chapter 1

Friendship Or Love?



"Give me that!" I shouted to Soo Jin at the same time I forcefully snatched the little blue rag doll she was holding. Seeing how precious the doll to her gives me the urge to get it. You see, Soo Jin has always been the pretty one. All the kids in our area adored her for being sweet and kind. While I, on the other hand, was always left out. They were my friends, yes. But once Soo Jin came, I was out of the picture. I always envy her for being loved by many.

“Give it back! That’s mine! My umma gave that to me!” Did I mention that her Umma is now up there? In heaven? Don’t get me wrong. It’s not like I’m happy that her Umma died. It’s just that I felt that for once, I beat her on something. Her Umma is gone and her Appa is always gone to work leaving little Soo Jin alone with only her rag doll to accompany her.

“Why will I give it back? I like it so it’s mine!” I said to her then pushed her hard causing her to slump on the ground. I want to possess the most precious thing to her to make up for all the things she took away from me, unconsciously or not.

“I hate you!” She answered back at me with anger-filled eyes. Her tears now flowing continuously to her cheeks. She then stood up and ran towards their house.

“Min Jin, what happened to Soo Jin?” My aunt said as she approached me.

“Nothing. I just get what I want.” I arrogantly answered back at her. I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Aigoo. Min Jin-ah, you shouldn’t do that. That’s Soo Jin’s doll, right?” the older woman said then carried Min Jin to sit on her lap. “Don’t you know that friends are the most precious thing one can have for they will forever be there for you through thick and thin. ”

“What do you mean auntie?” I asked her, hearing what she say makes me confused.

“Uhmmm, how do I explain this?” She said while tapping her chin with her finger. “You want to hear a story?”

I nodded at her, hoping that it would clear my confusion away. I want to play already but hearing my aunt’s voice makes me stay.

“Alright, here’s how it goes. Once there were two best friends, named Victoria and Dara…”



Have you ever felt the strong feeling of wanting to be with someone so bad that you will do everything to make it happen? Spending every single day with her filled with joy and laughter for just seeing her makes you feel contented and satisfied? And also, loving that same person in the most platonic way possible?


If you will ask me, I would definitely say yes immediately. For that’s exactly the same way I felt towards Victoria, my best friend. She’s so precious to me that if there is more important thing than life itself, it would probably be her. You see, she’s the only person who accepted me whole when even my own parents cannot do that. Victoria makes me feel loved effortlessly for just by being with her, is enough for me. She was my hero, my saviour, my best friend. Most especially she’s my sister, blood related or not.


I can’t really remember when it all started. But I can still picture the events of how we met as if it just happened yesterday. As usual, I was seated alone when she approached me and introduced herself. I was really hesitant at first for I don’t usually talk to people. But then, she smiled at me wholeheartedly which filled my entire being the warmth and love I long seek for. Looking at her that moment makes me think that life is not all about sadness and being alone like I always thought. That someday, I can also smile like the one she gave me and produce the same effect on others. Because of those reasons alone, I accepted her hand and as they say, the rest was history.


Being Victoria’s friend wasn’t all sweet. There are times when I have to be strong enough against the people who can’t accept me as her friend. They would mock me and say things that normal people cannot handle. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying I’m not normal. It’s just that I don’t really care for having Victoria beside me makes me complete. But even if that’s the case, I can’t really blame them. If there is one word to describe her and me, the word “opposite” would fit. She was the sun while I’m the moon. She’s summer and I’m the rain. Like them, we’re so opposite but when working together do they perform harmony. So much like the lesson of YIN and YANG. So different yet one can’t function when one is gone. At least for me she is. For she was my sun who gives me hope, my summer when the rain of sadness wash over me.


I thought having Victoria is the greatest feeling I will ever experience. But I thought wrong. I met him. His name is Nichkhun. I can still remember how handsome he looks the first time I saw him. His eyes look at me like he can read my very soul. Just looking at those thin lips of him makes me nervous for they looked like promising a thousand words. I don’t know I’m capable of feeling this way. I’m in love! At last!


Feeling this strong emotion inside of me makes me think of the most precious person in my life. I wanted to run to Victoria and share with her the emotions that makes me feel giddy inside. I thought everything was going to be perfect. I have my best friend whom I love so much and a man I always dreamt of. I already thought I would be complete. Not until that day came….


It was one afternoon when my best friend called me and said that she wants me to meet her boyfriend. I was happy for her though jealously pass over me. Thinking that her time with me would be lessened makes me feel sad. But I knot I can’t be selfish for her happiness comes first. Added the fact that I now met Nichkhun.


With him still on my mind, I entered the place where Victoria is waiting for me. And there he is. The man who occupied my dreams. I know I said a while ago that I should feel happy but tears started to roll down my cheeks as I look at him beside my best friend, his arms around her shoulder while whispering something to her ear. I was truly devastated that I thought I saw the whole world crash down upon me. My heart beats painfully inside my chest that I felt like it’s slowly breaking into pieces. I run outside as fast as I could and never turned back since then.


Days, Months and Years have passed and I was back to my grumpy old self. I ignored every attempt she made to contact me. I felt betrayed even if it’s not her fault if the man I love loves her. I know that what I’m doing is causing us apart. But what can I do? I can’t pretend that I’m okay when in fact I want to snatch him away. The envy that I always thought I won’t feel towards my best friend had struck me. Maybe it’s always been there and now it pours continuously like the rain.


I want to cry and beg her to give Nichkhun to me. That’s how desperate I was. I wanted to tell her that I will do everything just to have him. But all I could do was to cry myself to sleep, hoping that someday, everything would be back to how I want them to. I slept that night with my entire being filled with envy and jealousy towards the person who I thought was my sun…….



Yay!! I think I would be doing this a two shot. It’s quite long and I have a lot of ideas I want to include. So maybe I’ll update the next chapter soon..


And if you are the first reader, can you please do me a favour and comment? And also to the succeeding readers. Comments won’t take much of your time. Thank you so much in advance!!


--tonichua :))

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serendipity- #1
nice plot! Something unique. Still tackles love but towards a friend! :) Jiyong is funny.
serendipity- #2
nice plot! Something unique. Still tackles love but towards a friend! :) Jiyong is funny.
daemone #3
wooooww just read your story... And it makes me crazzzy..... I don't really like one shot story (toooooo short kekeke) but then your this story covers every emotion you feel for your friend and mate....

Your the best......
sweety_toni #4
hahah.. soooooooooo touchyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..<br />
<br />
hehehehe..<br />
<br />
and love this chapter....<br />
update more plsssssssssssssssssssssss.......<br />
cassienovah #5
hahaha super nice!!
ssantokki_kwon08 #6
haha. cute story. :)<br />
so nice... jiyongie is so funny... :))
Update soon unnie k?
tonichua #9
@Doong-doong: worry not for i both love daragon and khuntoria. No partner switching. *winks*
Doong-doong #10
It is khuntoria love story right ? :p just a biiiiiiiit worry - I am khuntorian so no darakhun afterall right ? He4x .... Update soon ...,