Take My Hand








I can’t believe Yerim said that she saw Soojin last night too. But… Soojin said that she was doing something with her family at that time. So there’s really no way that the girl I just saw making out with a boy was her.


Yeah, that girl was just a look alike. And besides, Yerim was a bit drunk last night too so she just thought that the girl was Soojin. It can’t be her.





12:30nn. Taemin’s classroom.

Seoul High





I sighed, leaning back on my chair and propping my feet on my table as students were slowly leaving the classroom and heading to the cafeteria. It’s lunch time now and I’m craving for some pizza. Sadly, the cafeteria doesn’t have my favorite food, but there’s a pizza parlor just across the campus.


Oh how I would love to be in there right now.


Then all of a sudden someone tapped me on my shoulder, making me jump. I looked over my shoulder to see a girl from my class running towards her friends outside.


“You look really hot Taemin!!”


She shouted before completely leaving the classroom. I smirked. Well, that was random.


My stomach then growled. Aish, I’m Lee Taemin! Of course I can go to that pizza place right now! And I don’t care if I’m breaking the school rule by going out of the campus.


I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and texted my friends, asking them if they want to come with me. And as expected, Key is the first one to reply.


‘Sorry Taemin-ah, but we’re already enjoying our meal ryt now. Ask ur girl instead.’


Of course, I can just ask Soojin!


I got up to my feet and went to her classroom. And there she was, just about to go out of the room. I waved at her.


“Hey babe! Do you wanna-“




Then suddenly, a guy came out of the classroom together with her.

I raised a brow. “Who’s this kid?”


Soojin grabbed my hand and smiled. “H-he’s just a classmate and we’re kind of working on a project right now. What are you doing here anyway?”


I glanced once again at the junior boy and back to Soojin. “Going to ask you if you want to go with me to the pizza parlor.”


She took a quick look at the boy behind her and shook her head. “Like I said, we’re working on something right now. Sorry babe.”


I smiled at her and nodded. “It’s okay.”


She gave me a kiss on the cheek before going back to the classroom together with the boy. Jeez, why do I feel so uneasy seeing them together? And why does the boy look so familiar? Ugh, whatever.


So there’s only one person left I need to ask.


I went to the classroom next to Soojin’s and smirked as I found a familiar girl with long brown hair looking out the window. I crossed my arms and leaned on the door.


“What a surprise, the tomboy isn’t eating yet?”


Yerim turned around, a little shocked seeing me standing in the doorway. I chuckled at her expression. “What? Am I not allowed to roam in the juniors’ area?”


She smiled and shook her head. “Nah it’s just that I’m not used to seeing you here. And well, I didn’t like the food in the cafeteria today and Jinah’s in the library so I’m alone right now…and hungry.”


She came closer to me and put her hands on her hips. “Mind treating me somewhere?”


I flicked her forehead and laughed. “And I was about to ask you if you want to eat with me at the pizza parlor across the campus.”


She smiled widely and nodded her head like a little kid.


“Are you sure you’re fine with it? We’re going outside the school which is not allowed.”


“Like I care.” She said before grabbing my arm and pulling me outside the room. I looked at her hand wrapped around my wrist and pouted.


“Can’t you just take my hand or something?”


“Nah. I have this little thing about saving my precious hand for someone special, you know.”


I rolled my eyes. That’s just stupid, don’t you think?





After going through lots of bushes to prevent the school’s guard to see us and climbing up the damn fence, we’ve finally escaped the school without getting caught. Don’t underestimate the school’s security, it’s pretty tight.


We then walked to the pizza place and arrived there in just 5 minutes. I pulled the door open and the small bell attached to the door jingled. The place was empty, absolutely no customers. And all we could hear was a song playing from the radio; some 70’s hit song I guess.


We picked a table and as we sat down, a girl who was chewing a gum with a small pad of paper in hand and a pencil on the other stopped in front of us, looking as bored as ever.


“What do you guys want?”


“The best pizza you can give us. And we both want coke please.” I said to the waitress.


She wrote everything down and gave us a small smile. “Alrighty.”


Yerim leaned back on her seat and slowly rubbed her stomach. “Man, I’m so so so so hungry! By the way Taemin, why didn’t you just ask your friends to come with you?”


“They were already eating when I asked them.” I said as I looked out the window.


“How about Soojin?”


“She said she was going to do some project with a classmate.”





“Here you go.”


The waitress placed down a very huge and delicious looking pizza on our table along with two (also very huge) glasses of coke.


“Enjoy your meal.”


I nodded. “Well that was fast. Seems that they’re always ready.”


Yerim nodded in response as she stared at the pizza in front of her, almost drooling actually. She looked up at me and smirked. “Come on Taemin, let’s dig in!”


And with that, we both ate the cheesy pizza fast and not caring if we had sauce on our faces. We were both hungry after all. And we kept on refilling our glasses with more coke and just ate and ate, not even minding the waitress and the chef’s looks on us. Eating with Yerim was like eating with my five friends! She just kept on shoving more pizza in , not like I wasn’t doing the exact same thing but come on, I’m a guy and she’s a girl that eats like a pig!


After 5 huge pizzas and finishing up my third refill of coke, I already gave up. I then stared at Yerim, who was eating the last crust of pizza left on the plate. Damn, she ate more pizzas than I did.


She sat back and let out a happy sigh before burping. “That was so good!”


“Jeez are you even a real girl, Yerim?”


She rolled her eyes. “Think what you want. I don’t care.”


“You eat like a freaking pig-“


“Says the guy who eats like one too!”


“-and you’re still so skinny?” I asked her.


She huffed and crossed her arms. “Well you’re skinny too!”


I looked down at my own body then back at her and shrugged. “I’ve always been like this.”


She smiled at me, taking a sip of her coke. “Me too!”


And then we sat in silence.

Looking out the window, I saw a man lighting a cigarette before taking off in his motorcycle. Then I looked around the restaurant and smirked when I saw the huge glass pitcher filled with coke. “Hey Yerim.”




“Do you smoke?”


She made a face at what I said. “Never tried, why?”




I stood up and grabbed the pitcher and placed it on our table. “Wanna play ‘bottoms up’?”


“With coke? Oh well, sure!” A huge smile formed on her lips.


“Okay, so whoever finishes a glass of coke first must place the glass down on the table.”


“Yeah, yeah I know.”


“And then…” I started filling our glasses with coke. “If I win, we’ll both try out smoking.”


“WHAT?!” She screamed, earning looks from the waitress and chef again. “I don’t wanna! Aish!”


I ran a hand through my hair. “Just for experience! Come on, have some fun! We’re only doing it once.”


She sighed and leaned back on her chair again. “Fine. Just for experience. And if I win, we’re not doing it anymore.”


I shrugged. “Okay.”






And so here I am right now, laughing my evil laugh while carrying a pack of cigarettes in my hand which I bought from a nearby store, and coming into the restaurant again.


“Yah, Yerim get up! Let’s do it at the back of this restaurant.”


She grunted before getting up and heading outside.


Apparently I won the game. I’m just really good at playing bottoms up. And it’s all thanks to my friends having all those years of practice together with them.


We stood face to face outside, at the back of the restaurant which was an empty lot. Just as I was getting two cigarette sticks from the pack, I noticed her eyes on me. I looked at her and gave her a questioning look, and all she did was look the other way with a faint blush on her cheeks.





Yerim nodded and watched as I lit our sticks with a lighter, forming an ‘o’ shape which made me chuckle.


“I’m just so curious as to why people like to smoke so much.” I said.


She shrugged, still looking at the stick in between her index and middle finger. “And so we’re about to find out now.”


At the same time, we both popped the cancer stick in our mouth and took a long drag. And…well it didn’t really take too long before we took out the cigarette from our mouths and we both coughed hard and then laughed our heads off.


Yerim dropped the stick on the ground and stepped on it. “Well that sure wasn’t very good. Ugh.”


I chuckled before taking another long drag off my cigarette. Then in the end, I coughed yet again and dropped it on the ground, doing the same thing Yerim did.


“And I still don’t understand what’s so good about it.” I said as I sat down on the dirty ground, with my back against the wall of the restaurant.  


“I know right? Oh well at least we had our first experience.” She then took a seat next to me and placed a leg over her other one, while I did the same too.


She took a look at her wristwatch before yawning. “We already missed one period. No need to go back in school.”


I chuckled, placing my hands on my tummy. “I wasn’t even planning on going back.”


“I had fun today, thanks Taemin.”


And before I knew it, her head was already on my shoulder with her eyes closed. I smiled at the sight.


“Sleeping already?” I whispered.


She looked so peaceful…she must be really tired. I leaned my head back against the wall and looked at our school. We were probably missing some important stuff we really need to learn, but right now I really don’t care about that.


This is really the kind of moments where it’s really just quiet and peaceful around you after having so much fun with someone, moments that are so perfect that you just want it to never end. I looked at Yerim’s pale face, her closed lids and those thick, dark lashes of hers, then down to her cherry thin lips. She looked really beautiful, just like when I first met her.


I then snapped out of my thoughts as I noticed myself smiling.


I sighed. What the hell am I even doing?

Aish, do I really have to keep reminding myself that I already have a girlfriend that I really, really love?


Aw, what is wrong with me…

Hi everyone! Err... belated Merry Christmas? XD

SO how are you guys? Here's a new chapter!!!

cute, right??? :">

I hope everyone likes it. >.<

Please don't forget to comment. Comments make me happy ;__;


anyway, REPLIES!!! 

airhead98 : i know right? he's so stupid... xD

Taeminnn : haha! thank you very much <3

pokedeyes : Lol! I just like ur username! so cute >u< Enjoy reading :* Here's a new chaptarr!

prince : well let's just see what happens... ;) and thanks so much for the lovely comment! :D

Smilee : He's a stupid boy in love~ what can ya do? XD





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dm_robot #1
Chapter 19: This is sooooooo perfect like PERFECT xD
sharmikimkey #2
Chapter 19: This story is Sooooo awie <3
U rock author
Chapter 19: But Taemin-ahhh ur leaving soon to London :(
Taeminniezforever #4
Chapter 19: Sweet! ^^
Will be looking forward to the next chapter!
schwarz #5
Chapter 19: You updated!!!! Can't remember when is the last time I read the latest update.
And yeah, they're together now! *throws confetti*
Thanks for updating :D
I'll be waiting for the next chapter.
Chapter 19: I love this Fanfic!!!!!! Aaaaah,its so cuuute <3 can't wait for next chapter! <3
Chapter 19: #SUPERFANGIRLMODEON! KYAAAAAAAAA OMG OMG OMG (sorry for the caps lock, it is needed) the chaptes are so cuteeee TT-TT thank you for updating authornim!!
Chapter 17: I don't want to be selfish and force you to continue writting, but I believe and know that many had come to like and love you story. Believe me, I've re-read what you write so far for many times. I would really appriciate it if you continues.

Don't take it under stress, just wrute when you really want to. I hope you're life will get better to :)
krinkle_shawol #9
Chapter 17: I`m with the others, you should really continue your fic. Its really amazing ;)) Goodluck with your problems. FIGHTING!