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Date: Monday 16th June 2014


"Hey you........ I can't right now, I just got to work........ Later? I guess so. I finish at 7pm if that's okay........Cool. Same place as last time?.... Alright, look I'm with a patient now, I'll call you later........ Alright, bye." Luhan hangs up his phone as he ends the conversation that interrupted him. "Now, where were we Kai?" he turns back to the younger male.

"Who was that?" Kai curiously asks. "I thought you weren't supposed to answer your phone during shifts."

Luhan smiles. "It was just a friend. And I always have to keep my work mobile on me in case of an emergency."

Kai points to the desk in his seat. "Isn't that your work mobile?" he says smugly. Kai was getting suspicious about the mystery person on the phone that Luhan was so evasive about.

"Calm down, Detective Kim!" Luhan jokes, trying to change the subject. He takes his seat across from Kai at his desk. "Now, back to Kyungsoo.."

"Oh, right, so when is Kyungsoo allowed to take of his eye patches?"

"Well, we did recommend that you wait until Wednesday to determine if he has started to regain his vision, but if you're really eager, you can ask him if he wants to have a sneak peek. Assuming he agrees of course. But just remember that his eyes are still very sensistive to light. If he does peek, tell him to do it for a very short amount of time. And try to get him to wear sunglasses while he's at it."

A small feeling of hope lingers in Kai's smile. "Alright, I'll go check on him after. Will you still be keeping him here for the time being?"

"Not after today. Suho signed the release forms yesterday and will now be in his care. But he will need some assistance still."

"If that's your way of telling me to help Suho out, you don't have to worry."

The two men share a breif smile in silence before Luhan starts to giggle to himself. "What is it, Luhan?"

"Nothing, it's just Kyungsoo is very lucky to have someone like you. I mean, who else would come to the hospital at 8 in the morning to check on the progress of their blind boyfriend? I envy your relationship a little to be honest. You both seem so, made for each other."

"Trust me, we've been through hell and back. I guess this is just the part where the story ocean has calmed down, and we're just enjoying the waves." Kai stands from his seat and walks towards the door. "Okay that was probably a bad analogy," he chuckles, "but don't worry Luhan, I know you'll find someone eventually. Just make sure you find someone worth the trouble." Luhan lets out a small breath from his nose and nods in response. "I'm going to see Kyungsoo now, I'll catch you later if I'm still here."

"Okay, see you later!" Luhan waits in his seat smiling as Kai walks out of his office. As soon as he see's no trace of Kai, he quickly pulls his mobile phone out of his pocket and taps the number on top of his 'recent calls' list. "Hey, I'm alone now........ Cool. Is tonight still good?"




"Come on, Kyungsoo! Just a little peak. Please?~~" Kai playfully pleads as his boyfriend lays in his hospital bed with both his eyes covered by eye patches. Kai has been nagging him for the last 2 hours, softly pushing Kyungsoo back and forth every time he asks, but he got the same response every time.

"Jongie, I said a million times! On Wednesday!" 

"Okay then. If you don't remove the eye patches, it means you don't love me." Kai pouts.

"Fine, here we go. You ready?" Kai feels that Kyungsoo is up to something sneaky. After all that time of nagging, how could Kyungsoo so easily agree to his little proposal? Kai doesn't question it regardless. 

"Yes, can I do the honours?"

"Of course." Kyungsoo softly laughs to himself as Kai slowly peels off the cotton eye patch, trying not to rip of Kyungsoo's eyebrows with the medical tape that attaches them.

"Okay, they're off now!" Kai says as he throws the eye patches in the bin. "You can open your eyes whenever you're ready, I'll be holding your hand."

"Open my eyes? That wasn't part of the deal." Kyungsoo replies as he cunningly smiles.

Kai wraps his arm behind Kyungsoo and brings him closer "Oh, you little smart-." he says into Kyungsoo's mouth before he pushes his lips against his. "But seriously though, you have to open your eyes sooner or later, I just chucked your eye patches away." his words are muffled as his lips are still connected with Kyungsoo’s.

Kyungsoo pulls away from Kai. "You idiot! Give them back!"

"Kyungsoo please! Why don't you want to see if you have regained your sight? If I were you I'd be opening my eyes right after I leave the operating room!"

"I just, don't want to be disappointed if I can't see, especially if you're in front of me. It will be a let down to have such high expectations. I'll do it when I'm by myself. That way, I won't have to bask in your pity."

"I don't pity you, Kyungsoo. Luhan said that if it was successful, you should be able to see. Why save your disappointment for a later date? C'mon, you have nothing to lose. I'll still be with you no matter what

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deepbluecee #1
Not really my preference.
Chapter 9: Of course i'll prefer kaisooooo everrrr
Chapter 2: hum interesting... i´m looking forward to the other chapters =)
alicemusic666 #4
Chapter 27: such a heartfelt ending. i'm kind of sad though that they wont be seeing eachother in the future. but i'll imagine they will.
itakyuurocks #5
Chapter 24: My biases kinda got the short end of the stick in this story. Tao and Xiumin are my top two in exo
PaigeOfHope #6
You are certainly one of the best Kaisoo and other otps author ever. Or author in general! Your story just had me from the events that happened right down to the ending. Although there were minor mistakes, the story lead me to get pass that and just think, "amazing". Good job! :3
Chapter 4: uhh, is it me or is ch 4 and 5 the same content?? O.o
0113pororo #8
Chapter 27: GEEZ this is too nice, I can't help. You're really cool author! Love it <3 KaiSoo fightiiiing:'']
Chapter 27: omg omg omg omg omg omg <3
janelleluvskpop_Zelo #10
Chapter 27: I finally got it to work!! ........after like a whole month -_-# but anyways......i loved this fanfic so much and i will read more of your stories! thank you *bows*