Is That Her?

Dream Worth Living

The pool water felt amazing and it helped that no one else was in site. I had been swimming carelessly just letting my mind drift when I heard the door open. The footsteps were so familiar that I couldn't help but laugh and look up to see my face staring back at me.

"Get out I want to talk." Lenia said as she walked over to one of the pool chairs. She sat down and looked at me, everything screamed she was completely serious and I was to act like an adult. I got out of the pool and went to sit in the chair next to Lenia's.

"What is it?" I said as I looked up at the glass ceiling I could see the blue sky and the small white clouds slowing moving around their blue playground.

"What happened between you and Niel?" Lenia said sighing she hadn't taken her eyes off me the whole time. Her eyes bored into me and I knew there was no escaping her this time.

"We met in the lobby when he ran into each other, neither of us was paying attention and he walked right in front of me. He carried my bag to my room and stayed a few minutes before I pushed him out of the room. Some girls down the hall saw him leave and have been outside our room since." I paused to take a breath before moving on to the next part.

"So that explains the girls outside our room." Lenia said looking up at the sky as well.

"Then me and Nala-unni were at a dress shop and while I was in the dressing room Niel opened the door without a warning and saw me trip over my shoes topless. I've avoided him since then, I started to feel something towards him but I know how you feel so I don't want to be an obstacle." I said sitting up I grabbed my towel and headed towards the lobby. Lenia followed.

"So that explains what Niel said when I first met him." Lenia said as she smiled remembering Niel glomping her at JYP. We reached the lobby and was just about to head down the hall way to our room when someone grabbed me by the arm and yanked me.

"What the is this!" Nala said pulling me over to a TV in the lobby. What I saw made me tense, I knew those girl had taken picture and video but I never expected them to be able to see my face so clearly. It only got worse at it showed the clip of us kissing, Lenia collapsed on the couch she was standing in front of.

"What happened to liking L.Joe?" Lenia said as she started at the screen completely shocked. People were starting to notice that I was the girl on the news who practically had her tongue down Teen Top's CAP's throat and vise versa.

"We need to get to the room but we can't go straight we have to sneeak into our room." I said grabbing Nala and Lenia's wrist yanking them toward the elevator. We got on and rode to the 6th floor got off that elevator and rode another down to the 4th floor and then went down the stairs and made our way to our rooms. After safely getting into mine and Lenia's room, thankfully the fan girls were gone, we were able to talk about what happened.

"After I stormed out on you guys yesterday I met C.A.P and he stayed with me all day, then when I left the room this morning for a run he saw me and joined me. We spent the rest of the day together and at the amusement park people started to recognize him so we ran and after we lost them we decided to give them something to talk about. We walked around with his arm around my shoulder and then when the girls caught up he kissed me. I didn't think he would go that far but he did." I said as I collapsed on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Ok well lets just put everything to the side, all those people out there know you are here. Do you want to switch hotels?" Nala asked as she sat down next to me on the bed. Telling her everything had been the right choice all her anger had disappeared.

"Sure lets leave and find a new hotel. Plus I'm tired of hoping the balcony just to leave the room cause of fan girls camped out." I said as I got up and started packing my suitcase, Lenia did the same and Nala left to pack her own things. That's when my cell phone started ringing. It was C.A.P, I answered and put it on speaker.

"Hey, I have you on speaker cause I'm kinda busy, my twin is in the room." I said as I placed the phone on my bed and started packing.

"Ok, have you seen the news yet?" He said through the phone. I looked up at Lenia as she was piecing together who was on the phone.

"Is that who I think it is?" Lenia asked in English as she raised an eyebrow at me.

"It's C.A.P." the voice came again through the phone but this time in English.

"Yes we've seen the news. People are starting to recognize me, wait how are you calling me your still on the plane." I said as I looked at the time on my phone. I had been in the pool longer than I though.

"No my plane landed about 5 minutes ago I called you as soon as I could. Niel is having a freak out, saying stuff like he can't trust me anymore and how could I do that to his girl. But I've got it under control, I just wanted to make sure you were safe."

"I'm fine me and the girls are heading to another hotel right now. The media is starting to gather in the lobby so we are going to go out one of the side doors while Nala-unni turns in our keys." I said as I zipped up my suitcase.

"Remember your gonna have to get used to the running. There were a few reporters here at the airport but we got away. Hey I'm gonna go don't hesitate to call me if it gets too rough. Okay?"

"I'll call you. Thanks for worrying about me." I said as I picked up the phone and took it off speaker. "You just stay safe, okay?" I said back into the phone.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye." He said as he hung up, I closed my phone and placed it in my pocket.

"You know wherever we go people are going to recognize you, right?" Lenia said as she sat down on her bed.

"Yeah I know but it's better if they think I'm here when I'm actually somewhere else. Now come on let's go before it gets worse." I said as I wheeled my bag to the door, Lenia did the same. We dropped off our keys with Nala-unni and made our way to one of the side doors Minsu had said was clear. Minsu took our bags and put them in the back, after returning out key Nala joined us. We headed about 20 minutes away to another one of the best hotels in Korea.

Minsu had called ahead so all we had to do was pick up our keys. Minsu carried out luggage in while we waited in the car. After getting a call from Minsu we entered through one of the side doors. Minsu met us and showed us where our room was, again Nala's room was across the hall.

Me and Lenia decided it was best to stay in the room until it was time for Jaejoong to pick us up. Lenia wasn't a drinker but had agreed to come along, even though she didn't drink a lot she could hold her own against me.

Nala came over about a hour before Jaejoong was supposed to pick us up. "I want to talk to you about your audition's, you passed them all. But that was a no brainier, I went today and picked up all the contract from all four companies and looked them over. Due to all four of them wanting you they have all offered you good contracts. Considering everything I believe the SM contract benefits you the most. If you want you can look over them and you will see that it is." Nala said as she handed over a heavy envelope.

I pulled out the top paper to find the pros and cons of each contract she also had a list of things to request from each company. I could tell even though Nala worked for SM that she was being fair to the other three companies.

"I'll look them over later, right now I got to get ready for tonight. What should I wear?" I said as I looked at Lenia, we had a habit of picking each others clothes cause we couldn't make up our minds. We always loved what the other picked out and realized that it was what we were wanting but couldn't think.

"Okay you two have fun tonight. Make sure my fiancee doesn't do anything stupid." Nala said as she left our room, after getting ready all we had left to do was wait.

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I really like the fic!
Ahhhh :) I love it! I'm so glad that you recommended it! update soon-ish!
So I already have 30 plus chapters for this one on another site I just have to post them on here after re-editing them. Hope you can be paitent