Chapter 14

Babe, can I have a kiss?

Minho's POV

But... Yoona ran away from him and she cried.

I was absolutely stunned, and then I chased after Yoona.

"Yoona! Yoona!" I ran while shouting her name.

I quickly grabbed her arm and I looked immediately into her eyes. I could see fear in her eyes.

"You heard what I just said, right?" I said sternly and calmly. "You didn't have to do that..."

She was speechless. She didn't look straight into my eyes.

"Listen Yoona... I'm not Yuri's boyfriend. Yuri was trying to make me look like her boyfriend but I never wanted to do that" I said

I pulled her closer to me and whispered: "I like you..."

Instantly, Yoona pushed me away. "Don't get too near to me!" she said

"Then why were you crying just now?! Did I do something wrong or hurt your feelings?"   

" I don't like you..." she stammered. Then, she ran away again.

" What is wrong with her? " I said. I'm confused by the way she acted just now. 

Yoona's POV

I ran away from Minho and stopped behind a wall in a secluded area. I liked Minho a lot, but something stopped me from doing that.


It was 10:30pm and I was ready to go to bed. Just then, I received a message from Yuri

Look, Yoona. There is something that I want to tell you about. Minho and I are not dating actually. It was all a lie I put up because I like him, but he doesn't like me back. Please don't act surprise or feel happy about it because it would look disgusting on you. I know Minho likes you, and something tells me that he's gonna confess to you one day. But, don't you dare to accept him, or even get near to him, my friend. I give you two options: Get near to Minho and know your consequences OR leave him alone and you'll be safe. Choose wisely because your choice will change your life. Don't say I never warn you about it. 

I guess that is all. I can't wait to see you tomorrow in school. Goodnight! <3

To: Yoona
From: Yuri

*End of Flashback*

Yuri's POV

"Woah, Yuri. I'm impressed of you. You got the guts to do so" Jessica said while giving me a thumbs up.

"I'm just giving her a warning. You know, she's a timid girl after all!" I chuckled

"What if Minho know about this, what are you going to do?" Jessica asked

"I'm pretty sure that Minho woudn't know bout this. Do you think Yoona will tell him what I sent to her, " I said

" Yah, Yoona is really a pabo! Hahah! " Jessica giggled

*Minho's house

Minho's POV

I'm in my bedroom and trying to call Yoona, but Yoona didn't give any respond.

I sighed and the whole thing I was thinking was Yoona.

Suddenly, someone knocked my door and she opened the door. 

It was Sooyoung, my sister.

" I saw you being sad from morning till afternoon. What happen to you? " she said and she sat on my bed

" None of your business, " I said

" Just tell me, maybe I can help you, "

" I like Yoona.. " I said

" What did you just say? You like my friend, Im Yoona? " she shocked

I nodded, " But everything was spoiled by Kwon Yuri! She actually knew I like Yoona! " 

" I heard this news before, that you're girlfriend is Yuri. This news is spreading the whole school. But as you said just now, you mean everything is fake? "

" Yes! Let me tell you everything about me, Yoona and Yuri.. "

Then I told Sooyoung everything that happened between the three of us.

" How evil Yuri is! " Sooyoung said and she was very angry " Oppa, I'll help you! I feel bad for you! " Sooyoung continued

" How are you going to do? Yoona keep avoiding me the whole morning! "

" Let me think about it first. " Sooyoung said " Look at you, I can see you very tired, you should go get some catnap first,and don't keep thinking about Yoona first, " Sooyoung added and she closed the door.


Sooyoung's POV

" Yeoboseo, Yoona. "

" Yeoboseo, Sooyoung. "

" Um.. are you free this Saturday? "

" Um.. why? "

" It's been a long time we haven't go outing. And also, I'm very free this Saturday, probably we can go buy some clothes.. "

" Biane. I don't have the mood to go outing.. "

" I also invite lots of friend to go outing with us. If you don't have the mood, you should go do some activities to make you feel better, right? "

" Okay then. I'm going. But wait, is Minho going? "

" Of course not. Because this outing is only for girls, no boys. "

" Sure. Thanks for inviting me for the outing! "

" Anyway thank you for joining our outing. I have something to do now. Kkay, bye!~ "

" Bye.. "


What will happen next? Stay Tuned. x)

Sorry for any grammar mistakes or typo error.

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Yoonyulll #1
Chapter 19: I like it. Keep writing author-nim !!!
Minyoon21 #2
Chapter 19: I hope yuri will let minho go and get back together with siwon again. I like minyoon moment here. Thank u for this .
Mayari #3
Chapter 19: I love it. Add more sweet minyoon moments, author-nim :D
Kryoon9490 #4
Chapter 19: I like minyoon moments. Thank u for the update xD
Minyoon21 #5
Chapter 18: It's really good chapter. Thank u for this chapter.
More minyoon moments plz ^_^
Yoonyulll #6
Chapter 18: I can't wait to read the next chapter. Update soon dear xD
Mayari #7
Chapter 18: Love it. Keep updating dear :))
Kryoon9490 #8
Chapter 18: Nice chapter. I'll be waiting for the new chapter.
Kryoon9490 #9
Chapter 17: I love ittt. I hope minyoon will be together soon.
Mayari #10
Chapter 17: love this chapter <3 I'll be waiting for the next chapter.