Pre-Mock Party

Junjin High, Academy for the Elite

Tonight was the night of the mock party. Here I was in front of my mirror trying to get my tie right. My hair looked very idol group lengthy; I told Jung Min that he could trim to a better style but no buzz cutting, I still want to be able to recognize myself as a girl!

I was thinking of how I should act at the mock party when the door suddenly opened and Changmin waltzes right in.

Changmin POV

I walked into Sooyoung’s room to find her trying to tie her tie; somehow she managed to tangle all her fingers in that tie… how do you even do that?

As she sees me she rolls her eyes, “Don’t you ever knock?”

I smirk, “No, I’m hoping that one day I’ll see those amazing s that you claim you have.”

Sooyoung puffed up her cheeks, “Hey, how many times do I have to tell you, that I have s, till you believe me!”

I walk closer towards her, “I’m one of those people that have to see to believe,” swiftly I pull a part of the tie and the knots that kept her fingers caught came undone. Slowly I level my head with her, inching my face closer and closer. She was staring straight into my eyes…THEN she quickly turned and bumped me across the room.

I grunted as my back hit the wall. Sliding down the wall I fell to the floor.

The door opened and Taecyeon’s head popped in. His eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets as he tried to analyze what had just happened.

I smirked to myself, brain blast! I brought my legs closer to myself, rolling into a ball. “Taecyeon, thank God you came just in time! Haneuls GAY! He totally attacked me!”

He looked at Sooyoung, “He’s lying, I bumped him into the wall,” she said coolly. Walking over to me she helped me up to my feet, “Now will you help me with this darn tie?”

I took the tie, wrapped it around Sooyoung’s neck, and pulled her closer towards me. SLAM; Taekyeon was gone. I scoffed. Sooyoung told me that they used to know each other… this is his punishment for not telling me that she was a girl.

But why is Sooyoung getting so cute? I mean she’s in guy clothes…It must be my design, I knew I was giving her too much curves for a guy suit!

Sooyoung POV

“Done,” Changmin said as he took his hands from my tie. I turned to the mirror, it was a perfect, “You’re going to have to teach me how to tie this.”

“Maybe… come on, it’s almost time to go,” I as I opened the door I see Siwon walking past my room. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him, I feel like he’s been avoiding me.

“Siwon ah,” I reach for his arm.

He turns surprised to see me, then he noticed Changmin with me, his face went serious again, “I’m sorry, I have to go,” he said as he slid my hand off of his arm.

“What’s with him?” Changmin asked as Siwon walked away.

“I don’t know but he’s been acting cold towards me ever since I was sick. You don’t know why he’d be acting this way do you?” I sighed.

“No.” Changmin shrugged.

“Is there something wrong with him at home that you know about?” I asked.

“No, he should actually be happy, his lawyer side of the family just won three big cases and his doctor side just opened a couple free clinics in Africa,” Changmin said, “Maybe you did something.”

My face went gloomy, that’s exactly what I hoped wasn’t the reason.

“Just kidding,” Changmin said, but it was too late, the idea had already set in my mind.

As Changmin felt the awkward silence, he started to pull me to the stairs, “Come on, we’re going to be later than fashionably late.”

All of a sudden Taecyeon hooked his arm with mine, “You weren’t going to leave me were you.”

“Of course not,” I smiled.

“Knowing what a great athlete you are, we were just getting a head start,” Changmin said sarcastically.

We made our way to the ballroom together.


Do you guys prefer that I write long chapters or shorter chapters but update faster?

And people that are rooting for Siwon, don't worry he's not going to cold forever!!

Thanks for being patients everyone^^ Comments please!!~

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Chapter 18: authornim can you update this fic.. please
Chapter 20: this AFF is been soo long hope you gonna update this one eoh???
michelletheresia #4
Chapter 20: Ahhh loving this fic<3 but can you at least make it a little longer? Kkk and I'm totally shipping soowon here:3
AprilGrace12 #5
Chapter 20: Please! Update!! :> It's soooo good! XD
Update this please T__T
How could you stop writing in that moment?! Just kidding ^^.
But your story is very good. I'm so curious...
Can U update? Please...
Waiting for the SooWon's moments. :)
SooGen #8
update soon plzzzzzzzzzz
VACATION~~ Can't wait for what will happen during those times. Aaaahh. I'm sooo excited! Please update soon! :)
They are all so cute! Ooh, SooYoung's femaleness is gonna start drama! <br />