Chapter 12

Two Hearts

You sat at the café, working on your blog while waiting for Jongup to appear. He had gone overseas for a concert and you hadn’t seen him for a couple weeks. He messaged you every night, sending a picture or a video whenever he could. You sent him pictures too of your daily life and the jazz bars you went to. He finally came back a few days ago and promised to go on a date with you when he got back.

“Boo.” Someone whispered behind your ear. You jump and look behind you in surprise, before breaking out into a big smile. Jumping out of your seat, you hug Jongup tightly.

“I missed you.” You say, your voice muffled by his scarf.

“I missed you too. I kissed the pictures you sent me every night.” Jongup teased before extracting himself from you, sitting down on the seat across from you.

“Gross.” You chuckle while taking his hands in yours.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t do that for me.” He said in mock offense, giving you a pout.

“I did.” You confess, laughing when he smiled widely.

“Well, are you ready?” You looked at him in confusion.

“Ready for what?”

“Well, our date of course silly!” He said excitedly, putting your tablet into your bag before pulling you up with him out the door.

“Where are we going?” He waved his hand for a taxi which stopped in front of the two of you.

“Can you go to Lotte Cinema please?” Jongup asked the driver before looking at you, grinning. You smile at him and squeeze his hand tighter.

On the way there, Jongup showed you pictures he hadn’t already sent to you of the places he visited on his trip. During his stories, he would randomly kiss you before resuming his story telling like nothing had happened. Once at the theaters, he ordered two popcorns and two large drinks, handing one of each to you.

“Why’d you get two?” You ask, looking at him incredulously.

“Cause I know you can eat one by yourself.” He said, smirking. You smack his arm before calling out,

“Race you to the theater!” You dashed towards the theater all the way at the end, looking behind you for Jongup, who wasn’t there. Stopping, you look behind you once more before you felt a tap on your shoulder.

“I beat you!” Jongup called, running past you. Cursing yourself for getting distracted, you run to him before jumping on him causing some of the popcorn to fall out.

“That’s what you get.” You giggle, eating the popcorn that had fallen on his hat and scarf. Jongup only grinned in response before taking your hand and leading you into the theater.

The both of you decided to sit towards the back, just in case someone recognized Jongup. He picked an action movie, a genre the both of you enjoyed immensely. As the scene started, you edged closer to Jongup and grasped his hand in yours. Squeezing your hand, the two of you watched the movie in bliss. Jongup laughed frequently during the movie to which you would watched him rather than the movie. His laugh was like medicine to you, chipping away the ice that froze your heart. During your last six years, you could see how many people faked laughter and smiles because you did the same but Jongup, he was genuine through and through. And that’s all you could ask for of him.

Once the movie ended, the two of you walked around the streets. Passing by a jewelry store, the two of you enter the establishment and looked around.

“Maybe I should get my ears pierced, it’s free here.” You comment, looking at the sign near the cash register. Jongup threw you a look, knowing you wouldn’t.

“You always say that but never go through with it.” He teased, hoping his comment would annoy you, which it did.

“Fine, I’ll do it.” You contended. To be honest, you were afraid of getting your ears pierced but wasn’t going to let Jongup hurt your pride. “Excuse me? Can I get my ears pierced?” You call out to the cashier.

“Of course, customer! Please come to the back of the store. Would your boyfriend like to come as well?” She asked while guiding you towards the back.

“Yes I will!” Jongup answered before you could reply. The three people made their way towards a chair in the corner next to a needle gun and alcohol swabs.

“It’ll sting a little bit.” The cashier warned as she swabbed your ear lobe with an alcohol pad. You gulp and motion Jongup to come closer which he complies. You take his hand into yours and squeeze it, your heart pounding in to your chest.

“Are you nervous?” Jongup asked, suddenly feeling guilty for pushing you to do this.

“You know I don’t like needles.” You pout, eyeing the needle gun warily.

“You don’t have to do this.”

“No, I’m going to do it. I’ve put it off for too long.” You said, determined to get this over with. You nod to the cashier who places the gun near your ear.

“Are you ready?” She asked one final time, giving you a look.

“No. But let’s do it.” You felt the cold metal against your ear. A loud click resonated in your ear and a stinging sensation enveloped you. You clench Jongup’s hands tighter and take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for the second one. The cold metal pressed in your ear again before the stinging sensation returned. Taking a sharp breath, you scrunch your nose and open your eyes to see a smiling Jongup.

“See, it wasn’t that bad was it?” He chided, observing your new ears.

“I guess not. Still nerve wracking as hell though.” Jongup chuckled and walked with you out towards the front of the store.

“You have to keep the earrings in for six weeks and wipe it with rubbing alcohol. Once the six weeks are over, you can change your earrings whenever you want.” The cashier said while giving you a sympathetic smile.

“Let’s get couple earrings!” Jongup exclaimed.

“Didn’t you hear her? She said six weeks.”

“Doesn’t mean we can’t get them now.” Jongup countered, already looking through the earrings on the shelf across from the cash register. Giving in, you look with him and agree on a pair of small black hoop earrings. “Let’s get couple rings too.” Jongup said, trying to sound nonchalant but taking in your reaction. You stopped walking, staring at your boyfriend.

You knew he didn’t mean it like the two of you were getting married but you couldn’t help it when your heart started to beat faster. Gauging your reaction, Jongup walked closer to you while biting his lips.

“Sorry, am I going too fast? Are you uncomfortable?” He asked tentatively. He couldn’t make anything out of your expression and he started to get nervous. He was afraid of scaring you away but his fears were soothed when you broke out into a large smile.

“No. Let’s get them.” You say, a warmth spreading through your blood. Jongup returned the smile, relieved that you weren’t panicking. The two of you agreed on a thin, sterling silver black ring. Paying the cashier for the earrings and rings, Jongup took the ring and placed in on your right ring finger and you reciprocated his actions, a stupid smile present on your face. You exit the store and look at the ring on your finger, admiring the way it looked.

“Hey, we’re near my brother’s work. Do you want to meet him?” You say, noticing where you guys were. Jongup looked nervously at you but agreed.

“Sure, lead the way.” You maneuvered around the people on the street before making your way to the jazz bar. The familiar bell tinkled and you took in the sight before you, nostalgia filling your body. You had only started to come back to the bar a little after you met Jongup. You couldn’t face Jae or the bar because of the memories of Yongguk but eventually started let go bit by bit.

“Sae Hee!” A voice called out. You see Jae at the bar with Min, a wide smile present on his face.

“Hey Jae, I came.” You say while making your way over to the bar. Jongup followed you timidly, observing his surroudings.

“Is this the boyfriend?” Jae said while eyeing the younger male up and down.

“Yupp. Jongup, meet Jae my older brother. Jae this is Jongup.” Jongup extended his hand towards the older male, masking his nervousness.

“Hello, it is nice finally meet you.” He commented, a small smile on his lips.

“Likewise. I hope you’re treating her right or else I’ll come after you.” Jae jokingly threatened but knew he didn’t need to say such words. He knew how much of a positive effect Jongup’s had in his sister’s life. You were smiling more often and actually talked to Jae now and for that Jae was greatly indebted to Jongup. Jongup was your medicine, the one to help you get over Yongguk and the pain he caused you.

The both of you sat at the bar as Min handed you your tea and cupcake.

“Just for you, like old times.” You grinned at him while taking a sip of the tea. Just like old times.

The bell tinkled behind you and out of habit you looked towards the door. The male who entered froze, a panicked expression evident on his features as he looked between you, Jongup and Jae.

“Oh, Yongguk hyung! What are you doing here?”


Hello readers! I apologize for not updating please forgive me )": I didn't have the time to upload a chapter but I do now! I just came home from work and went online to upload this chapter muahaha! I will upload another chapter by Wednesday so please look forward to that! Let me know your comments about the story down below!


On a side note, does anyone know what's going on with TS and BAP? I know a lot of fansite admins were going ape for the past two days because of BAP's canceling and then re-doing the Beijing Music Bank show but I'm seriously worried about them. They look so tired in their airport pictures it physically pains me to see them like that. I really hope they're doing okay and all we can do as Babys is stick with them no matter what, right? (:

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Chapter 16: Aaahh, the situation is interesting and scary. Even if she gets back with Yongguk, it will still be awkward for Jonggup.
Chapter 7: Omo, you can touch the tension.
Chapter 6: Ohoho, the meeting will be interesting. Also, like the comments made at the end of the chapters.
Chapter 5: This was strange. I really have the impression that it was something for real between Yongguk and that girl from Secret, and for it to be mentioned here, was a shock. Glad to see Jonggup, but why is she smoking how did Jae let this happen?
Chapter 4: Wow, such a throwback. And his past. Well, it's true that she's kind of young for him, but love is twisted.
Chapter 3: Oooh, too nice to be true. Looking forward to the new character. Will it be a love triangle? Must read to find out. Keke.
Chapter 2: Waaa, nice story. Can't wait to see if they'll meet again.
Chapter 20: finally a fic i've been looking for ages! this is awesome authornim, the way you connected the real scenarios from B.A.P makes me think it really happened. i love how you make every chapter so exciting for us. i'm a Jongup bias and this one is perfect for me because often times i would think of Yongguk as guy every girl wants and if i have to choose between the 5 (next to Jongup) i would choose him. and funny to think that so far, all B.A.P fics that i've read, Himchan possesses the same personality hahaha. make another one authornim huhu and thank you for this. now i dn't mind Uppie having his SaeHee in real life ♡
abcd20 #9
Chapter 20: Wow she end up with jongup ... That surprises me because i really thought she will end up with yongguk because he was ver first love ...but i like because jongup is really jjxjdjdjkddk cute xp xp
Chapter 20: uppiieeeeeeee!!! > u < ...oh i miss them TT TT
good job!! It's actually nice how you didn't make it unnecessarily long :) somehow it's refreshing? thanks for your hard work! <3