Mark, the shoplifter

A meet cute with you

An hour later of traveling awkwardly with the boys, we had arrived at a building. They led me to a dance studio where three others, the rest of the group I assume, were already waiting.

“Who’s she?” The guy with a rather deep voice asked as he pointed in my direction.

“She’s with me. I owe her a favour.” The shoplifter answered.

The guy simply shrugged and turned to the rest of the group members. “We’ll be starting our dance practice now.”

I tugged at shoplifter’s sleeve. “Dance practice? Is this going to take long?”

“Just give me 2 songs and I’ll give you what you want after that. In the meantime, you can sit on the couch and chill out.”

I did as told, minus the chilling out part, and watched as the boys danced to another song of theirs which was slightly less obnoxious than their narcissistic song. I hate to admit it, but they were actually really good at dancing.


I quickly turned away and pretended to be busy with my phone when I noticed that the shoplifter had caught me staring at him. Just then, I received a call from Yejin. I took this as an opportunity and quickly exited from the dance studio to answer her call.

“Where in the world are you?” Yejin shouted as soon as I answered the call.

“Erm, I kind of got kidnapped by the shoplifter. I’ll be back soon.”

“You better be. Manager Park is coming over at closing time and I expect to see you here by then. You owe me one.” Yejin said hastily before hanging up.

“Tch. I’m doing all this for you, you know.” I said into the dead air.


“Hey. I guess you were really bored back there huh.” The shoplifter said as he came out of the studio with a towel hanging around his neck.

“Hey shoplifter. I just had to answer a call.” I replied as I held up my phone.

“The name is Mark.”

“Mark, the shoplifter. It really suits you.”

The boy looked as if he was about to say something but simply sighed at my remark.

“You’re really something different.” He said.

“Is that supposed to be a good thing?” I asked, confused by his statement.

“I don’t know. You’re not like most girls.” He answered as he adjusted his cap.

“Because most girls would be throwing themselves at you, right? Don’t take it personally but I’m just not into this whole idol thing.”

“I guess we really should have sang some girls instead of girls.” Mark added with a chuckle.

“If it makes you feel any better, I’m just one girl out of the sea of girls that practically worship you guys. Don’t think too much of it.” I added, trying to make him feel better.

Mark shrugged and reached for his pocket. He took out his wallet and handed over some cash.

“This is too much for the comic.” I said as I looked at the sum in my hand.

“I promised double, remember?”

“The exact is enough. I don’t want you thinking that all I care about is money.” I replied and gave him back the extra.

“Don’t worry, I don’t think you’re a money minded snob. Oh and this too.” He then handed me an envelope.

I opened the envelope to find two VIP passes to their fansign event. “This isn’t a Bambam autographed CD.”

“It’s passes to our event next week. We’ll be signing CDs then. Your friend will enjoy this gift better. Plus, it means I can get to see you again next week. You’ll come, right?”

I blushed a little hearing him say that. He was actually rather sweet. “Hmmm, maybe I’ll sell away the pass and earn some money out of it.”

“And you said you aren’t money minded.” Mark muttered as he folded his arms across his chest.

“Just kidding. I’ll be there, I guess. Thanks.”

“So… have you changed your opinion about us? We’re not really obnoxious like that song.” He asked as he adjusted his cap again.

“Well, maybe not the whole group but I've changed my mind about you; not only are you a narcissist but you’re a shoplifter as well.”

“Hey, I only did that to get your attention. You're the one who wanted to know who I was.”

 “Stealing from the shop and telling the girl to chase you is a really good way to get her attention.” I replied sarcastically.

“Ok. You win. I’m sorry.” Mark replied as he glanced at the floor, looking genuinely apologetic.

I sighed seeing him like this. “The next time you want a girl’s attention, just talk to her normally or ask her out like a gentleman.”


At that moment, the door opened and the guy who had slept throughout the journey in the car called for him.

“Looks like break is over. Want to head back?" Mark asked as he headed towards the dance studio.

"I can't stay. I have to go back to the store that you kidnapped me from." I said as I took a look at the time on my phone.

Before I could keep my phone back in my pocket, Mark suddenly reached over and snatched it from me. He then started meddling on my phone before passing it back.

"There, I've got your number and you've got mine. Promise you'll be at the event?" He asked as he held out his pinky.

I chuckled seeing such a childish being displayed from him. "Ok, promise." I replied as I wrapped my pinky around his.

"See ya!" Mark waved as he headed back to the dance studio.

"See you, I guess."

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Chapter 11: great story Author-nim... Keep it up!! Hwiating!!
LuchyNya #2
Chapter 6: Wahou cuteee story i hope i can read more and more ~ updateu♡
smileydovey: Hi! Thanks for the sweet comment! ^-^
Chapter 4: Omg good story hehe. Keep it up! Looking forward to this story. Fighting! Update update ><