Not a chappie >.< sorry!

SHINee! SHINee! SHINee! Oi! Oi! Oi!
Hey everyone!! :D I hope you guys had an awesome Christmas and new year! ^_^ Sorry this isn't an update, and sorry for not updatin for like a month... I'm such a horrible writer >.< Internet doesn't exist in cheap holiday houses... ^^;; BUT I'm gonna update about 3 chapters very very VERY soon, SO PLEASE BE PATIENT!!! :) THANK YOU to both old and new subscribers!! And commenters too! It means alot to me, especially a beginner like me XD If you have any suggestions or things I that I need to improve on, dont be afraid to shout! Thanks again! xx Moomoomilk
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Chapter 17: Please . Update . Soon .
This is hilarious! Please update~! ♥
vanillalove178 #3
TROLOLOLOLOLOL its soo funny :) update soon
Hahahahhahahahahhahaahahaha!! The whoops at the end triggered laughing gases!! Nice update~~
moomoomilk_love #5
Thank you all for the support! :D Im very sorry i dont update often but i will try to!
Hwaiting with your cute and funny story~~ AND!! Update~~
creatingfaith #7
loving taemin's cuteness xD<br />
keep up the great work! =]<br />
update soon! ^^
Aaaaaa cute key~ he always be umma!! I want to be his wife kekeke~
moomoomilk_love #9
@vampireprincess17 actually, its Mexicana fried chicken. It's a fried chicken chain store in south Korea ^^;; SHINee shot a cf for it :D
vampireprincess17 #10
Before when Onew was chucking a fit over australia not having mexican chicken, you should've taken him to Nandos