Chapter 16

Two Hearts

Forgetting about the toothpaste in your mouth, you take a deep breath and effectively choke on the substance. You run to the bathroom and spit out the foam, hacking out what was stuck in your throat. Yongguk patted your back in hopes of helping you. You wave you rhand out to him, signaling he had no need to do so. You rinse out your mouth then splash your face with water hoping this was a dream.

Tears formed in your eyes, thinking of all the possible consequences of this revelation. Now Jongup would find out and he would be so angry. He’d never want to talk to you again after this. The thought of crazy fan girls didn’t even faze you when you thought about losing Jongup.

Yongguk watched you as tears fell into the sink, shoulders heaving up and down. He didn’t know whether or not to comfort you. Vaguely remembering last night, Yongguk didn’t remember anything up to the point when he met you. Your encounter, however, was bright in his mind, even the moment he confessed. He wished he could forget that ever happened but at this point, with the article exposed, there’s no point in hiding anymore.

Yongguk’s arm hovered over your shoulders before finally deciding to leave you alone. Stepping out the bathroom, he made his way to his phone which had started to ring.

“Hello?” Yongguk answered, rubbing his temples in an attempt to relive the pounding headache.

“Where are you? Everyone’s going ape here.” Himchan said over the phone.

“I’m… at a friend’s house. I’ll be there soon.”

“Alright. Be ready for a storm, Manager hyung is pissed the off. Hey, Jongup where you going? Jo-” The line abruptly ended leaving a bewildered Yongguk.

Those paparazzi pictures were a bit blurry but clear enough to make out Yongguk’s and your face. Knowing the power of the internet, he knew people would eventually find out who you were. Those pictures were also angled in a way that it looked like Yongguk was kissing you. It must’ve been the moment when he touched your face. And one where he had hugged you. He didn’t know you had almost hugged him back but knew that you didn’t follow through. But of course the pictures would make anyone misunderstand.

Yongguk prayed that Jongup would hear him out first, let him explain himself before jumping to conclusions. In all his years of knowing the younger male, he never experienced Jongup truly angry before. Sure there were times he would ticked off but he would retreat into the safety of his room and relieve whatever anger he had before approaching any of the members again.

The door bell rung, echoing throughout the apartment. Yongguk left the vicinity of yoru room to see you facing the monitor next to your door which revealed Jongup. He was wearing a hat and mask it was difficult to make out his expression but it didn’t look good.

You look over to Yongguk hopelessly, unsure of what to do. You hated the idea of facing Jongup alone but facing him with Yongguk in your apartment was worse. Fresh tears formed along the rims of your eyes, your fears getting the better of you.

Unable to take your upset state, Yongguk went towards the door and pushed you behind him.

“Let me talk to him first.” He said quietly while taking a deep breath. He just hoped that Jongup would listen to him before jumping to conclusions.

Taking on last breath, Yongguk turned the doorknob and faced a shocked Jongup. His eyes landed on Yongguk for a few seconds before looking behind him for you. You step out from behind Yongguk to face him, your eyes searching his. Before Yongguk could say anything Jongup took off running, angry tears on his face.

He ignored Yongguk’s calls and continued to run faster and faster. He felt betrayed, his girlfriend and his hyung together. When Jongup first saw the article, he was more shocked that Yongguk hyung had been caught. Then he looked at the pictures more closely and recognized your face. At first, he thought it was just a misunderstanding but the more he looked at the picture, the more it looked like you. So to prove it wasn’t you, he decided to go to your apartment and ask you straight out. But when he saw Yongguk answer the door instead of you, his fears were confirmed. And now all he could think about was the pictures.


Hello hello! Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to get something up like I promised! I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll try to update as soon as possible!

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Chapter 16: Aaahh, the situation is interesting and scary. Even if she gets back with Yongguk, it will still be awkward for Jonggup.
Chapter 7: Omo, you can touch the tension.
Chapter 6: Ohoho, the meeting will be interesting. Also, like the comments made at the end of the chapters.
Chapter 5: This was strange. I really have the impression that it was something for real between Yongguk and that girl from Secret, and for it to be mentioned here, was a shock. Glad to see Jonggup, but why is she smoking how did Jae let this happen?
Chapter 4: Wow, such a throwback. And his past. Well, it's true that she's kind of young for him, but love is twisted.
Chapter 3: Oooh, too nice to be true. Looking forward to the new character. Will it be a love triangle? Must read to find out. Keke.
Chapter 2: Waaa, nice story. Can't wait to see if they'll meet again.
Chapter 20: finally a fic i've been looking for ages! this is awesome authornim, the way you connected the real scenarios from B.A.P makes me think it really happened. i love how you make every chapter so exciting for us. i'm a Jongup bias and this one is perfect for me because often times i would think of Yongguk as guy every girl wants and if i have to choose between the 5 (next to Jongup) i would choose him. and funny to think that so far, all B.A.P fics that i've read, Himchan possesses the same personality hahaha. make another one authornim huhu and thank you for this. now i dn't mind Uppie having his SaeHee in real life ♡
abcd20 #9
Chapter 20: Wow she end up with jongup ... That surprises me because i really thought she will end up with yongguk because he was ver first love ...but i like because jongup is really jjxjdjdjkddk cute xp xp
Chapter 20: uppiieeeeeeee!!! > u < ...oh i miss them TT TT
good job!! It's actually nice how you didn't make it unnecessarily long :) somehow it's refreshing? thanks for your hard work! <3