Dates & Secrets

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Date: Friday 21st March 2014

It was 8:01 pm. Kai had got off the train near D.O.'s house and jogged the remaining way, constantly looking at his iPhone to refer to the directions to D.O.'s house. As soon has he got there, he rung the doorbell.

"Sorry I'm late," Kai said while breathing heavily, as D.O. opened his front door. "The train got delayed due to the power outtage in my suburb. Apparently it also affected some of the local train stations as well as homes."

The two had planned to meet at Kai's residence for their first date, however due to the power outtage they had to re-locate it.

"It's okay. I'm just glad you made it at all." D.O. smiled. "Now come in, it's cold out here!"

"Sure thing, oh and here's some flowers for you." Kai pulled out a bouquet of roses from behind his back.

D.O.'s face just lit up upon recieving the flowers, with his mouth forming that wide heart-shaped smile. "Aw Kai, you shouldn't have!"

Kai proceeded inside and took his coat, resting it on the kitchen stool. "Mm, that smells amazing! What are you cooking up for us tonight?" 

"Italian food. I've got a home made pizza in the oven right now, and the pasta is boiling now." D.O. said, stirring the boiling pot of pasta.

"Whoa, so you just happened to know my favourite type of food on our first date?"

"Actually, I asked Chanyeol what kind of food you liked." D.O. laughed in embarrasment.

"It's fine. I'm actually surprised how much effort you're putting in to this."

"Well this whole thing was my idea, I wouldn't want to disappoint you. And plus you've had a rough year so far, I just want to make your life easier."

Kai just gazed at D.O. as he was stirring the pasta and smiled. "Thank you, D.O.. Really."

"Call me Kyung if you want, I only let people I'm close to call me that."

It was about 40 minutes into their date. The two were eating their meals by the bouquet of roses Kai brought, which were now in a vase. The table was softly illuminated by vanilla-scented candles while the two engaged in interesting conversation, exchanging funny jokes and gossiping about the other students at their school. The both of them couldn't be any happier at this moment, especially Kai - who unknowingly, didn't seem to think about his brothers death that day. His mind was only focused on Kyungsoo. They could both feel themselves falling for eachother more and more each day. Suddenly, D.O. heard keys jingling outside his front door.

"Kyungsoo-yah, I'm home." announced D.O.'s brother as he walked though the door. "You have some mail from the police which I'm assuming is about T.. oh you have company?" Suho noticed after reverting his attention to the pile of mail he just took from the mailbox, to the dinner table.

"Oh how rude of me. Kai, this is my older brother Joonmyun. Suho, this is Kai." D.O. said.

"Nice to meet you, Kai. You can call me Suho" he said while shaking Kai's hand. "Are you a friend of Kyungsoo?"

"Yes, he is" D.O. interrupted. "But a special friend."

"Well, a special friend of my brothers is a special friend of mine." Suho said, winking to Kai afterwards.

"Brother," D.O. said in an angry tone. "Can you please not?"

"I'm sorry." Suho replied in a sarcastic tone. "Anyway, I'll be upstairs. Just yell out if you need me."

"Yeah, sure." D.O. replied with a snarky tone.

"D.O., I'll leave your mail on your bed!" Suho exclaimed while going upstairs.

Kai and D.O. then returned to their date. "What was that little squabble you had with your brother just then?" Kai said while digging into his spaghetti. "Are you two not close?"

"No, no, nothing of that sort. It's just whenever I tell my brother I like someone, he has a little jealous habit of going after the guys I like. It happened with my last boyfriends."

"Oh," Kai said in a wondering tone, gazing to the left of the room, recalling upon his

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deepbluecee #1
Not really my preference.
Chapter 9: Of course i'll prefer kaisooooo everrrr
Chapter 2: hum interesting... i´m looking forward to the other chapters =)
alicemusic666 #4
Chapter 27: such a heartfelt ending. i'm kind of sad though that they wont be seeing eachother in the future. but i'll imagine they will.
itakyuurocks #5
Chapter 24: My biases kinda got the short end of the stick in this story. Tao and Xiumin are my top two in exo
PaigeOfHope #6
You are certainly one of the best Kaisoo and other otps author ever. Or author in general! Your story just had me from the events that happened right down to the ending. Although there were minor mistakes, the story lead me to get pass that and just think, "amazing". Good job! :3
Chapter 4: uhh, is it me or is ch 4 and 5 the same content?? O.o
0113pororo #8
Chapter 27: GEEZ this is too nice, I can't help. You're really cool author! Love it <3 KaiSoo fightiiiing:'']
Chapter 27: omg omg omg omg omg omg <3
janelleluvskpop_Zelo #10
Chapter 27: I finally got it to work!! ........after like a whole month -_-# but anyways......i loved this fanfic so much and i will read more of your stories! thank you *bows*