Chapter 11

SHINee! SHINee! SHINee! Oi! Oi! Oi!



-dances happy dance in room-

Ahem. this means so much to me! ^_^ thank you all very much for keeping up with me even though i dont update the story that often...


as well as losing some weight. chocolate can be so evil, yes?


xx moo


-Hannah -

Po po po poker face po po poker face” Onew sang in a high pitched voice

I clutched my stomach as I rolled around the floor laughing. Oh god… HE’S SO FUNNY XDDDDD


Onew stepped up onto the table in the middle of the room, and tried to copy Lady Gaga on the screen; stumbling in the process. Oh god, Now my stomach hurts from laughing too much.

As the song ended, he jumped down from his mini ‘stage’ and handed over the mic.

“Your turn!”

Using the remote, I went through the list of songs. Hmmm. Nahhh, I’ll go for the Korean songs instead. Don’t stop can’t stop, Gee, Lucifer, Miss you, Abracadabra, Copy & Paste, Man Man Ha Ni… AH HA!

“Noona Neomu Yeppeo (Replay)” the screen revealed

I sneaked a glance at Onew and a shocked expression took over his face.

“What? Korean people aren’t the only ones who can sing Korean songs y’know.” I smirked, sticking my tongue out at him

“Oh you think you’re better at me than this? Especially this song?! You’re on girl!” Grinning, he grabbed the spare mic.

Noona neomu yeppeoseo

Namjadeuri gamanan dwo

Heundeulrineun geunyeoye mam Sashil algo isseo”



“I’m hungry.” Hannah poked my cheek

I glared at her. She glared at me.

But then a growl escaped from my stomach, breaking the silence. OF ALL TIMES. AND INFRONT OF A GIRL AS WELL. GAHH.

“Hehehe, looks like you’re hungry too huh? What do you want to…”

“I ING WANT MEXICANA FRIED CHICKEEEEEEENNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed like hell to the whole fricken universe

The whole street rattled. Cars went off with their security alarms, telephone poles fell and people fainted due to sudden shock.

“…Whoa. Um… Onew? Sorry to break it to you but there isn’t Mexicana chicken around here. Actually, none at all in all of Australia…” Hannah mumbled

My body froze. What? Wait, did she just say what I think she said? No… no Mexicana fried chicken? How was this possible?! WHAT IS THIS?!?! I AM STUCK IN AUSTRALIA AND I DON’T EVEN HAVE MEXICANA CHICKEN TO HELP ME LIVE ING HELL!!!! MY LIFE !!! 

It's all over. My life is over. 

Then something hit me. Yes physically, in the face. Why does this taste so familiar?

“Hey, if you aren’t gonna eat your KFC then I’ll eat it.”

-Moments later, in KFC-

“More chicken please!” I sang

“Dude, that’s like your 10th serving already.” Hannah whispered

Everyone was looking at me, eyes boggling out and I’m pretty sure that their chin is touching the floor. What? Haven’t any of you seen a person eating chicken super happily? Its only natural of a chicken lover.

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Chapter 17: Please . Update . Soon .
This is hilarious! Please update~! ♥
vanillalove178 #3
TROLOLOLOLOLOL its soo funny :) update soon
Hahahahhahahahahhahaahahaha!! The whoops at the end triggered laughing gases!! Nice update~~
moomoomilk_love #5
Thank you all for the support! :D Im very sorry i dont update often but i will try to!
Hwaiting with your cute and funny story~~ AND!! Update~~
creatingfaith #7
loving taemin's cuteness xD<br />
keep up the great work! =]<br />
update soon! ^^
Aaaaaa cute key~ he always be umma!! I want to be his wife kekeke~
moomoomilk_love #9
@vampireprincess17 actually, its Mexicana fried chicken. It's a fried chicken chain store in south Korea ^^;; SHINee shot a cf for it :D
vampireprincess17 #10
Before when Onew was chucking a fit over australia not having mexican chicken, you should've taken him to Nandos