The Blind Date

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The same waiter that escorted him was coming up again, but he couldn't get a clear view of the person behind him. But when she was finally in his view, the only thing he could say was "OMO!"


He took a step to the side to allow her to pass, and when she looked to see who was sitting at the table, the only thing she could say was "OMO!"


As the waiter walked back downstairs after escorting Taeyeon, the pair continued to stare at each other for a moment, not believing that the other was actually their blind date for the night. Both were beyond surprised. 

After what seemed like a long time, Taeyang took the initiative and, letting out a small cough, stood up from his seat and bowed while introducing himself to her. 

"Annyounghaseyo, BIGBANG's Taeyang immida," he said while giving his eye smile and bowing a full ninety degrees. He was beyond nervous, and being in front of SNSD's leader made him even more so. 

Seeming to get out of her trance when he introduced herself, she blinked twice before replying "A-Annyounghaseyo, So Nyeo Shi Dae's Taeyeon immida," also bowing low to her sunbae. 

"Um... Please, have a seat," Taeyang told her as he went behind her chair to pull it out, waiting for her to approach the table. 

Hesitantly, Taeyeon walked towards the table, still trying to hide her blushing face. Apparently she was a big fan of BIGBANG. However, in her embarassed state, her feet got tangled up and caused her to trip over herself. With cat-like reflexes, however, Taeyang was able to catch her around the waist before she was able to impact on the ground. 

As she was falling, she had closed her eyes, waiting for the impact of the ground. However, it never came. 

"Gwaenchanayo?" Looking up at the voice, she finally realised how close she was to him.  She was leaning into his chest as he had his arms around her waist. Turning an even brighter shade of red than she already was, she hastily stood up straight and nodded her head. 

"Ne, Ne" she said, looking anywhere but at the man in front of her, afraid that she might just embarass herself even more. Hearing a chuckle from him, she looked up to find him giving her his eye smile. 

"There's no need to be embarrassed. Things like this could happen to anyone. Please have a seat," he smiled at her. He found her clumsiness to be incredibly cute. Normally, he would be shy and struggle to even communicate to women that he was unfamiliar with, but seeing her facing the same predicament as him, he felt like he needed to take the lead and make her feel comfortable around him. He had really taken his friends word to heart. 

She nodded her head and moved into her seat as he pushed the chair in for her. He moved into his seat across from her, still smiling at her. 

She stole a glance at him and saw his eye smile. She immediately let out an involuntary squeal, quickly covering her red face with her hands. Taeyang swore he couldn't get the smile off his face. It seemed like everything she did was cute. And they had barely even exchanged words.

"So am I going to be conversing with the back of your hands for the rest of the night?" he asked in a playful tone as he let out a laugh as well. 

Taeyeon seemed to be even more embarrassed as she kept her hands over her face and shook her head. 

Feeling slighty bad for teasing her, Taeyang immediately stopped laughing at her shyness. "Come on. I don't bite," he said as he reached across the table and gently pulled her hands away from her face, exposing her blushing face. 

He smiled at her, trying to put her at ease and make her feel more comfortable around him. 

"How come you're so shy in front of me, Taeyeon-shi? It's not like this is the first time we've met each other," he said in a gentle tone, as he removed his hands from her own. 

"N-Ne, but it's the first time we're meeting where it's j-just the two of us," she replied, unable to stop herself from stuttering her words. This seemed to make her even more embarrassed as she look down at her hands. 

"Ah... Majayo. But when i visited you're radio program with Kangin-sunbaenim a few years, you seemed so at ease then. I hope you'll be able to feel that comfortable now as you were then," he said with a genuine smile directed towards her. 

They then heard the sound of footsteps walking up the stairs as their waiter approached them. He quickly placed their menus in front of them and told them the specials for the night. After placing the orders for their drinks, the two browsed the menu and decided on the BBQ setting. 

Once they had their drinks and placed their order with the waiter, they fell into an awkward silence. Neither knew what to say to the other as they did everything they could to avoid each others eyes. 

"This is quite awkward isn't it?" Taeyang said as he laughed nervously while smiling and scratching the back of his neck. 

Taeyeon couldn't help but laugh along with him and nod her head in agreement. She couldn't stop herself from looking at his eye smile. Even though she had seen it multiple times in broadcasts and shows that BIGBANG had appeared in, seeing it only a few feet from her made her feel butterflies in her stomach. 

"So how is it you know Ji Hye noona?" Taeyang asked, trying to get Taeyeon to speak. Up to this point, she had mostly answered his questions by nodding or shaking her head. He was trying to make her more comfortable in his presence, since this was technically considered a date.

"Well, when we were trainees getting ready for our debut, Ji Hye unnie and a few other senior members of CRAZY helped us train," she explained.

"Ah... Chinchayo?"

"Ne... How do you know Ji Hye unnie, Taeyang sunbaenim?" she asked.

Taeyang just smiled when he heard her call him sunbaenim. "Before I answer your question, maybe we should drop the formalities? Technically, this is supposed to be a blind date so calling me sunbaenim is a bit strange don't you think?" he said, unable to wipe the smile on his face. 

Taeyeon seemed to be embarssaed by this as she looked down, however she was smiling and nodding her head as well. 

"To answer your question, Ji Hye noona and CRAZY have worked with YG for some time so we've known each other for quite some time," he explained to her. 

As if suddenly eletrocuted, Taeyeon suddenly looked up, startling Taeyang. She had thought back to the way Yuri had described her blind date, saying that he was someone that was down in the dump, experience some kind of sadness or something. She couldn't remember properly. But looking at BIGBANG's Taeyang in front of her, she wasn't sure if Yuri had been right. 

She wanted to ask Taeyang about it but was hestitant to ask her sunbae something that maybe be a bit personal. 

Taeyang, seeing Taeyeon having some sort of mental debate in her head, reached across the table and gentle held her hand. He didn't know where he got the courage from. He had never done anything like this before, but it seemed like the right thing to do in the moment. 

Taeyeon, startled by the sudden physical contact, looked up from their connecting hands into Taeyang's eyes with the questioning look.

"Just ask whatever it is that you want to ask. I can see that you want to ask me a question but you keep hesitating. Just ask me comfortably. I won't take anything to heart," he said with a gentle smile that caused her to smile back.

After seeing her smile back, he released his hand from hers and sat back in

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IamTheMarsian #1
I don't know why I'm commenting here but
lannasong #2
Chapter 1: I loved it! Can't wait for the next chapter!
taeyangtiffany123 #3
Chapter 14: Please update lots on your taeyang-chorong fic too !!
tomahh #4
Chapter 12: please update!!!! :D
Chapter 12: next chap pls :D
Checkmate92 #6
Chapter 12: update update update =) please
minhnam #7
plz update soon :D
Bumella #8
Chapter 12: thx for the update... ahh so sweet of them.. haha the memebrs are funny
hailey7349 #9
Chapter 12: Yay an update. Thank you
Checkmate92 #10
Chapter 11: Thx for the update XD