope #6
You are certainly one of the best Kaisoo and other otps author ever. Or author in general! Your story just had me from the events that happened right down to the ending. Although there were minor mistakes, the story lead me to get pass that and just think, "amazing". Good job! :3
Chapter 4: uhh, is it me or is ch 4 and 5 the same content?? O.o
0113pororo #8
Chapter 27: GEEZ this is too nice, I can't help. You're really cool author! Love it <3 KaiSoo fightiiiing:'']
Chapter 27: omg omg omg omg omg omg <3
janelleluvskpop_Zelo #10
Chapter 27: I finally got it to work!! ........after like a whole month -_-# but anyways......i loved this fanfic so much and i will read more of your stories! thank you *bows*