The book shop girl

A meet cute with you

Bzzt... Bzzt...

I fumbled for my phone that had been buried in between my pillows while I had been asleep.

"Hello?" I mumbled as I placed the phone on my ear. I had no idea what time it was but it definitely was not the time for me to be awaken by a phone call.

“Why is it all black?” The person on the line asked.

“What?” I mumbled back. He wasn’t making any sense.

“I’m video calling you. Hold the phone up!”

It took me a while to comprehend what the person was saying. Still half asleep, I held the phone up slowly a few inches from my face, squinting as I looked at the screen, only to find Mark’s face staring back at me.

“You look like a ghost!” He said as he tried to hide his laughter.

I squealed a little seeing my own reflection in the tiny box at the bottom of the screen. I quickly got up and adjusted my hair a little in an effort to look less of a ghost.

“Why are you calling me at this hour?” I asked with a tinge of annoyance. 

“I just wanted to check if you were coming tomorrow.”

“You could have just messaged me. Why are you still awake at this hour? Isn’t the event in a few hours time?”

“We were just done practicing.” Mark replied as he rotated the phone to give me a full view of the dance studio. The others were either on the floor resting or practicing their dance moves in front of the full length mirror.

“Don’t you guys get any rest?” I asked again when Mark had turned back the phone.

Mark gave a little shrug. “We want to show our best for our fans."

"Don't worry, I'm sure your fans will still love you even if you screw up at the event."

Mark frowned a little and sighed. "That's really encouraging." He said sarcastically.

From his tone of voice, he sounded really tired. I wanted to apologize for my curt remark but the words were stuck at the back of my throat. I bit my lower lip instead, feeling bad for what I had just said earlier. 

There was a long awkward pause before he started talking again.

"So, I'll see you at the event."

"Yea, I already gave you my promise, remember?" I replied as I held up my pinky.

Mark's smiled as he nodded. I hate to admit it, but this shoplifter was actually rather cute when he smiled like that.

"Hey, forgive me for saying this but I still don't know your name yet." Mark suddenly said, looking slightly embarrassed.

"You don't know my name? What did you save my number as?"

"Erm, book shop girl."

I laughed upon hearing the name that Mark had given me. "It isn't the prettiest name but at least it's better than being called a shoplifter." I said in between chuckles.

"Tch. Seriously, what is your name?" Mark asked again, looking slightly impatient.

"Hmmm, not telling!" I answered as I stuck out my tongue before hanging up the call.

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Chapter 11: great story Author-nim... Keep it up!! Hwiating!!
LuchyNya #2
Chapter 6: Wahou cuteee story i hope i can read more and more ~ updateu♡
smileydovey: Hi! Thanks for the sweet comment! ^-^
Chapter 4: Omg good story hehe. Keep it up! Looking forward to this story. Fighting! Update update ><