The Perfect Dress?

Dream Worth Living

After learning about passing my audition I was so excited I only hoped my other auditions went as well. Nala said we had to be at her fiancee's house by 6:30. I looked at the clock in the car, it was only 3:20 we still had plenty of time before we had to be at Nala's fiancee's house. There was one major problem, I didn't have anything apporiate to wear to dinner tonight.

"Nala-unni?" I looked over at her on the other side of the car. "Do think we have time to go shopping before dinner?" I asked as she looked at me.

"Yeah, sure why?" Nala looked at me with a small smile on her face.

"It's just...." I started looking down at my hands in my lap. "I don't...." I sighed I guess I had to say it sooner or later. "have anything to wear to dinner tonight. Do you think you could help me pick something out?" I looked back up at her, I was so nervous. She said I knew her fiancee, I just couldn't imagine who it could be no one stuck out to me.

"Yeah, I would love that!" Nala reached over and rubbed my shoulder. she then touched the top of my head and 'petted' my hair. "I hope we can be good friends!" She said as she looked down at her phone, I guess she was expecting a call.

We sat in a comfortable silence that allowed me to think. Even though I loved to talk there were sometimes that I like it to just be quite so I could think and let my mind wonder.

We pulled into the parking lot of what looked to be a big dress store. I didn't caught the name of the store because Nala quickly pushed me out of the car and pulled me into the store. There were dresses everywhere, I was pulled everywhere by Nala. She looked and acted like a little child in a candy store who was just told they could have everything they wanted.

Before I knew it she had a whole dressing room full of beautiful dresses. I put on dress after dress, every time I stepped out to show off the dress Nala took a picture. She said they would help later on if I couldn't pick one. Dress after dress came on and off. I had gone through probably 75 dresses and I didn't feel like putting another one on. That's when Nala came in she was holding a simple red dress, I mean it wasn't simple by any means but it was more simple than any of the others I had tried on.

This dress was strapless, it had a black ribbon tied around the waist. At the waist the bottom half crinkled so as to create a poof near the thigh. The dress was red. Nala was beaming as if she had found the perfect dress. I beamed back in return, agreeing with her, all I had to do was try it on.

"Oh my, you look beautiful!" Nala piratically jumped up from the chair she was sitting in. She walked over and hugged me.

"I think we found my dress." I sad as I walked over to look at myself in the mirror not only did I look amazing I felt amazing. I had found the dress I was going to wear and it made me feel amazing!

"Ok lets get you out of that dress and into some heels." Nala said as she piratically shoved me back into the dressing room and that when I saw it just out of the corner of my eye.

"Wait! I need to to see this one." I said as I headed over to a rack on the other side of the store. The dress in front of me was even more beautiful than the one I had on. I was speechless, Nala I could tell was also speechless, she grabbed the dress and shoved me back into the dressing room.

I piratically ripped off the dress I had on and replaced it with this new dress the was a deep blue, it had a low v-neck. A black belt was tight around my waist and the bottom half of the dress was scrunched up. The last dress was no match for this one. If the last dress made me look and feel amazing then their were no word that could describe how I looked or felt. I stepped out of the dressing room to find Nala and the dress lady staring at me. They both obviously agreed that this was the perfect dress for me. I had to agree it was if this dress had been made just for me. Even though I was short I did this justice and you could say this dress worked wonders for me.

While still in my dress Nala grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to the heels. She pulled a black stiletto of the wall luckily it just happened to be my size. It was a simple no designs on it or anything but it accented the dress. Nala once satisfied with her choice of shoes pulled me toward the jewelry counter. She sat me down in a chair and started to point into one of the glass cases, I could see what the woman was pulling out but there was no doubt that it would be beautiful.

First Nala helped me into a necklace that was more like a choker than anything, it dangled down in the middle. Nala-unni had me removing the earrings I was currently weary to replace them with a double strand diamond accented pair of earrings. The next piece was a bracelet, a heart shaped black diamond lock dangled off along with a key. I was speechless, every piece of jewelry I was wearing was real diamond. I loved every moment I was in them. I guess Nala could tell because she told the sales lady to ring everything up that she was ready to pay.

"Wait, your paying for it?" I said as I looked at Nala wide eyed.

"You forget I'm about to marry a very rich man, this stuff is nothing to him. Plus it will provide for some entertainment." Nala winked at me and held her hand out to me. I took it as I stood up , lets just say I had a little bit of a balancing issue when I was in stiletto's. I had never gotten used to them due to my mother never allowing me to wear them. Eventually I would have to learn not just to walk perfectly in them but I would have to be able to dance in them.

"Ok, I'm gonna go change." I dropped her hand and walked towards the dressing room. I slipped out of my dress as I heard the familar voice of L.Joe's rap coming from my shorts pocket. " You know you want it, hows that" I answered before it got any further.

"Hello?" I said as I tried to pull my shorts on. No one answered so I hung up and tossed my phone onto the chair. I was standing in the dressing room in only my shorts. I had pulled my bra off but was having trouble finding it among the dresses. As I walked over to put my shirt on the door to my dressing room opened.

My luck was horrible not only was my chest but I was about to trip on one of my perfectly placed shoes. As I hit the floor I could feel someone looking at me, I looked up to find the last person I expected to ever see at that moment.

Niel was standing in the door of my dressing room. He looked stunned to see my half body spiraled on the floor. He quickly looked away as he asked "Are you all right. I'm sorry." Niel quickly shut the door.

I was completely stunned but in order to get passed this I had to find my bra and with the horrible luck I had it was hanging on the back of the dressing room door. I put on my bra quickly and threw my shirt on. I grabbed the dress hoping Nala-unni had already paid so all I had to do was run out of here and get into the car. I was nowhere near ready to confront Niel about our last encounter nor was I ready to face what had just happened.

I opened the dressing room door, I didn't see Niel so I though I was safe. I glanced around and found Niel looking at a dress over in the corner. There were a couple racks in between us, if I moved fast enough I would be able to escape without having to talk to him.

I shut the dressing room door as quickly and quitely as I could, then I ran up to Nala who had finished paying and was sitting down waiting for me.

"Alania, there you are, hey did you know Niel is here. He wanted to talk to you so I told him you were in the first dressing room. Did you talk to him?" Nala looked happy to know that I was on speaking terms with Niel not only that but it looked like Niel was going out of him way to talk to her. Nala could sense the younger man had a crush and I knew it.

I glanced back hoping Niel hadn't seem us yet. "No I don't feel like talking we need to go. Now!" I said as I could see Niel making his way over to us. I grabbed Nala's wrist and dragged her out of the store as fast as I could. I managed to make it to the car, I opened the door and shoved Nala in.

"Alania!" Niel had ran out of the store and was making his way over to the car.

I got into the car and locked my door telling Minsu to leave. Minsu started the car and was pulling out as Niel got to the car, he looked devastated. I hated doing this to him but I wasn't in the mood nor was I ready to confront what ever was happening between us.

"What was that about?" Nala asked as she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Nothing its just...." I looked down at my shorts and realized I forgot my phone in the dressing room. "Damn it! I left my phone. Minsu will you please go back." I asked Minsu as I went through my bag helplessly. "Nala-unni will you go get my phone? It's in my dressing room on the chair. Please. I will tell you everything when you get back." I looked at Nala, she sighed.

"All right but you better tell me everything. You need to be nice to Niel, he may be helpful to you in the future." Nala looked at me as we drove back into the dress stores parking lot. Nala climbed out of the car and disappeared into the store.

"Are you ok miss." Minsu said from the front of the car. It was the first time he had ever said anything personally related. Most of things I ever heard him say were 'Where to?' 'Yes ma'am.' and similar phrases. "It's just you looked scared, or more terrified when you got in the car. Is everything all right? He didn't hurt you or anything did he?" Minsu looked genuinely concerned.

"No he didn't hurt me, I'm just confused and a little scared to face him after everything that's happened between us. You'll hear it when Nala gets back." I said as I looked out the window hoping to see Nala come out of the store without Niel.  

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I really like the fic!
Ahhhh :) I love it! I'm so glad that you recommended it! update soon-ish!
So I already have 30 plus chapters for this one on another site I just have to post them on here after re-editing them. Hope you can be paitent